// You can set the following variables before loading this script: // // var netdataNoDygraphs = true; // do not use dygraph // var netdataNoSparklines = true; // do not use sparkline // var netdataNoPeitys = true; // do not use peity // var netdataNoGoogleCharts = true; // do not use google // var netdataNoMorris = true; // do not use morris // var netdataNoEasyPieChart = true; // do not use easy pie chart // var netdataNoGauge = true; // do not use gauge.js // var netdataNoD3 = true; // do not use D3 // var netdataNoC3 = true; // do not use C3 // var netdataNoBootstrap = true; // do not load bootstrap // var netdataDontStart = true; // do not start the thread to process the charts // var netdataErrorCallback = null; // Callback function that will be invoked upon error // // You can also set the default netdata server, using the following. // When this variable is not set, we assume the page is hosted on your // netdata server already. // var netdataServer = "http://yourhost:19999"; // set your NetData server //(function(window, document, undefined) { // fix IE issue with console if(!window.console){ window.console = {log: function(){} }; } // global namespace var NETDATA = window.NETDATA || {}; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Detect the netdata server // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/984510/what-is-my-script-src-url // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6941533/get-protocol-domain-and-port-from-url NETDATA._scriptSource = function() { var script = null; if(typeof document.currentScript !== 'undefined') { script = document.currentScript; } else { var all_scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); script = all_scripts[all_scripts.length - 1]; } if (typeof script.getAttribute.length !== 'undefined') script = script.src; else script = script.getAttribute('src', -1); return script; }; if(typeof netdataServer !== 'undefined') NETDATA.serverDefault = netdataServer; else { var s = NETDATA._scriptSource(); NETDATA.serverDefault = s.replace(/\/dashboard.js(\?.*)*$/g, ""); } if(NETDATA.serverDefault === null) NETDATA.serverDefault = ''; else if(NETDATA.serverDefault.slice(-1) !== '/') NETDATA.serverDefault += '/'; // default URLs for all the external files we need // make them RELATIVE so that the whole thing can also be // installed under a web server NETDATA.jQuery = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/jquery-1.12.0.min.js'; NETDATA.peity_js = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/jquery.peity.min.js'; NETDATA.sparkline_js = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/jquery.sparkline.min.js'; NETDATA.easypiechart_js = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/jquery.easypiechart.min.js'; NETDATA.gauge_js = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/gauge.min.js'; NETDATA.dygraph_js = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/dygraph-combined.js'; NETDATA.dygraph_smooth_js = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/dygraph-smooth-plotter.js'; NETDATA.raphael_js = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/raphael-min.js'; NETDATA.morris_js = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/morris.min.js'; NETDATA.d3_js = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/d3.min.js'; NETDATA.c3_js = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/c3.min.js'; NETDATA.c3_css = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'css/c3.min.css'; NETDATA.morris_css = NETDATA.serverDefault + 'css/morris.css'; NETDATA.google_js = 'https://www.google.com/jsapi'; NETDATA.themes = { default: { bootstrap_css: NETDATA.serverDefault + 'css/bootstrap.min.css', dashboard_css: NETDATA.serverDefault + 'dashboard.css', background: '#FFFFFF', foreground: '#000000', grid: '#DDDDDD', axis: '#CCCCCC', colors: [ '#3366CC', '#DC3912', '#109618', '#FF9900', '#990099', '#DD4477', '#3B3EAC', '#66AA00', '#0099C6', '#B82E2E', '#AAAA11', '#5574A6', '#994499', '#22AA99', '#6633CC', '#E67300', '#316395', '#8B0707', '#329262', '#3B3EAC' ], easypiechart_track: '#f0f0f0', easypiechart_scale: '#dfe0e0', gauge_pointer: '#C0C0C0', gauge_stroke: '#F0F0F0', gauge_gradient: true }, slate: { bootstrap_css: NETDATA.serverDefault + 'css/bootstrap.slate.min.css', dashboard_css: NETDATA.serverDefault + 'dashboard.slate.css', background: '#272b30', foreground: '#C8C8C8', grid: '#373b40', axis: '#373b40', /* colors: [ '#55bb33', '#ff2222', '#0099C6', '#faa11b', '#adbce0', '#DDDD00', '#4178ba', '#f58122', '#a5cc39', '#f58667', '#f5ef89', '#cf93c0', '#a5d18a', '#b8539d', '#3954a3', '#c8a9cf', '#c7de8a', '#fad20a', '#a6a479', '#a66da8' ], */ colors: [ '#66AA00', '#FE3912', '#3366CC', '#D66300', '#0099C6', '#DDDD00', '#3B3EAC', '#EE9911', '#BB44CC', '#C83E3E', '#990099', '#CC7700', '#22AA99', '#109618', '#6633CC', '#DD4477', '#316395', '#8B0707', '#329262', '#3B3EFF' ], easypiechart_track: '#373b40', easypiechart_scale: '#373b40', gauge_pointer: '#474b50', gauge_stroke: '#373b40', gauge_gradient: false } }; if(typeof netdataTheme !== 'undefined' && typeof NETDATA.themes[netdataTheme] !== 'undefined') NETDATA.themes.current = NETDATA.themes[netdataTheme]; else NETDATA.themes.current = NETDATA.themes.default; NETDATA.colors = NETDATA.themes.current.colors; // these are the colors Google Charts are using // we have them here to attempt emulate their look and feel on the other chart libraries // http://there4.io/2012/05/02/google-chart-color-list/ //NETDATA.colors = [ '#3366CC', '#DC3912', '#FF9900', '#109618', '#990099', '#3B3EAC', '#0099C6', // '#DD4477', '#66AA00', '#B82E2E', '#316395', '#994499', '#22AA99', '#AAAA11', // '#6633CC', '#E67300', '#8B0707', '#329262', '#5574A6', '#3B3EAC' ]; // an alternative set // http://www.mulinblog.com/a-color-palette-optimized-for-data-visualization/ // (blue) (red) (orange) (green) (pink) (brown) (purple) (yellow) (gray) //NETDATA.colors = [ '#5DA5DA', '#F15854', '#FAA43A', '#60BD68', '#F17CB0', '#B2912F', '#B276B2', '#DECF3F', '#4D4D4D' ]; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the defaults for all charts // if the user does not specify any of these, the following will be used NETDATA.chartDefaults = { host: NETDATA.serverDefault, // the server to get data from width: '100%', // the chart width - can be null height: '100%', // the chart height - can be null min_width: null, // the chart minimum width - can be null library: 'dygraph', // the graphing library to use method: 'average', // the grouping method before: 0, // panning after: -600, // panning pixels_per_point: 1, // the detail of the chart fill_luminance: 0.8 // luminance of colors in solit areas }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global options NETDATA.options = { pauseCallback: null, // a callback when we are really paused pause: false, // when enabled we don't auto-refresh the charts targets: null, // an array of all the state objects that are // currently active (independently of their // viewport visibility) updated_dom: true, // when true, the DOM has been updated with // new elements we have to check. auto_refresher_fast_weight: 0, // this is the current time in ms, spent // rendering charts continiously. // used with .current.fast_render_timeframe page_is_visible: true, // when true, this page is visible auto_refresher_stop_until: 0, // timestamp in ms - used internaly, to stop the // auto-refresher for some time (when a chart is // performing pan or zoom, we need to stop refreshing // all other charts, to have the maximum speed for // rendering the chart that is panned or zoomed). // Used with .current.global_pan_sync_time last_resized: new Date().getTime(), // the timestamp of the last resize request crossDomainAjax: false, // enable this to request crossDomain AJAX last_page_scroll: 0, // the timestamp the last time the page was scrolled // the current profile // we may have many... current: { pixels_per_point: 1, // the minimum pixels per point for all charts // increase this to speed javascript up // each chart library has its own limit too // the max of this and the chart library is used // the final is calculated every time, so a change // here will have immediate effect on the next chart // update idle_between_charts: 100, // ms - how much time to wait between chart updates fast_render_timeframe: 200, // ms - render continously until this time of continious // rendering has been reached // this setting is used to make it render e.g. 10 // charts at once, sleep idle_between_charts time // and continue for another 10 charts. idle_between_loops: 500, // ms - if all charts have been updated, wait this // time before starting again. idle_parallel_loops: 100, // ms - the time between parallel refresher updates idle_lost_focus: 500, // ms - when the window does not have focus, check // if focus has been regained, every this time global_pan_sync_time: 1000, // ms - when you pan or zoon a chart, the background // autorefreshing of charts is paused for this amount // of time sync_selection_delay: 1500, // ms - when you pan or zoom a chart, wait this amount // of time before setting up synchronized selections // on hover. sync_selection: true, // enable or disable selection sync pan_and_zoom_delay: 50, // when panning or zooming, how ofter to update the chart sync_pan_and_zoom: true, // enable or disable pan and zoom sync pan_and_zoom_data_padding: true, // fetch more data for the master chart when panning or zooming update_only_visible: true, // enable or disable visibility management parallel_refresher: