// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "charts2json.h" // generate JSON for the /api/v1/charts API call const char* get_release_channel() { static int use_stable = -1; if (use_stable == -1) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/.environment", netdata_configured_user_config_dir); procfile *ff = procfile_open(filename, "=", PROCFILE_FLAG_DEFAULT); if(!ff) { use_stable=1; } else { procfile_set_quotes(ff, "'\""); ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(!ff) { use_stable=1; } else { unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < procfile_lines(ff); i++) { if (!procfile_linewords(ff, i)) continue; if (!strcmp(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 0), "RELEASE_CHANNEL") && !strcmp(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), "stable")) { use_stable = 1; break; } } procfile_close(ff); if (use_stable == -1) use_stable = 0; } } } return (use_stable)?"stable":"nightly"; } void charts2json(RRDHOST *host, BUFFER *wb, int skip_volatile, int show_archived) { static char *custom_dashboard_info_js_filename = NULL; size_t c, dimensions = 0, memory = 0, alarms = 0; RRDSET *st; time_t now = now_realtime_sec(); if(unlikely(!custom_dashboard_info_js_filename)) custom_dashboard_info_js_filename = config_get(CONFIG_SECTION_WEB, "custom dashboard_info.js", ""); buffer_sprintf(wb, "{\n" "\t\"hostname\": \"%s\"" ",\n\t\"version\": \"%s\"" ",\n\t\"release_channel\": \"%s\"" ",\n\t\"os\": \"%s\"" ",\n\t\"timezone\": \"%s\"" ",\n\t\"update_every\": %d" ",\n\t\"history\": %ld" ",\n\t\"memory_mode\": \"%s\"" ",\n\t\"custom_info\": \"%s\"" ",\n\t\"charts\": {" , host->hostname , host->program_version , get_release_channel() , host->os , host->timezone , host->rrd_update_every , host->rrd_history_entries , rrd_memory_mode_name(host->rrd_memory_mode) , custom_dashboard_info_js_filename ); c = 0; rrdhost_rdlock(host); rrdset_foreach_read(st, host) { if ((!show_archived && rrdset_is_available_for_viewers(st)) || (show_archived && rrdset_is_archived(st))) { if(c) buffer_strcat(wb, ","); buffer_strcat(wb, "\n\t\t\""); buffer_strcat(wb, st->id); buffer_strcat(wb, "\": "); rrdset2json(st, wb, &dimensions, &memory, skip_volatile); c++; st->last_accessed_time = now; } } RRDCALC *rc; for(rc = host->alarms; rc ; rc = rc->next) { if(rc->rrdset) alarms++; } rrdhost_unlock(host); buffer_sprintf(wb , "\n\t}" ",\n\t\"charts_count\": %zu" ",\n\t\"dimensions_count\": %zu" ",\n\t\"alarms_count\": %zu" ",\n\t\"rrd_memory_bytes\": %zu" ",\n\t\"hosts_count\": %zu" ",\n\t\"hosts\": [" , c , dimensions , alarms , memory , rrd_hosts_available ); if(unlikely(rrd_hosts_available > 1)) { rrd_rdlock(); size_t found = 0; RRDHOST *h; rrdhost_foreach_read(h) { if(!rrdhost_should_be_removed(h, host, now) && !rrdhost_flag_check(h, RRDHOST_FLAG_ARCHIVED)) { buffer_sprintf(wb , "%s\n\t\t{" "\n\t\t\t\"hostname\": \"%s\"" "\n\t\t}" , (found > 0) ? "," : "" , h->hostname ); found++; } } rrd_unlock(); } else { buffer_sprintf(wb , "\n\t\t{" "\n\t\t\t\"hostname\": \"%s\"" "\n\t\t}" , host->hostname ); } buffer_sprintf(wb, "\n\t]\n}\n"); } // generate collectors list for the api/v1/info call struct collector { char *plugin; char *module; }; struct array_printer { int c; BUFFER *wb; }; int print_collector(void *entry, void *data) { struct array_printer *ap = (struct array_printer *)data; BUFFER *wb = ap->wb; struct collector *col=(struct collector *) entry; if(ap->c) buffer_strcat(wb, ","); buffer_strcat(wb, "\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"plugin\": \""); buffer_strcat(wb, col->plugin); buffer_strcat(wb, "\",\n\t\t\t\"module\": \""); buffer_strcat(wb, col->module); buffer_strcat(wb, "\"\n\t\t}"); (ap->c)++; return 0; } void chartcollectors2json(RRDHOST *host, BUFFER *wb) { DICTIONARY *dict = dictionary_create(DICTIONARY_FLAG_SINGLE_THREADED); RRDSET *st; char name[500]; time_t now = now_realtime_sec(); rrdhost_rdlock(host); rrdset_foreach_read(st, host) { if (rrdset_is_available_for_viewers(st)) { struct collector col = { .plugin = st->plugin_name ? st->plugin_name : "", .module = st->module_name ? st->module_name : "" }; sprintf(name, "%s:%s", col.plugin, col.module); dictionary_set(dict, name, &col, sizeof(struct collector)); st->last_accessed_time = now; } } rrdhost_unlock(host); struct array_printer ap = { .c = 0, .wb = wb }; dictionary_get_all(dict, print_collector, &ap); dictionary_destroy(dict); }