use strict; use warnings; use File::Temp (); use Test::TCP; use Test::More tests => 28; use Server::Starter qw(start_server); $SIG{PIPE} = sub {}; my $tempdir = File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); for my $signal_on_hup ('TERM', 'USR1') { test_tcp( server => sub { my $port = shift; start_server( port => $port, exec => [ $^X, qw(t/, "$tempdir/signame", ], status_file => "$tempdir/status", enable_auto_restart => 1, auto_restart_interval => 6, kill_old_delay => 2, ($signal_on_hup ne 'TERM' ? (signal_on_hup => $signal_on_hup) : ()), ); }, client => sub { my ($port, $server_pid) = @_; my $buf; #sleep 1; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => "$port", Proto => 'tcp', ); ok($sock, 'connect'); # check response and get pid is($sock->syswrite("hello"), 5, 'write'); ok($sock->sysread($buf, 1048576), 'read'); undef $sock; like($buf, qr/^\d+:hello$/, 'read'); $buf =~ /^(\d+):/; my $worker_pid = $1; # switch to next gen sleep 2; my $status = get_status(); like(get_status(), qr/^1:\d+\n$/s, 'status before auto-restart'); sleep 7; # new worker spawn at 7 (since start, interval(1) + auto_restart_interval(6)), status updated at 8 (7 + interval(1)), old dies at 11 (8 + kill_old_delay(2) + sleep(1) in the child source code) like(get_status(), qr/^1:\d+\n2:\d+$/s, 'status during transient state'); sleep 3; like(get_status(), qr/^2:\d+\n$/s, 'status after auto-restart'); is( do { open my $fh, '<', "$tempdir/signame" or die $!; <$fh>; }, $signal_on_hup, 'signal sent on hup', ); $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => "$port", Proto => 'tcp', ); ok($sock, 'reconnect'); is($sock->syswrite("hello"), 5, 'write after switching'); ok($sock->sysread($buf, 1048576), 'read after switching'); like($buf, qr/^\d+:hello$/, 'read after swiching (format)'); isnt($buf, "$worker_pid:hello", 'pid should have changed'); }, ); ok ! -e "$tempdir/status", 'no more status file'; } sub get_status { open my $fh, '<', "$tempdir/status" or die "failed to open file:$tempdir/status:$!"; do { undef $/; <$fh> }; }