true, // enable parallel refresh of charts concurrent_refreshes: true, // when parallel_refresher is enabled, sync also the charts destroy_on_hide: false, // destroy charts when they are not visible show_help: true, // when enabled the charts will show some help show_help_delay_show_ms: 500, show_help_delay_hide_ms: 0, eliminate_zero_dimensions: true, // do not show dimensions with just zeros stop_updates_when_focus_is_lost: true, // boolean - shall we stop auto-refreshes when document does not have user focus stop_updates_while_resizing: 1000, // ms - time to stop auto-refreshes while resizing the charts double_click_speed: 500, // ms - time between clicks / taps to detect double click/tap smooth_plot: true, // enable smooth plot, where possible charts_selection_animation_delay: 50, // delay to animate charts when syncing selection color_fill_opacity_line: 1.0, color_fill_opacity_area: 0.2, color_fill_opacity_stacked: 0.8, pan_and_zoom_factor: 0.25, // the increment when panning and zooming with the toolbox pan_and_zoom_factor_multiplier_control: 2.0, pan_and_zoom_factor_multiplier_shift: 3.0, pan_and_zoom_factor_multiplier_alt: 4.0, setOptionCallback: function() { ; } }, debug: { show_boxes: false, main_loop: false, focus: false, visibility: false, chart_data_url: false, chart_errors: false, // FIXME chart_timing: false, chart_calls: false, libraries: false, dygraph: false } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // local storage options NETDATA.localStorage = { default: {}, current: {}, callback: {} // only used for resetting back to defaults }; NETDATA.localStorageGet = function(key, def, callback) { var ret = def; if(typeof NETDATA.localStorage.default[key.toString()] === 'undefined') { NETDATA.localStorage.default[key.toString()] = def; NETDATA.localStorage.callback[key.toString()] = callback; } if(typeof Storage !== "undefined" && typeof localStorage === 'object') { try { // console.log('localStorage: loading "' + key.toString() + '"'); ret = localStorage.getItem(key.toString()); if(ret === null || ret === 'undefined') { // console.log('localStorage: cannot load it, saving "' + key.toString() + '" with value "' + JSON.stringify(def) + '"'); localStorage.setItem(key.toString(), JSON.stringify(def)); ret = def; } else { // console.log('localStorage: got "' + key.toString() + '" with value "' + ret + '"'); ret = JSON.parse(ret); // console.log('localStorage: loaded "' + key.toString() + '" as value ' + ret + ' of type ' + typeof(ret)); } } catch(error) { console.log('localStorage: failed to read "' + key.toString() + '", using default: "' + def.toString() + '"'); ret = def; } } if(typeof ret === 'undefined' || ret === 'undefined') { console.log('localStorage: LOADED UNDEFINED "' + key.toString() + '" as value ' + ret + ' of type ' + typeof(ret)); ret = def; } NETDATA.localStorage.current[key.toString()] = ret; return ret; }; NETDATA.localStorageSet = function(key, value, callback) { if(typeof value === 'undefined' || value === 'undefined') { console.log('localStorage: ATTEMPT TO SET UNDEFINED "' + key.toString() + '" as value ' + value + ' of type ' + typeof(value)); } if(typeof NETDATA.localStorage.default[key.toString()] === 'undefined') { NETDATA.localStorage.default[key.toString()] = value; NETDATA.localStorage.current[key.toString()] = value; NETDATA.localStorage.callback[key.toString()] = callback; } if(typeof Storage !== "undefined" && typeof localStorage === 'object') { // console.log('localStorage: saving "' + key.toString() + '" with value "' + JSON.stringify(value) + '"'); try { localStorage.setItem(key.toString(), JSON.stringify(value)); } catch(e) { console.log('localStorage: failed to save "' + key.toString() + '" with value: "' + value.toString() + '"'); } } NETDATA.localStorage.current[key.toString()] = value; return value; }; NETDATA.localStorageGetRecursive = function(obj, prefix, callback) { for(var i in obj) { if(typeof obj[i] === 'object') { //console.log('object ' + prefix + '.' + i.toString()); NETDATA.localStorageGetRecursive(obj[i], prefix + '.' + i.toString(), callback); continue; } obj[i] = NETDATA.localStorageGet(prefix + '.' + i.toString(), obj[i], callback); } }; NETDATA.setOption = function(key, value) { if(key.toString() === 'setOptionCallback') { if(typeof NETDATA.options.current.setOptionCallback === 'function') { NETDATA.options.current[key.toString()] = value; NETDATA.options.current.setOptionCallback(); } } else if(NETDATA.options.current[key.toString()] !== value) { var name = 'options.' + key.toString(); if(typeof NETDATA.localStorage.default[name.toString()] === 'undefined') console.log('localStorage: setOption() on unsaved option: "' + name.toString() + '", value: ' + value); //console.log(NETDATA.localStorage); //console.log('setOption: setting "' + key.toString() + '" to "' + value + '" of type ' + typeof(value) + ' original type ' + typeof(NETDATA.options.current[key.toString()])); //console.log(NETDATA.options); NETDATA.options.current[key.toString()] = NETDATA.localStorageSet(name.toString(), value, null); if(typeof NETDATA.options.current.setOptionCallback === 'function') NETDATA.options.current.setOptionCallback(); } return true; }; NETDATA.getOption = function(key) { return NETDATA.options.current[key.toString()]; }; // read settings from local storage NETDATA.localStorageGetRecursive(NETDATA.options.current, 'options', null); // always start with this option enabled. NETDATA.setOption('stop_updates_when_focus_is_lost', true); NETDATA.resetOptions = function() { for(var i in NETDATA.localStorage.default) { var a = i.split('.'); if(a[0] === 'options') { if(a[1] === 'setOptionCallback') continue; if(typeof NETDATA.localStorage.default[i] === 'undefined') continue; if(NETDATA.options.current[i] === NETDATA.localStorage.default[i]) continue; NETDATA.setOption(a[1], NETDATA.localStorage.default[i]); } else if(a[0] === 'chart_heights') { if(typeof NETDATA.localStorage.callback[i] === 'function' && typeof NETDATA.localStorage.default[i] !== 'undefined') { NETDATA.localStorage.callback[i](NETDATA.localStorage.default[i]); } } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(NETDATA.options.debug.main_loop === true) console.log('welcome to NETDATA'); NETDATA.onresize = function() { NETDATA.options.last_resized = new Date().getTime(); NETDATA.onscroll(); }; NETDATA.onscroll = function() { // console.log('onscroll'); NETDATA.options.last_page_scroll = new Date().getTime(); if(NETDATA.options.targets === null) return; // when the user scrolls he sees that we have // hidden all the not-visible charts // using this little function we try to switch // the charts back to visible quickly var targets = NETDATA.options.targets; var len = targets.length; while(len--) targets[len].isVisible(); }; window.onresize = NETDATA.onresize; window.onscroll = NETDATA.onscroll; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Error Handling NETDATA.errorCodes = { 100: { message: "Cannot load chart library", alert: true }, 101: { message: "Cannot load jQuery", alert: true }, 402: { message: "Chart library not found", alert: false }, 403: { message: "Chart library not enabled/is failed", alert: false }, 404: { message: "Chart not found", alert: false }, 405: { message: "Cannot download charts index from server", alert: true }, 406: { message: "Invalid charts index downloaded from server", alert: true } }; NETDATA.errorLast = { code: 0, message: "", datetime: 0 }; NETDATA.error = function(code, msg) { NETDATA.errorLast.code = code; NETDATA.errorLast.message = msg; NETDATA.errorLast.datetime = new Date().getTime(); console.log("ERROR " + code + ": " + NETDATA.errorCodes[code].message + ": " + msg); var ret = true; if(typeof netdataErrorCallback === 'function') { ret = netdataErrorCallback('system', code, msg); } if(ret && NETDATA.errorCodes[code].alert) alert("ERROR " + code + ": " + NETDATA.errorCodes[code].message + ": " + msg); }; NETDATA.errorReset = function() { NETDATA.errorLast.code = 0; NETDATA.errorLast.message = "You are doing fine!"; NETDATA.errorLast.datetime = 0; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Chart Registry // When multiple charts need the same chart, we avoid downloading it // multiple times (and having it in browser memory multiple time) // by using this registry. // Every time we download a chart definition, we save it here with .add() // Then we try to get it back with .get(). If that fails, we download it. NETDATA.chartRegistry = { charts: {}, fixid: function(id) { return id.replace(/:/g, "_").replace(/\//g, "_"); }, add: function(host, id, data) { host = this.fixid(host); id = this.fixid(id); if(typeof this.charts[host] === 'undefined') this.charts[host] = {}; //console.log('added ' + host + '/' + id); this.charts[host][id] = data; }, get: function(host, id) { host = this.fixid(host); id = this.fixid(id); if(typeof this.charts[host] === 'undefined') return null; if(typeof this.charts[host][id] === 'undefined') return null; //console.log('cached ' + host + '/' + id); return this.charts[host][id]; }, downloadAll: function(host, callback) { while(host.slice(-1) === '/') host = host.substring(0, host.length - 1); var self = this; $.ajax({ url: host + '/api/v1/charts', crossDomain: NETDATA.options.crossDomainAjax, async: true, cache: false }) .done(function(data) { if(data !