// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "libnetdata/libnetdata.h" #include "libnetdata/required_dummies.h" #include "database/rrd.h" #include "web/server/web_client.h" #include #include #include void free_temporary_host(RRDHOST *host) { (void) host; } void *__wrap_free_temporary_host(RRDHOST *host) { (void) host; return NULL; } RRDHOST *sql_create_host_by_uuid(char *hostname) { (void) hostname; return NULL; } RRDHOST *__wrap_sql_create_host_by_uuid(char *hostname) { (void) hostname; return NULL; } void repr(char *result, int result_size, char const *buf, int size) { int n; char *end = result + result_size - 1; unsigned char const *ubuf = (unsigned char const *)buf; while (size && result_size > 0) { if (*ubuf <= 0x20 || *ubuf >= 0x80) { n = snprintf(result, result_size, "\\%02X", *ubuf); } else { *result = *ubuf; n = 1; } result += n; result_size -= n; ubuf++; size--; } if (result_size > 0) *(result++) = 0; else *end = 0; } // ---------------------------------- Mocking accesses from web_client ------------------------------------------------ ssize_t send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags) { info("Mocking send: %zu bytes\n", len); (void)sockfd; (void)buf; (void)flags; return len; } RRDHOST *__wrap_rrdhost_find_by_hostname(const char *hostname, uint32_t hash) { (void)hostname; (void)hash; return NULL; } /* Note: we've got some intricate code inside the global statistics module, might be useful to pull it inside the test set instead of mocking it. */ void __wrap_finished_web_request_statistics( uint64_t dt, uint64_t bytes_received, uint64_t bytes_sent, uint64_t content_size, uint64_t compressed_content_size) { (void)dt; (void)bytes_received; (void)bytes_sent; (void)content_size; (void)compressed_content_size; } char *__wrap_config_get(struct config *root, const char *section, const char *name, const char *default_value) { (void)root; (void)section; (void)name; (void)default_value; return "UNKNOWN FIX ME"; } int __wrap_web_client_api_request_v1(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url) { char url_repr[160]; repr(url_repr, sizeof(url_repr), url, strlen(url)); info("web_client_api_request_v1(url=\"%s\")\n", url_repr); check_expected_ptr(host); check_expected_ptr(w); check_expected_ptr(url_repr); return HTTP_RESP_OK; } int __wrap_rrdpush_receiver_thread_spawn(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url) { (void)host; (void)w; (void)url; return 0; } RRDHOST *__wrap_rrdhost_find_by_guid(const char *guid, uint32_t hash) { (void)guid; (void)hash; printf("FIXME: rrdset_find_guid\n"); return NULL; } RRDSET *__wrap_rrdset_find_byname(RRDHOST *host, const char *name) { (void)host; (void)name; printf("FIXME: rrdset_find_byname\n"); return NULL; } RRDSET *__wrap_rrdset_find(RRDHOST *host, const char *id) { (void)host; (void)id; printf("FIXME: rrdset_find\n"); return NULL; } // -------------------------------- Mocking the log - capture per-test ------------------------------------------------ char log_buffer[10240] = { 0 }; void __wrap_debug_int(const char *file, const char *function, const unsigned long line, const char *fmt, ...) { (void)file; (void)function; (void)line; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); size_t cur = strlen(log_buffer); snprintf(log_buffer + cur, sizeof(log_buffer) - cur, " DEBUG: "); cur = strlen(log_buffer); vsnprintf(log_buffer + cur, sizeof(log_buffer) - cur, fmt, args); cur = strlen(log_buffer); snprintf(log_buffer + cur, sizeof(log_buffer) - cur, "\n"); va_end(args); } void __wrap_info_int(const char *file, const char *function, const unsigned long line, const char *fmt, ...) { (void)file; (void)function; (void)line; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); size_t cur = strlen(log_buffer); snprintf(log_buffer + cur, sizeof(log_buffer) - cur, " INFO: "); cur = strlen(log_buffer); vsnprintf(log_buffer + cur, sizeof(log_buffer) - cur, fmt, args); cur = strlen(log_buffer); snprintf(log_buffer + cur, sizeof(log_buffer) - cur, "\n"); va_end(args); } void __wrap_error_int( const char *prefix, const char *file, const char *function, const unsigned long line, const char *fmt, ...) { (void)prefix; (void)file; (void)function; (void)line; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); size_t cur = strlen(log_buffer); snprintf(log_buffer + cur, sizeof(log_buffer) - cur, " ERROR: "); cur = strlen(log_buffer); vsnprintf(log_buffer + cur, sizeof(log_buffer) - cur, fmt, args); cur = strlen(log_buffer); snprintf(log_buffer + cur, sizeof(log_buffer) - cur, "\n"); va_end(args); } void __wrap_fatal_int(const char *file, const char *function, const unsigned long line, const char *fmt, ...) { (void)file; (void)function; (void)line; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); printf("FATAL: "); vprintf(fmt, args); printf("\n"); va_end(args); fail(); } WEB_SERVER_MODE web_server_mode = WEB_SERVER_MODE_STATIC_THREADED; char *netdata_configured_web_dir = "UNKNOWN FIXME"; RRDHOST *localhost = NULL; struct config netdata_config = { .first_section = NULL, .last_section = NULL, .mutex = NETDATA_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, .index = { .avl_tree = { .root = NULL, .compar = appconfig_section_compare }, .rwlock = AVL_LOCK_INITIALIZER } }; const char *http_headers[] = { "Host:", "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_" // No , "0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.70 Safari/537.36", "Connection: keep-alive", "X-Forwarded-For:", "Cookie: _ga=GA1.1.1227576758.1571113676; _gid=GA1.2.1222321739.1573628979", "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest", "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate", "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store" }; #define MAX_HEADERS (sizeof(http_headers) / (sizeof(const char *))) static void build_request(struct web_buffer *wb, const char *url, bool use_cr, size_t num_headers) { buffer_reset(wb); buffer_strcat(wb, "GET "); buffer_strcat(wb, url); buffer_strcat(wb, " HTTP/1.1"); if (use_cr) buffer_strcat(wb, "\r"); buffer_strcat(wb, "\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_headers && i < MAX_HEADERS; i++) { buffer_strcat(wb, http_headers[i]); if (use_cr) buffer_strcat(wb, "\r"); buffer_strcat(wb, "\n"); } if (use_cr) buffer_strcat(wb, "\r"); buffer_strcat(wb, "\n"); } /* Note: this is not a CMocka group_test_setup/teardown pair. This is performed per-test. */ static struct web_client *setup_fresh_web_client() { struct web_client *w = (struct web_client *)malloc(sizeof(struct web_client)); memset(w, 0, sizeof(struct web_client)); w->response.data = buffer_create(NETDATA_WEB_RESPONSE_INITIAL_SIZE); w->response.data->date = 0; // Valgrind uninitialised value w->response.data->expires = 0; // Valgrind uninitialised value w->response.data->options = 0; // Valgrind uninitialised value w->response.header = buffer_create(NETDATA_WEB_RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE); w->response.header_output = buffer_create(NETDATA_WEB_RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE); strcpy(w->origin, "*"); // Simulate web_client_create_on_fd() w->cookie1[0] = 0; // Simulate web_client_create_on_fd() w->cookie2[0] = 0; // Simulate web_client_create_on_fd() w->acl = 0x1f; // Everything on return w; } static void destroy_web_client(struct web_client *w) { buffer_free(w->response.data); buffer_free(w->response.header); buffer_free(w->response.header_output); free(w); } // ---------------------------------- Parameterized test-families ----------------------------------------------------- // There is no way to pass a parameter block into the setup fixture, we would have to patch CMocka and maintain it // locally. (The void **current_state in _run_group_tests would be set from a parameter). This is unfortunate as a // parametric unit-tester needs to be to pass parameters to the fixtures. We are faking this by calculating the // space of tests in the launcher, passing an array of identical unit-tests to CMocka and then counting through the // parameters in the shared state passed between tests. To initialise this counter structure we use this global to // pass from the launcher (test-builder) to the setup-fixture. void *shared_test_state = NULL; // -------------------------------- Test family for /api/v1/info ------------------------------------------------------ struct test_def { size_t num_headers; // Index coordinate size_t prefix_len; // Index coordinate char name[80]; size_t full_len; struct web_client *instance; // Used within this single test bool completed, use_cr; struct test_def *next, *prev; }; static void api_info(void **state) { (void)state; struct test_def *def = (struct test_def *)shared_test_state; shared_test_state = def->next; if (def->prev != NULL && !def->prev->completed && strlen(log_buffer) > 0) { printf("Log of failing case %s:\n", def->prev->name); puts(log_buffer); } log_buffer[0] = 0; if (localhost != NULL) free(localhost); localhost = calloc(1,sizeof(RRDHOST)); def->instance = setup_fresh_web_client(); build_request(def->instance->response.data, "/api/v1/info", def->use_cr, def->num_headers); def->instance->response.data->len = def->prefix_len; char buffer_repr[1024]; repr(buffer_repr, sizeof(buffer_repr), def->instance->response.data->buffer,def->prefix_len); info("Buffer contains: %s [first %zu]", buffer_repr,def->prefix_len); if (def->prefix_len == def->full_len) { expect_value(__wrap_web_client_api_request_v1, host, localhost); expect_value(__wrap_web_client_api_request_v1, w, def->instance); expect_string(__wrap_web_client_api_request_v1, url_repr, "info"); } web_client_process_request(def->instance); if (def->prefix_len == def->full_len) assert_int_equal(def->instance->flags & WEB_CLIENT_FLAG_WAIT_RECEIVE, 0); else assert_int_equal(def->instance->flags & WEB_CLIENT_FLAG_WAIT_RECEIVE, WEB_CLIENT_FLAG_WAIT_RECEIVE); assert_int_equal(def->instance->mode, WEB_CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL); def->completed = true; log_buffer[0] = 0; } static int api_info_launcher() { size_t num_tests = 0; struct web_client *template = setup_fresh_web_client(); struct test_def *current, *head = NULL; struct test_def *prev = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_HEADERS; i++) { build_request(template->response.data, "/api/v1/info", true, i); for (size_t j = 0; j <= template->response.data->len; j++) { if (j == 0 && i > 0) continue; // All zero-length prefixes are identical, skip after first time