#!/bin/bash # set the host to connect to if [ ! -z "$1" ] then host="$1" else host="" fi echo "using netdata server at: $host" charts=($(curl "$host/netdata.conf" 2>/dev/null | grep "^\[" | cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d ']' -f 1 | grep -v ^global$ | grep -v "^plugin" | sort -u)) if [ "${#charts[@]}" -eq 0 ] then echo "Cannot download charts from server: $host" exit 1 fi update_every="$(curl "$host/netdata.conf" 2>/dev/null | grep "update every = " | head -n 1 | cut -d '=' -f 2)" [ $[ update_every + 1 - 1] -eq 0 ] && update_every=1 entries="$(curl "$host/netdata.conf" 2>/dev/null | grep "history = " | head -n 1 | cut -d '=' -f 2)" [ $[ entries + 1 - 1] -eq 0 ] && entries=3600 # to compare equal things, set the entries to 3600 max [ $entries -gt 3600 ] && entries=3600 if [ $entries -ne 3600 ] then echo >&2 "You are running a test for a history of $entries entries." fi modes=("average" "max") formats=("jsonp" "json" "ssv" "csv" "datatable" "datasource" "tsv" "ssvcomma" "html" "array") options="flip|jsonwrap" now=$(date +%s) first=$[now - (entries * update_every)] duration=$[now - first] file="$(mktemp /tmp/netdata-stress-XXXXXXXX)" cleanup() { echo "cleanup" [ -f $file ] && rm $file } trap cleanup EXIT while [ 1 = 1 ] do echo "curl --compressed --keepalive-time 120 --header \"Connection: keep-alive\" \\" >$file for x in {1..100} do dt=$[RANDOM * duration / 32767] st=$[RANDOM * duration / 32767] et=$[ st + dt ] [ $et -gt $now ] && st=$[ now - dt ] points=$[RANDOM * 2000 / 32767 + 2] st=$[first + st] et=$[first + et] mode=$[RANDOM * ${#modes[@]} / 32767] mode="${modes[$mode]}" chart=$[RANDOM * ${#charts[@]} / 32767] chart="${charts[$chart]}" format=$[RANDOM * ${#formats[@]} / 32767] format="${formats[$format]}" echo "--url \"$host/api/v1/data?chart=$chart&mode=$mode&format=$format&options=$options&after=$st&before=$et&points=$points\" \\" done >>$file bash $file >/dev/null done