== null) { var h = NETDATA.chartRegistry.fixid(host); self.charts[h] = data.charts; } else NETDATA.error(406, host + '/api/v1/charts'); if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(data); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.error(405, host + '/api/v1/charts'); if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(null); }); } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global Pan and Zoom on charts // Using this structure are synchronize all the charts, so that // when you pan or zoom one, all others are automatically refreshed // to the same timespan. NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom = { seq: 0, // timestamp ms // every time a chart is panned or zoomed // we set the timestamp here // then we use it as a sequence number // to find if other charts are syncronized // to this timerange master: null, // the master chart (state), to which all others // are synchronized force_before_ms: null, // the timespan to sync all other charts force_after_ms: null, // set a new master setMaster: function(state, after, before) { if(NETDATA.options.current.sync_pan_and_zoom === false) return; if(this.master !== null && this.master !== state) this.master.resetChart(true, true); var now = new Date().getTime(); this.master = state; this.seq = now; this.force_after_ms = after; this.force_before_ms = before; NETDATA.options.auto_refresher_stop_until = now + NETDATA.options.current.global_pan_sync_time; }, // clear the master clearMaster: function() { if(this.master !== null) { var st = this.master; this.master = null; st.resetChart(); } this.master = null; this.seq = 0; this.force_after_ms = null; this.force_before_ms = null; NETDATA.options.auto_refresher_stop_until = 0; }, // is the given state the master of the global // pan and zoom sync? isMaster: function(state) { if(this.master === state) return true; return false; }, // are we currently have a global pan and zoom sync? isActive: function() { if(this.master !== null && this.force_before_ms !== null && this.force_after_ms !== null && this.seq !== 0) return true; return false; }, // check if a chart, other than the master // needs to be refreshed, due to the global pan and zoom shouldBeAutoRefreshed: function(state) { if(this.master === null || this.seq === 0) return false; //if(state.needsRecreation()) // return true; if(state.tm.pan_and_zoom_seq === this.seq) return false; return true; } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dimensions selection // FIXME // move color assignment to dimensions, here dimensionStatus = function(parent, label, name_div, value_div, color) { this.enabled = false; this.parent = parent; this.label = label; this.name_div = null; this.value_div = null; this.color = NETDATA.themes.current.foreground; if(parent.selected_count > parent.unselected_count) this.selected = true; else this.selected = false; this.setOptions(name_div, value_div, color); }; dimensionStatus.prototype.invalidate = function() { this.name_div = null; this.value_div = null; this.enabled = false; }; dimensionStatus.prototype.setOptions = function(name_div, value_div, color) { this.color = color; if(this.name_div != name_div) { this.name_div = name_div; this.name_div.title = this.label; this.name_div.style.color = this.color; if(this.selected === false) this.name_div.className = 'netdata-legend-name not-selected'; else this.name_div.className = 'netdata-legend-name selected'; } if(this.value_div != value_div) { this.value_div = value_div; this.value_div.title = this.label; this.value_div.style.color = this.color; if(this.selected === false) this.value_div.className = 'netdata-legend-value not-selected'; else this.value_div.className = 'netdata-legend-value selected'; } this.enabled = true; this.setHandler(); }; dimensionStatus.prototype.setHandler = function() { if(this.enabled === false) return; var ds = this; // this.name_div.onmousedown = this.value_div.onmousedown = function(e) { this.name_div.onclick = this.value_div.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(ds.isSelected()) { // this is selected if(e.shiftKey === true || e.ctrlKey === true) { // control or shift key is pressed -> unselect this (except is none will remain selected, in which case select all) ds.unselect(); if(ds.parent.countSelected() === 0) ds.parent.selectAll(); } else { // no key is pressed -> select only this (except if it is the only selected already, in which case select all) if(ds.parent.countSelected() === 1) { ds.parent.selectAll(); } else { ds.parent.selectNone(); ds.select(); } } } else { // this is not selected if(e.shiftKey === true || e.ctrlKey === true) { // control or shift key is pressed -> select this too ds.select(); } else { // no key is pressed -> select only this ds.parent.selectNone(); ds.select(); } } ds.parent.state.redrawChart(); } }; dimensionStatus.prototype.select = function() { if(this.enabled === false) return; this.name_div.className = 'netdata-legend-name selected'; this.value_div.className = 'netdata-legend-value selected'; this.selected = true; }; dimensionStatus.prototype.unselect = function() { if(this.enabled === false) return; this.name_div.className = 'netdata-legend-name not-selected'; this.value_div.className = 'netdata-legend-value hidden'; this.selected = false; }; dimensionStatus.prototype.isSelected = function() { return(this.enabled === true && this.selected === true); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dimensionsVisibility = function(state) { this.state = state; this.len = 0; this.dimensions = {}; this.selected_count = 0; this.unselected_count = 0; }; dimensionsVisibility.prototype.dimensionAdd = function(label, name_div, value_div, color) { if(typeof this.dimensions[label] === 'undefined') { this.len++; this.dimensions[label] = new dimensionStatus(this, label, name_div, value_div, color); } else this.dimensions[label].setOptions(name_div, value_div, color); return this.dimensions[label]; }; dimensionsVisibility.prototype.dimensionGet = function(label) { return this.dimensions[label]; }; dimensionsVisibility.prototype.invalidateAll = function() { for(var d in this.dimensions) this.dimensions[d].invalidate(); }; dimensionsVisibility.prototype.selectAll = function() { for(var d in this.dimensions) this.dimensions[d].select(); }; dimensionsVisibility.prototype.countSelected = function() { var i = 0; for(var d in this.dimensions) if(this.dimensions[d].isSelected()) i++; return i; }; dimensionsVisibility.prototype.selectNone = function() { for(var d in this.dimensions) this.dimensions[d].unselect(); }; dimensionsVisibility.prototype.selected2BooleanArray = function(array) { var ret = new Array(); this.selected_count = 0; this.unselected_count = 0; for(var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len ; i++) { var ds = this.dimensions[array[i]]; if(typeof ds === 'undefined') { // console.log(array[i] + ' is not found'); ret.push(false); continue; } if(ds.isSelected()) { ret.push(true); this.selected_count++; } else { ret.push(false); this.unselected_count++; } } if(this.selected_count === 0 && this.unselected_count !== 0) { this.selectAll(); return this.selected2BooleanArray(array); } return ret; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global selection sync NETDATA.globalSelectionSync = { state: null, dont_sync_before: 0, last_t: 0, slaves: [], stop: function() { if(this.state !== null) this.state.globalSelectionSyncStop(); }, delay: function() { if(this.state !== null) { this.state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); } } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Our state object, where all per-chart values are stored chartState = function(element) { var self = $(element); this.element = element; // IMPORTANT: // all private functions should use 'that', instead of 'this' var that = this; /* error() - private * show an error instead of the chart */ var error = function(msg) { var ret = true; if(typeof netdataErrorCallback === 'function') { ret = netdataErrorCallback('chart', that.id, msg); } if(ret) { that.element.innerHTML = that.id + ': ' + msg; that.enabled = false; that.current = that.pan; } }; // GUID - a unique identifier for the chart this.uuid = NETDATA.guid(); // string - the name of chart this.id = self.data('netdata'); // string - the key for localStorage settings this.settings_id = self.data('id') || null; // the user given dimensions of the element this.width = self.data('width') || NETDATA.chartDefaults.width; this.height = self.data('height') || NETDATA.chartDefaults.height; if(this.settings_id !