# SSV formatter The SSV formatter sums all dimensions in [results of database queries](../../queries) to a single value and returns a list of such values showing how it changes through time. It supports the following formats: format|content type|description :---:|:---:|:----- `ssv`|text/plain|a space separated list of values `ssvcomma`|text/plain|a comma separated list of values `array`|application/json|a JSON array The CSV formatter respects the following API `&options=`: option|supported|description :---:|:---:|:--- `nonzero`|yes|to return only the dimensions that have at least a non-zero value `flip`|yes|to return the numbers older to newer (the default is newer to older) `percent`|yes|to replace all values with their percentage over the row total `abs`|yes|to turn all values positive, before using them `min2max`|yes|to return the delta from the minimum value to the maximum value (across dimensions) ## Examples Get the average system CPU utilization of the last hour, in 6 values (one every 10 minutes): ```bash # curl -Ss 'https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v1/data?chart=system.cpu&format=ssv&after=-3600&points=6&group=average' 1.741352 1.6800467 1.769411 1.6761112 1.629862 1.6807968 ``` --- Get the total mysql bandwidth (in + out) for the last hour, in 6 values (one every 10 minutes): Netdata returns bandwidth in `kilobits`. ```bash # curl -Ss 'https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v1/data?chart=mysql_local.net&format=ssvcomma&after=-3600&points=6&group=sum&options=abs' 72618.7936215,72618.778889,72618.788084,72618.9195918,72618.7760612,72618.6712421 ``` --- Get the web server max connections for the last hour, in 12 values (one every 5 minutes) in a JSON array: ```bash # curl -Ss 'https://registry.my-netdata.io/api/v1/data?chart=nginx_local.connections&format=array&after=-3600&points=12&group=max' [278,258,268,239,259,260,243,266,278,318,264,258] ```