current = malloc(sizeof(struct test_def)); if (prev != NULL) prev->next = current; else head = current; current->prev = prev; prev = current; current->num_headers = i; current->prefix_len = j; current->full_len = template->response.data->len; current->instance = NULL; current->next = NULL; current->use_cr = true; current->completed = false; sprintf( current->name, "/api/v1/info@%zu,%zu/%zu+%d", current->num_headers, current->prefix_len, current->full_len,true); num_tests++; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_HEADERS; i++) { build_request(template->response.data, "/api/v1/info", false, i); for (size_t j = 0; j <= template->response.data->len; j++) { if (j == 0 && i > 0) continue; // All zero-length prefixes are identical, skip after first time current = malloc(sizeof(struct test_def)); if (prev != NULL) prev->next = current; else head = current; current->prev = prev; prev = current; current->num_headers = i; current->prefix_len = j; current->full_len = template->response.data->len; current->instance = NULL; current->next = NULL; current->use_cr = false; current->completed = false; sprintf( current->name, "/api/v1/info@%zu,%zu/%zu+%d", current->num_headers, current->prefix_len, current->full_len,false); num_tests++; } } struct CMUnitTest *tests = calloc(num_tests, sizeof(struct CMUnitTest)); current = head; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) { tests[i].name = current->name; tests[i].test_func = api_info; tests[i].setup_func = NULL; tests[i].teardown_func = NULL; tests[i].initial_state = NULL; current = current->next; } printf("Setup %zu tests in %p\n", num_tests, head); shared_test_state = head; int fails = _cmocka_run_group_tests("web_api", tests, num_tests, NULL, NULL); free(tests); destroy_web_client(template); current = head; while (current != NULL) { struct test_def *c = current; current = current->next; if (c->instance != NULL) // Clean up resources from tests that failed destroy_web_client(c->instance); free(c); } if (localhost!=NULL) free(localhost); return fails; } /* Raw notes for the cases that we did not use in the unit testing suite. Leaving them here instead of deleting them in-case we expand the suite during the work on the URL parser. Any ' ' in the URI -> invalid response (Description in 5.1 of RFC2616) Characters that can't be in paths #;? "GET /apb/../api/v1/info" HTTP/1.1\r\n" https://github.com/uriparser/uriparser/blob/uriparser-0.9.3/test/FourSuite.cpp Not clear why some of these are illegal -> reserved chars? ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("beepbeep\x07\x07", 8)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("\n", 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("::", 0)); // not OK, per Roy Fielding on the W3C uri list on 2004-04-01 // the following test cases are from a Perl script by David A. Wheeler // at http://www.dwheeler.com/secure-programs/url.pl ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("http://www yahoo.com", 10)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("http://www.yahoo.com/hello world/", 26)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("http://www.yahoo.com/yelp.html#\"", 31)); // the following test cases are from a Haskell program by Graham Klyne // at http://www.ninebynine.org/Software/HaskellUtils/Network/URITest.hs ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]", 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri(" ", 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("%", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A%Z", 2)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("%ZZ", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("%AZ", 2)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A C", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A\\'C", 1)); // r"A\'C" ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A`C", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("AC", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A^C", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A\\\\C", 1)); // r'A\\C' ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A{C", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A|C", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A}C", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A[C", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A]C", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("A[**]C", 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("http://[xyz]/", 8)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("http://]/", 7)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("http://example.org/[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]", 19)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("http://example.org/abc#[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]", 23)); ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("http://example.org/xxx/[qwerty]#a[b]", 23)); // from a post to the W3C uri list on 2004-02-17 // breaks at 22 instead of 17 because everything up to that point is a valid userinfo ASSERT_TRUE(testBadUri("http://w3c.org:80path1/path2", 22)); */ int main(void) { debug_flags = 0xffffffffffff; int fails = 0; fails += api_info_launcher(); return fails; }