== null) { this.height = NETDATA.localStorageGet('chart_heights.' + this.settings_id, this.height, function(height) { // this is the callback that will be called // if and when the user resets all localStorage variables // to their defaults resizeChartToHeight(height); }); } // string - the netdata server URL, without any path this.host = self.data('host') || NETDATA.chartDefaults.host; // make sure the host does not end with / // all netdata API requests use absolute paths while(this.host.slice(-1) === '/') this.host = this.host.substring(0, this.host.length - 1); // string - the grouping method requested by the user this.method = self.data('method') || NETDATA.chartDefaults.method; // the time-range requested by the user this.after = self.data('after') || NETDATA.chartDefaults.after; this.before = self.data('before') || NETDATA.chartDefaults.before; // the pixels per point requested by the user this.pixels_per_point = self.data('pixels-per-point') || 1; this.points = self.data('points') || null; // the dimensions requested by the user this.dimensions = self.data('dimensions') || null; // the chart library requested by the user this.library_name = self.data('chart-library') || NETDATA.chartDefaults.library; // object - the chart library used this.library = null; // color management this.colors = null; this.colors_assigned = {}; this.colors_available = null; // the element already created by the user this.element_message = null; // the element with the chart this.element_chart = null; // the element with the legend of the chart (if created by us) this.element_legend = null; this.element_legend_childs = { hidden: null, title_date: null, title_time: null, title_units: null, nano: null, nano_options: null, series: null }; this.chart_url = null; // string - the url to download chart info this.chart = null; // object - the chart as downloaded from the server this.title = self.data('title') || null; // the title of the chart this.units = self.data('units') || null; // the units of the chart dimensions this.append_options = self.data('append-options') || null; // the units of the chart dimensions this.validated = false; // boolean - has the chart been validated? this.enabled = true; // boolean - is the chart enabled for refresh? this.paused = false; // boolean - is the chart paused for any reason? this.selected = false; // boolean - is the chart shown a selection? this.debug = false; // boolean - console.log() debug info about this chart this.netdata_first = 0; // milliseconds - the first timestamp in netdata this.netdata_last = 0; // milliseconds - the last timestamp in netdata this.requested_after = null; // milliseconds - the timestamp of the request after param this.requested_before = null; // milliseconds - the timestamp of the request before param this.requested_padding = null; this.view_after = 0; this.view_before = 0; this.auto = { name: 'auto', autorefresh: true, force_update_at: 0, // the timestamp to force the update at force_before_ms: null, force_after_ms: null }; this.pan = { name: 'pan', autorefresh: false, force_update_at: 0, // the timestamp to force the update at force_before_ms: null, force_after_ms: null }; this.zoom = { name: 'zoom', autorefresh: false, force_update_at: 0, // the timestamp to force the update at force_before_ms: null, force_after_ms: null }; // this is a pointer to one of the sub-classes below // auto, pan, zoom this.current = this.auto; // check the requested library is available // we don't initialize it here - it will be initialized when // this chart will be first used if(typeof NETDATA.chartLibraries[that.library_name] === 'undefined') { NETDATA.error(402, that.library_name); error('chart library "' + that.library_name + '" is not found'); return; } else if(NETDATA.chartLibraries[that.library_name].enabled === false) { NETDATA.error(403, that.library_name); error('chart library "' + that.library_name + '" is not enabled'); return; } else that.library = NETDATA.chartLibraries[that.library_name]; // milliseconds - the time the last refresh took this.refresh_dt_ms = 0; // if we need to report the rendering speed // find the element that needs to be updated var refresh_dt_element_name = self.data('dt-element-name') || null; // string - the element to print refresh_dt_ms if(refresh_dt_element_name !== null) this.refresh_dt_element = document.getElementById(refresh_dt_element_name) || null; else this.refresh_dt_element = null; this.dimensions_visibility = new dimensionsVisibility(this); this._updating = false; // ============================================================================================================ // PRIVATE FUNCTIONS var createDOM = function() { if(that.enabled === false) return; if(that.element_message !== null) that.element_message.innerHTML = ''; if(that.element_legend !== null) that.element_legend.innerHTML = ''; if(that.element_chart !== null) that.element_chart.innerHTML = ''; that.element.innerHTML = ''; that.element_message = document.createElement('div'); that.element_message.className = ' netdata-message hidden'; that.element.appendChild(that.element_message); that.element_chart = document.createElement('div'); that.element_chart.id = that.library_name + '-' + that.uuid + '-chart'; that.element.appendChild(that.element_chart); if(that.hasLegend() === true) { that.element.className = "netdata-container-with-legend"; that.element_chart.className = 'netdata-chart-with-legend-right netdata-' + that.library_name + '-chart-with-legend-right'; that.element_legend = document.createElement('div'); that.element_legend.className = 'netdata-chart-legend netdata-' + that.library_name + '-legend'; that.element.appendChild(that.element_legend); } else { that.element.className = "netdata-container"; that.element_chart.className = ' netdata-chart netdata-' + that.library_name + '-chart'; that.element_legend = null; } that.element_legend_childs.series = null; if(typeof(that.width) === 'string') $(that.element).css('width', that.width); else if(typeof(that.width) === 'number') $(that.element).css('width', that.width + 'px'); if(typeof(that.library.aspect_ratio) === 'undefined') { if(typeof(that.height) === 'string') $(that.element).css('height', that.height); else if(typeof(that.height) === 'number') $(that.element).css('height', that.height + 'px'); } else { var w = that.element.offsetWidth; if(w === null || w === 0) { // the div is hidden // this is resize the chart when next viewed that.tm.last_resized = 0; } else $(that.element).css('height', (that.element.offsetWidth * that.library.aspect_ratio / 100).toString() + 'px'); } if(NETDATA.chartDefaults.min_width !== null) $(that.element).css('min-width', NETDATA.chartDefaults.min_width); that.tm.last_dom_created = new Date().getTime(); showLoading(); }; /* init() private * initialize state variables * destroy all (possibly) created state elements * create the basic DOM for a chart */ var init = function() { if(that.enabled === false) return; that.paused = false; that.selected = false; that.chart_created = false; // boolean - is the library.create() been called? that.updates_counter = 0; // numeric - the number of refreshes made so far that.updates_since_last_unhide = 0; // numeric - the number of refreshes made since the last time the chart was unhidden that.updates_since_last_creation = 0; // numeric - the number of refreshes made since the last time the chart was created that.tm = { last_initialized: 0, // milliseconds - the timestamp it was last initialized last_dom_created: 0, // milliseconds - the timestamp its DOM was last created last_mode_switch: 0, // milliseconds - the timestamp it switched modes last_info_downloaded: 0, // milliseconds - the timestamp we downloaded the chart last_updated: 0, // the timestamp the chart last updated with data pan_and_zoom_seq: 0, // the sequence number of the global synchronization // between chart. // Used with NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.seq last_visible_check: 0, // the time we last checked if it is visible last_resized: 0, // the time the chart was resized last_hidden: 0, // the time the chart was hidden last_unhidden: 0, // the time the chart was unhidden last_autorefreshed: 0 // the time the chart was last refreshed }; that.data = null; // the last data as downloaded from the netdata server that.data_url = 'invalid://'; // string - the last url used to update the chart that.data_points = 0; // number - the number of points returned from netdata that.data_after = 0; // milliseconds - the first timestamp of the data that.data_before = 0; // milliseconds - the last timestamp of the data that.data_update_every = 0; // milliseconds - the frequency to update the data that.tm.last_initialized = new Date().getTime(); createDOM(); that.setMode('auto'); }; var maxMessageFontSize = function() { // normally we want a font size, as tall as the element var h = that.element_message.clientHeight; // but give it some air, 20% let's say, or 5 pixels min var lost = Math.max(h * 0.2, 5); h -= lost; // center the text, verically var paddingTop = (lost - 5) / 2; // but check the width too // it should fit 10 characters in it var w = that.element_message.clientWidth / 10; if(h > w) { paddingTop += (h - w) / 2; h = w; } // and don't make it too huge // 5% of the screen size is good if(h > screen.height / 20) { paddingTop += (h - (screen.height / 20)) / 2; h = screen.height / 20; } // set it that.element_message.style.fontSize = h.toString() + 'px'; that.element_message.style.paddingTop = paddingTop.toString() + 'px'; }; var showMessage = function(msg) { that.element_message.className = 'netdata-message'; that.element_message.innerHTML = msg; that.element_message.style.fontSize = 'x-small'; that.element_message.style.paddingTop = '0px'; that.___messageHidden___ = undefined; }; var showMessageIcon = function(icon) { that.element_message.innerHTML = icon; that.element_message.className = 'netdata-message icon'; maxMessageFontSize(); that.___messageHidden___ = undefined; }; var hideMessage = function() { if(typeof that.___messageHidden___ === 'undefined') { that.___messageHidden___ = true; that.element_message.className = 'netdata-message hidden'; } }; var showRendering = function() { var icon; if(that.chart !== null) { if(that.chart.chart_type === 'line') icon = ''; else icon = ''; } else icon = ''; showMessageIcon(icon + ' netdata'); }; var showLoading = function() { if(that.chart_created === false) { showMessageIcon(' netdata'); return true; } return false; }; var isHidden = function() { if(typeof that.___chartIsHidden___ !