[Unit] Description=Real time performance monitoring After=network.target httpd.service squid.service nfs-server.service mysqld.service mysql.service named.service postfix.service chronyd.service [Service] Type=simple User=netdata Group=netdata RuntimeDirectory=netdata RuntimeDirectoryMode=0775 ExecStart=@sbindir_POST@/netdata -P /run/netdata/netdata.pid -D # saving a big db on slow disks may need some time TimeoutStopSec=60 # restart netdata if it crashes Restart=on-failure RestartSec=30 # The minimum netdata Out-Of-Memory (OOM) score. # netdata (via [global].OOM score in netdata.conf) can only increase the value set here. # To decrease it, set the minimum here and set the same or a higher value in netdata.conf. # Valid values: -1000 (never kill netdata) to 1000 (always kill netdata). #OOMScoreAdjust=0 # By default netdata switches to scheduling policy idle, which makes it use CPU, only # when there is spare available. # Valid policies: other (the system default) | batch | idle | fifo | rr #CPUSchedulingPolicy=other # This sets the maximum scheduling priority netdata can set (for policies: rr and fifo). # netdata (via [global].process scheduling priority in netdata.conf) can only lower this value. # Priority gets values 1 (lowest) to 99 (highest). #CPUSchedulingPriority=1 # For scheduling policy 'other' and 'batch', this sets the lowest niceness of netdata. # netdata (via [global].process nice level in netdata.conf) can only increase the value set here. #Nice=0 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target