== 'undefined') return true; return false; }; // hide the chart, when it is not visible - called from isVisible() var hideChart = function() { // hide it, if it is not already hidden if(isHidden() === true) return; if(that.chart_created === true) { // we should destroy it if(NETDATA.options.current.destroy_on_hide === true) { init(); } else { showRendering(); that.element_chart.style.display = 'none'; if(that.element_legend !== null) that.element_legend.style.display = 'none'; that.tm.last_hidden = new Date().getTime(); } } that.___chartIsHidden___ = true; }; // unhide the chart, when it is visible - called from isVisible() var unhideChart = function() { if(isHidden() === false) return; that.___chartIsHidden___ = undefined; that.updates_since_last_unhide = 0; if(that.chart_created === false) { // we need to re-initialize it, to show our background // logo in bootstrap tabs, until the chart loads init(); } else { that.tm.last_unhidden = new Date().getTime(); that.element_chart.style.display = ''; if(that.element_legend !== null) that.element_legend.style.display = ''; resizeChart(); hideMessage(); } }; var canBeRendered = function() { if(isHidden() === true || that.isVisible(true) === false) return false; return true; }; // https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/wiki/Optimization-killers var callChartLibraryUpdateSafely = function(data) { var status; if(canBeRendered() === false) return false; if(NETDATA.options.debug.chart_errors === true) status = that.library.update(that, data); else { try { status = that.library.update(that, data); } catch(err) { status = false; } } if(status === false) { error('chart failed to be updated as ' + that.library_name); return false; } return true; }; // https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/wiki/Optimization-killers var callChartLibraryCreateSafely = function(data) { var status; if(canBeRendered() === false) return false; if(NETDATA.options.debug.chart_errors === true) status = that.library.create(that, data); else { try { status = that.library.create(that, data); } catch(err) { status = false; } } if(status === false) { error('chart failed to be created as ' + that.library_name); return false; } that.chart_created = true; that.updates_since_last_creation = 0; return true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Chart Resize // resizeChart() - private // to be called just before the chart library to make sure that // a properly sized dom is available var resizeChart = function() { if(that.isVisible() === true && that.tm.last_resized < NETDATA.options.last_resized) { if(that.chart_created === false) return; if(that.needsRecreation()) { init(); } else if(typeof that.library.resize === 'function') { that.library.resize(that); if(that.element_legend_childs.nano !== null && that.element_legend_childs.nano_options !== null) $(that.element_legend_childs.nano).nanoScroller(); maxMessageFontSize(); } that.tm.last_resized = new Date().getTime(); } }; // this is the actual chart resize algorithm // it will: // - resize the entire container // - update the internal states // - resize the chart as the div changes height // - update the scrollbar of the legend var resizeChartToHeight = function(h) { // console.log(h); that.element.style.height = h; if(that.settings_id !== null) NETDATA.localStorageSet('chart_heights.' + that.settings_id, h); var now = new Date().getTime(); NETDATA.options.last_page_scroll = now; NETDATA.options.auto_refresher_stop_until = now + NETDATA.options.current.stop_updates_while_resizing; // force a resize that.tm.last_resized = 0; resizeChart(); }; this.resizeHandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(typeof this.event_resize === 'undefined' || this.event_resize.chart_original_w === 'undefined' || this.event_resize.chart_original_h === 'undefined') this.event_resize = { chart_original_w: this.element.clientWidth, chart_original_h: this.element.clientHeight, last: 0 }; if(e.type === 'touchstart') { this.event_resize.mouse_start_x = e.touches.item(0).pageX; this.event_resize.mouse_start_y = e.touches.item(0).pageY; } else { this.event_resize.mouse_start_x = e.clientX; this.event_resize.mouse_start_y = e.clientY; } this.event_resize.chart_start_w = this.element.clientWidth; this.event_resize.chart_start_h = this.element.clientHeight; this.event_resize.chart_last_w = this.element.clientWidth; this.event_resize.chart_last_h = this.element.clientHeight; var now = new Date().getTime(); if(now - this.event_resize.last <= NETDATA.options.current.double_click_speed) { // double click / double tap event // the optimal height of the chart // showing the entire legend var optimal = this.event_resize.chart_last_h + this.element_legend_childs.content.scrollHeight - this.element_legend_childs.content.clientHeight; // if we are not optimal, be optimal if(this.event_resize.chart_last_h != optimal) resizeChartToHeight(optimal.toString() + 'px'); // else if we do not have the original height // reset to the original height else if(this.event_resize.chart_last_h != this.event_resize.chart_original_h) resizeChartToHeight(this.event_resize.chart_original_h.toString() + 'px'); } else { this.event_resize.last = now; // process movement event document.onmousemove = document.ontouchmove = this.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.onmousemove = this.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.ontouchmove = function(e) { var y = null; switch(e.type) { case 'mousemove': y = e.clientY; break; case 'touchmove': y = e.touches.item(e.touches - 1).pageY; break; } if(y !== null) { var newH = that.event_resize.chart_start_h + y - that.event_resize.mouse_start_y; if(newH >= 70 && newH !== that.event_resize.chart_last_h) { resizeChartToHeight(newH.toString() + 'px'); that.event_resize.chart_last_h = newH; } } }; // process end event document.onmouseup = document.ontouchend = this.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.onmouseup = this.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.ontouchend = function(e) { // remove all the hooks document.onmouseup = document.onmousemove = document.ontouchmove = document.ontouchend = that.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.onmousemove = that.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.ontouchmove = that.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.onmouseout = that.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.onmouseup = that.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.ontouchend = null; // allow auto-refreshes NETDATA.options.auto_refresher_stop_until = 0; }; } }; var noDataToShow = function() { showMessageIcon(' empty'); that.legendUpdateDOM(); that.tm.last_autorefreshed = new Date().getTime(); // that.data_update_every = 30 * 1000; //that.element_chart.style.display = 'none'; //if(that.element_legend !== null) that.element_legend.style.display = 'none'; //that.___chartIsHidden___ = true; }; // ============================================================================================================ // PUBLIC FUNCTIONS this.error = function(msg) { error(msg); }; this.setMode = function(m) { if(this.current !== null && this.current.name === m) return; if(m === 'auto') this.current = this.auto; else if(m === 'pan') this.current = this.pan; else if(m === 'zoom') this.current = this.zoom; else this.current = this.auto; this.current.force_update_at = 0; this.current.force_before_ms = null; this.current.force_after_ms = null; this.tm.last_mode_switch = new Date().getTime(); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global selection sync // prevent to global selection sync for some time this.globalSelectionSyncDelay = function(ms) { if(NETDATA.options.current.sync_selection === false) return; if(typeof ms === 'number') NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.dont_sync_before = new Date().getTime() + ms; else NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.dont_sync_before = new Date().getTime() + NETDATA.options.current.sync_selection_delay; }; // can we globally apply selection sync? this.globalSelectionSyncAbility = function() { if(NETDATA.options.current.sync_selection === false) return false; if(NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.dont_sync_before > new Date().getTime()) return false; return true; }; this.globalSelectionSyncIsMaster = function() { if(NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.state === this) return true; else return false; }; // this chart is the master of the global selection sync this.globalSelectionSyncBeMaster = function() { // am I the master? if(this.globalSelectionSyncIsMaster()) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('sync: I am the master already.'); return; } if(NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.state) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('sync: I am not the sync master. Resetting global sync.'); this.globalSelectionSyncStop(); } // become the master if(this.debug === true) this.log('sync: becoming sync master.'); this.selected = true; NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.state = this; // find the all slaves var targets = NETDATA.options.targets; var len = targets.length; while(len--) { st = targets[len]; if(st === this) { if(this.debug === true) st.log('sync: not adding me to sync'); } else if(st.globalSelectionSyncIsEligible()) { if(this.debug === true) st.log('sync: adding to sync as slave'); st.globalSelectionSyncBeSlave(); } } // this.globalSelectionSyncDelay(100); }; // can the chart participate to the global selection sync as a slave? this.globalSelectionSyncIsEligible = function() { if(this.enabled === true && this.library !== null && typeof this.library.setSelection === 'function' && this.isVisible() === true && this.chart_created === true) return true; return false; }; // this chart becomes a slave of the global selection sync this.globalSelectionSyncBeSlave = function() { if(NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.state !== this) NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.slaves.push(this); }; // sync all the visible charts to the given time // this is to be called from the chart libraries this.globalSelectionSync = function(t) { if(this.globalSelectionSyncAbility() === false) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('sync: cannot sync (yet?).'); return; } if(this.globalSelectionSyncIsMaster() === false) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('sync: trying to be sync master.'); this.globalSelectionSyncBeMaster(); if(this.globalSelectionSyncAbility() === false) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('sync: cannot sync (yet?).'); return; } } NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.last_t = t; $.each(NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.slaves, function(i, st) { st.setSelection(t); }); }; // stop syncing all charts to the given time this.globalSelectionSyncStop = function() { if(NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.slaves.length) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('sync: cleaning up...'); $.each(NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.slaves, function(i, st) { if(st === that) { if(that.debug === true) st.log('sync: not adding me to sync stop'); } else { if(that.debug === true) st.log('sync: removed slave from sync'); st.clearSelection(); } }); NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.last_t = 0; NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.slaves = []; NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.state = null; } this.clearSelection(); }; this.setSelection = function(t) { if(typeof this.library.setSelection === 'function') { if(this.library.setSelection(this, t) === true) this.selected = true; else this.selected = false; } else this.selected = true; if(this.selected === true && this.debug === true) this.log('selection set to ' + t.toString()); return this.selected; }; this.clearSelection = function() { if(this.selected === true) { if(typeof this.library.clearSelection === 'function') { if(this.library.clearSelection(this) === true) this.selected = false; else this.selected = true; } else this.selected = false; if(this.selected === false && this.debug === true) this.log('selection cleared'); this.legendReset(); } return this.selected; }; // find if a timestamp (ms) is shown in the current chart this.timeIsVisible = function(t) { if(t >= this.data_after && t <= this.data_before) return true; return false; }; this.calculateRowForTime = function(t) { if(this.timeIsVisible(t) === false) return -1; return Math.floor((t - this.data_after) / this.data_update_every); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // console logging this.log = function(msg) { console.log(this.id + ' (' + this.library_name + ' ' + this.uuid + '): ' + msg); }; this.pauseChart = function() { if(this.paused === false) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('pauseChart()'); this.paused = true; } }; this.unpauseChart = function() { if(this.paused === true) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('unpauseChart()'); this.paused = false; } }; this.resetChart = function(dont_clear_master, dont_update) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('resetChart(' + dont_clear_master + ', ' + dont_update + ') called'); if(typeof dont_clear_master === 'undefined') dont_clear_master = false; if(typeof dont_update === 'undefined') dont_update = false; if(dont_clear_master !== true && NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.isMaster(this) === true) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('resetChart() diverting to clearMaster().'); // this will call us back with master === true NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.clearMaster(); return; } this.clearSelection(); this.tm.pan_and_zoom_seq = 0; this.setMode('auto'); this.current.force_update_at = 0; this.current.force_before_ms = null; this.current.force_after_ms = null; this.tm.last_autorefreshed = 0; this.paused = false; this.selected = false; this.enabled = true; // this.debug = false; // do not update the chart here // or the chart will flip-flop when it is the master // of a selection sync and another chart becomes // the new master if(dont_update !== true && this.isVisible() === true) { this.updateChart(); } }; this.updateChartPanOrZoom = function(after, before) { var logme = 'updateChartPanOrZoom(' + after + ', ' + before + '): '; var ret = true; if(this.debug === true) this.log(logme); if(before < after) { if(this.debug === true) this.log(logme + 'flipped parameters, rejecting it.'); return false; } if(typeof this.fixed_min_duration === 'undefined') this.fixed_min_duration = Math.round((this.chartWidth() / 30) * this.chart.update_every * 1000); var min_duration = this.fixed_min_duration; var current_duration = Math.round(this.view_before - this.view_after); // round the numbers after = Math.round(after); before = Math.round(before); // align them to update_every // stretching them further away after -= after % this.data_update_every; before += this.data_update_every - (before % this.data_update_every); // the final wanted duration var wanted_duration = before - after; // to allow panning, accept just a point below our minimum if((current_duration - this.data_update_every) < min_duration) min_duration = current_duration - this.data_update_every; // we do it, but we adjust to minimum size and return false // when the wanted size is below the current and the minimum // and we zoom if(wanted_duration < current_duration && wanted_duration < min_duration) { if(this.debug === true) this.log(logme + 'too small: min_duration: ' + (min_duration / 1000).toString() + ', wanted: ' + (wanted_duration / 1000).toString()); min_duration = this.fixed_min_duration; var dt = (min_duration - wanted_duration) / 2; before += dt; after -= dt; wanted_duration = before - after; ret = false; } var tolerance = this.data_update_every * 2; var movement = Math.abs(before - this.view_before); if(Math.abs(current_duration - wanted_duration) <= tolerance && movement <= tolerance && ret === true) { if(this.debug === true) this.log(logme + 'REJECTING UPDATE: current/min duration: ' + (current_duration / 1000).toString() + '/' + (this.fixed_min_duration / 1000).toString() + ', wanted duration: ' + (wanted_duration / 1000).toString() + ', duration diff: ' + (Math.round(Math.abs(current_duration - wanted_duration) / 1000)).toString() + ', movement: ' + (movement / 1000).toString() + ', tolerance: ' + (tolerance / 1000).toString() + ', returning: ' + false); return false; } if(this.current.name === 'auto') { this.log(logme + 'caller called me with mode: ' + this.current.name); this.setMode('pan'); } if(this.debug === true) this.log(logme + 'ACCEPTING UPDATE: current/min duration: ' + (current_duration / 1000).toString() + '/' + (this.fixed_min_duration / 1000).toString() + ', wanted duration: ' + (wanted_duration / 1000).toString() + ', duration diff: ' + (Math.round(Math.abs(current_duration - wanted_duration) / 1000)).toString() + ', movement: ' + (movement / 1000).toString() + ', tolerance: ' + (tolerance / 1000).toString() + ', returning: ' + ret); this.current.force_update_at = new Date().getTime() + NETDATA.options.current.pan_and_zoom_delay; this.current.force_after_ms = after; this.current.force_before_ms = before; NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.setMaster(this, after, before); return ret; }; this.legendFormatValue = function(value) { if(value === null || value === 'undefined') return '-'; if(typeof value !== 'number') return value; var abs = Math.abs(value); if(abs >= 1000) return (Math.round(value)).toLocaleString(); if(abs >= 100 ) return (Math.round(value * 10) / 10).toLocaleString(); if(abs >= 1 ) return (Math.round(value * 100) / 100).toLocaleString(); if(abs >= 0.1 ) return (Math.round(value * 1000) / 1000).toLocaleString(); return (Math.round(value * 10000) / 10000).toLocaleString(); }; this.legendSetLabelValue = function(label, value) { var series = this.element_legend_childs.series[label]; if(typeof series === 'undefined') return; if(series.value === null && series.user === null) return; // if the value has not changed, skip DOM update //if(series.last === value) return; var s, r; if(typeof value === 'number') { var v = Math.abs(value); s = r = this.legendFormatValue(value); if(typeof series.last === 'number') { if(v > series.last) s += ''; else if(v < series.last) s += ''; else s += ''; } else s += ''; series.last = v; } else { s = r = value; series.last = value; } if(series.value !== null) series.value.innerHTML = s; if(series.user !== null) series.user.innerHTML = r; }; this.legendSetDate = function(ms) { if(typeof ms !== 'number') { this.legendShowUndefined(); return; } var d = new Date(ms); if(this.element_legend_childs.title_date) this.element_legend_childs.title_date.innerHTML = d.toLocaleDateString(); if(this.element_legend_childs.title_time) this.element_legend_childs.title_time.innerHTML = d.toLocaleTimeString(); if(this.element_legend_childs.title_units) this.element_legend_childs.title_units.innerHTML = this.units; }; this.legendShowUndefined = function() { if(this.element_legend_childs.title_date) this.element_legend_childs.title_date.innerHTML = ' '; if(this.element_legend_childs.title_time) this.element_legend_childs.title_time.innerHTML = this.chart.name; if(this.element_legend_childs.title_units) this.element_legend_childs.title_units.innerHTML = ' '; if(this.data && this.element_legend_childs.series !== null) { var labels = this.data.dimension_names; var i = labels.length; while(i--) { var label = labels[i]; if(typeof label === 'undefined') continue; if(typeof this.element_legend_childs.series[label] === 'undefined') continue; this.legendSetLabelValue(label, null); } } }; this.legendShowLatestValues = function() { if(this.chart === null) return; if(this.selected) return; if(this.data === null || this.element_legend_childs.series === null) { this.legendShowUndefined(); return; } var show_undefined = true; if(Math.abs(this.netdata_last - this.view_before) <= this.data_update_every) show_undefined = false; if(show_undefined) { this.legendShowUndefined(); return; } this.legendSetDate(this.view_before); var labels = this.data.dimension_names; var i = labels.length; while(i--) { var label = labels[i]; if(typeof label === 'undefined') continue; if(typeof this.element_legend_childs.series[label] === 'undefined') continue; if(show_undefined) this.legendSetLabelValue(label, null); else this.legendSetLabelValue(label, this.data.view_latest_values[i]); } }; this.legendReset = function() { this.legendShowLatestValues(); }; // this should be called just ONCE per dimension per chart this._chartDimensionColor = function(label) { if(this.colors === null) this.chartColors(); if(typeof this.colors_assigned[label] === 'undefined') { if(this.colors_available.length === 0) { for(var i = 0, len = NETDATA.themes.current.colors.length; i < len ; i++) this.colors_available.push(NETDATA.themes.current.colors[i]); } this.colors_assigned[label] = this.colors_available.shift(); if(this.debug === true) this.log('label "' + label + '" got color "' + this.colors_assigned[label]); } else { if(this.debug === true) this.log('label "' + label + '" already has color "' + this.colors_assigned[label] + '"'); } this.colors.push(this.colors_assigned[label]); return this.colors_assigned[label]; }; this.chartColors = function() { if(this.colors !== null) return this.colors; this.colors = new Array(); this.colors_available = new Array(); var i, len; var c = $(this.element).data('colors'); // this.log('read colors: ' + c); if(typeof c !== 'undefined' && c !== null && c.length > 0) { if(typeof c !== 'string') { this.log('invalid color given: ' + c + ' (give a space separated list of colors)'); } else { c = c.split(' '); var added = 0; while(added < 20) { for(i = 0, len = c.length; i < len ; i++) { added++; this.colors_available.push(c[i]); // this.log('adding color: ' + c[i]); } } } } // push all the standard colors too for(i = 0, len = NETDATA.themes.current.colors.length; i < len ; i++) this.colors_available.push(NETDATA.themes.current.colors[i]); return this.colors; }; this.legendUpdateDOM = function() { var needed = false; // check that the legend DOM is up to date for the downloaded dimensions if(typeof this.element_legend_childs.series !== 'object' || this.element_legend_childs.series === null) { // this.log('the legend does not have any series - requesting legend update'); needed = true; } else if(this.data === null) { // this.log('the chart does not have any data - requesting legend update'); needed = true; } else if(typeof this.element_legend_childs.series.labels_key === 'undefined') { needed = true; } else { var labels = this.data.dimension_names.toString(); if(labels !== this.element_legend_childs.series.labels_key) { needed = true; if(this.debug === true) this.log('NEW LABELS: "' + labels + '" NOT EQUAL OLD LABELS: "' + this.element_legend_childs.series.labels_key + '"'); } } if(needed === false) { // make sure colors available this.chartColors(); // do we have to update the current values? // we do this, only when the visible chart is current if(Math.abs(this.netdata_last - this.view_before) <= this.data_update_every) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('chart is in latest position... updating values on legend...'); //var labels = this.data.dimension_names; //var i = labels.length; //while(i--) // this.legendSetLabelValue(labels[i], this.data.latest_values[i]); } return; } if(this.colors === null) { // this is the first time we update the chart // let's assign colors to all dimensions if(this.library.track_colors() === true) for(var dim in this.chart.dimensions) this._chartDimensionColor(this.chart.dimensions[dim].name); } // we will re-generate the colors for the chart // based on the selected dimensions this.colors = null; if(this.debug === true) this.log('updating Legend DOM'); // mark all dimensions as invalid this.dimensions_visibility.invalidateAll(); var genLabel = function(state, parent, name, count) { var color = state._chartDimensionColor(name); var user_element = null; var user_id = self.data('show-value-of-' + name + '-at') || null; if(user_id !== null) { user_element = document.getElementById(user_id) || null; if(user_element === null) state.log('Cannot find element with id: ' + user_id); } state.element_legend_childs.series[name] = { name: document.createElement('span'), value: document.createElement('span'), user: user_element, last: null }; var label = state.element_legend_childs.series[name]; // create the dimension visibility tracking for this label state.dimensions_visibility.dimensionAdd(name, label.name, label.value, color); var rgb = NETDATA.colorHex2Rgb(color); label.name.innerHTML = '
' var text = document.createTextNode(' ' + name); label.name.appendChild(text); if(count > 0) parent.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); parent.appendChild(label.name); parent.appendChild(label.value); }; var content = document.createElement('div'); if(this.hasLegend()) { this.element_legend_childs = { content: content, resize_handler: document.createElement('div'), toolbox: document.createElement('div'), toolbox_left: document.createElement('div'), toolbox_right: document.createElement('div'), toolbox_reset: document.createElement('div'), toolbox_zoomin: document.createElement('div'), toolbox_zoomout: document.createElement('div'), toolbox_volume: document.createElement('div'), title_date: document.createElement('span'), title_time: document.createElement('span'), title_units: document.createElement('span'), nano: document.createElement('div'), nano_options: { paneClass: 'netdata-legend-series-pane', sliderClass: 'netdata-legend-series-slider', contentClass: 'netdata-legend-series-content', enabledClass: '__enabled', flashedClass: '__flashed', activeClass: '__active', tabIndex: -1, alwaysVisible: true, sliderMinHeight: 10 }, series: {} }; this.element_legend.innerHTML = ''; if(this.library.toolboxPanAndZoom !== null) { function get_pan_and_zoom_step(event) { if (event.ctrlKey) return NETDATA.options.current.pan_and_zoom_factor * NETDATA.options.current.pan_and_zoom_factor_multiplier_control; else if (event.shiftKey) return NETDATA.options.current.pan_and_zoom_factor * NETDATA.options.current.pan_and_zoom_factor_multiplier_shift; else if (event.altKey) return NETDATA.options.current.pan_and_zoom_factor * NETDATA.options.current.pan_and_zoom_factor_multiplier_alt; else return NETDATA.options.current.pan_and_zoom_factor; } this.element_legend_childs.toolbox.className += ' netdata-legend-toolbox'; this.element.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox); this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_left.className += ' netdata-legend-toolbox-button'; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_left.innerHTML = ''; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_left); this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_left.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var step = (that.view_before - that.view_after) * get_pan_and_zoom_step(e); var before = that.view_before - step; var after = that.view_after - step; if(after >= that.netdata_first) that.library.toolboxPanAndZoom(that, after, before); }; if(NETDATA.options.current.show_help === true) $(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_left).popover({ container: "body", animation: false, html: true, trigger: 'hover', placement: 'bottom', delay: { show: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_show_ms, hide: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_hide_ms }, title: 'Pan Left', content: 'Pan the chart to the left. You can also drag it with your mouse or your finger (on touch devices).
Help, can be disabled from the settings.' }); this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_reset.className += ' netdata-legend-toolbox-button'; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_reset.innerHTML = ''; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_reset); this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_reset.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); NETDATA.resetAllCharts(that); }; if(NETDATA.options.current.show_help === true) $(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_reset).popover({ container: "body", animation: false, html: true, trigger: 'hover', placement: 'bottom', delay: { show: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_show_ms, hide: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_hide_ms }, title: 'Chart Reset', content: 'Reset all the charts to their default auto-refreshing state. You can also double click the chart contents with your mouse or your finger (on touch devices).
Help, can be disabled from the settings.' }); this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_right.className += ' netdata-legend-toolbox-button'; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_right.innerHTML = ''; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_right); this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_right.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var step = (that.view_before - that.view_after) * get_pan_and_zoom_step(e); var before = that.view_before + step; var after = that.view_after + step; if(before <= that.netdata_last) that.library.toolboxPanAndZoom(that, after, before); }; if(NETDATA.options.current.show_help === true) $(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_right).popover({ container: "body", animation: false, html: true, trigger: 'hover', placement: 'bottom', delay: { show: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_show_ms, hide: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_hide_ms }, title: 'Pan Right', content: 'Pan the chart to the right. You can also drag it with your mouse or your finger (on touch devices).
Help, can be disabled from the settings.' }); this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomin.className += ' netdata-legend-toolbox-button'; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomin.innerHTML = ''; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomin); this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomin.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var dt = ((that.view_before - that.view_after) * (get_pan_and_zoom_step(e) * 0.8) / 2); var before = that.view_before - dt; var after = that.view_after + dt; that.library.toolboxPanAndZoom(that, after, before); }; if(NETDATA.options.current.show_help === true) $(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomin).popover({ container: "body", animation: false, html: true, trigger: 'hover', placement: 'bottom', delay: { show: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_show_ms, hide: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_hide_ms }, title: 'Chart Zoom In', content: 'Zoom in the chart. You can also press SHIFT and select an area of the chart to zoom in. On Chrome and Opera, you can press the SHIFT or the ALT keys and then use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.
Help, can be disabled from the settings.' }); this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomout.className += ' netdata-legend-toolbox-button'; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomout.innerHTML = ''; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomout); this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomout.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var dt = (((that.view_before - that.view_after) / (1.0 - (get_pan_and_zoom_step(e) * 0.8)) - (that.view_before - that.view_after)) / 2); var before = that.view_before + dt; var after = that.view_after - dt; that.library.toolboxPanAndZoom(that, after, before); }; if(NETDATA.options.current.show_help === true) $(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomout).popover({ container: "body", animation: false, html: true, trigger: 'hover', placement: 'bottom', delay: { show: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_show_ms, hide: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_hide_ms }, title: 'Chart Zoom Out', content: 'Zoom out the chart. On Chrome and Opera, you can also press the SHIFT or the ALT keys and then use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.
Help, can be disabled from the settings.' }); //this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_volume.className += ' netdata-legend-toolbox-button'; //this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_volume.innerHTML = ''; //this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_volume.title = 'Visible Volume'; //this.element_legend_childs.toolbox.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_volume); //this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_volume.onclick = function(e) { //e.preventDefault(); //alert('clicked toolbox_volume on ' + that.id); //} } else { this.element_legend_childs.toolbox = null; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_left = null; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_reset = null; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_right = null; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomin = null; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_zoomout = null; this.element_legend_childs.toolbox_volume = null; } this.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.className += " netdata-legend-resize-handler"; this.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.innerHTML = ''; this.element.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.resize_handler); if(NETDATA.options.current.show_help === true) $(this.element_legend_childs.resize_handler).popover({ container: "body", animation: false, html: true, trigger: 'hover', placement: 'bottom', delay: { show: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_show_ms, hide: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_hide_ms }, title: 'Chart Resize', content: 'Drag this point with your mouse or your finger (on touch devices), to resize the chart vertically. You can also double click it or double tap it to reset between 2 states: the default and the one that fits all the values.
Help, can be disabled from the settings.' }); // mousedown event this.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.onmousedown = function(e) { that.resizeHandler(e); }; // touchstart event this.element_legend_childs.resize_handler.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { that.resizeHandler(e); }, false); this.element_legend_childs.title_date.className += " netdata-legend-title-date"; this.element_legend.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.title_date); this.element_legend.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); this.element_legend_childs.title_time.className += " netdata-legend-title-time"; this.element_legend.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.title_time); this.element_legend.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); this.element_legend_childs.title_units.className += " netdata-legend-title-units"; this.element_legend.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.title_units); this.element_legend.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); this.element_legend_childs.nano.className = 'netdata-legend-series'; this.element_legend.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.nano); content.className = 'netdata-legend-series-content'; this.element_legend_childs.nano.appendChild(content); if(NETDATA.options.current.show_help === true) $(content).popover({ container: "body", animation: false, html: true, trigger: 'hover', placement: 'bottom', title: 'Chart Legend', delay: { show: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_show_ms, hide: NETDATA.options.current.show_help_delay_hide_ms }, content: 'You can click or tap on the values or the labels to select dimentions. By pressing SHIFT or CONTROL, you can enable or disable multiple dimensions.
Help, can be disabled from the settings.' }); } else { this.element_legend_childs = { content: content, resize_handler: null, toolbox: null, toolbox_left: null, toolbox_right: null, toolbox_reset: null, toolbox_zoomin: null, toolbox_zoomout: null, toolbox_volume: null, title_date: null, title_time: null, title_units: null, nano: null, nano_options: null, series: {} }; } if(this.data) { this.element_legend_childs.series.labels_key = this.data.dimension_names.toString(); if(this.debug === true) this.log('labels from data: "' + this.element_legend_childs.series.labels_key + '"'); for(var i = 0, len = this.data.dimension_names.length; i < len ;i++) { genLabel(this, content, this.data.dimension_names[i], i); } } else { var tmp = new Array(); for(var dim in this.chart.dimensions) { tmp.push(this.chart.dimensions[dim].name); genLabel(this, content, this.chart.dimensions[dim].name, i); } this.element_legend_childs.series.labels_key = tmp.toString(); if(this.debug === true) this.log('labels from chart: "' + this.element_legend_childs.series.labels_key + '"'); } // create a hidden div to be used for hidding // the original legend of the chart library var el = document.createElement('div'); if(this.element_legend !== null) this.element_legend.appendChild(el); el.style.display = 'none'; this.element_legend_childs.hidden = document.createElement('div'); el.appendChild(this.element_legend_childs.hidden); if(this.element_legend_childs.nano !== null && this.element_legend_childs.nano_options !== null) $(this.element_legend_childs.nano).nanoScroller(this.element_legend_childs.nano_options); this.legendShowLatestValues(); }; this.hasLegend = function() { if(typeof this.___hasLegendCache___ !== 'undefined') return this.___hasLegendCache___; var leg = false; if(this.library && this.library.legend(this) === 'right-side') { var legend = $(this.element).data('legend') || 'yes'; if(legend === 'yes') leg = true; } this.___hasLegendCache___ = leg; return leg; }; this.legendWidth = function() { return (this.hasLegend())?140:0; }; this.legendHeight = function() { return $(this.element).height(); }; this.chartWidth = function() { return $(this.element).width() - this.legendWidth(); }; this.chartHeight = function() { return $(this.element).height(); }; this.chartPixelsPerPoint = function() { // force an options provided detail var px = this.pixels_per_point; if(this.library && px < this.library.pixels_per_point(this)) px = this.library.pixels_per_point(this); if(px < NETDATA.options.current.pixels_per_point) px = NETDATA.options.current.pixels_per_point; return px; }; this.needsRecreation = function() { return ( this.chart_created === true && this.library && this.library.autoresize() === false && this.tm.last_resized < NETDATA.options.last_resized ); }; this.chartURL = function() { var after, before, points_multiplier = 1; if(NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.isActive() && NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.isMaster(this) === false) { this.tm.pan_and_zoom_seq = NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.seq; after = Math.round(NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.force_after_ms / 1000); before = Math.round(NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.force_before_ms / 1000); this.view_after = after * 1000; this.view_before = before * 1000; this.requested_padding = null; points_multiplier = 1; } else if(this.current.force_before_ms !== null && this.current.force_after_ms !== null) { this.tm.pan_and_zoom_seq = 0; before = Math.round(this.current.force_before_ms / 1000); after = Math.round(this.current.force_after_ms / 1000); this.view_after = after * 1000; this.view_before = before * 1000; if(NETDATA.options.current.pan_and_zoom_data_padding === true) { this.requested_padding = Math.round((before - after) / 2); after -= this.requested_padding; before += this.requested_padding; this.requested_padding *= 1000; points_multiplier = 2; } this.current.force_before_ms = null; this.current.force_after_ms = null; } else { this.tm.pan_and_zoom_seq = 0; before = this.before; after = this.after; this.view_after = after * 1000; this.view_before = before * 1000; this.requested_padding = null; points_multiplier = 1; } this.requested_after = after * 1000; this.requested_before = before * 1000; this.data_points = this.points || Math.round(this.chartWidth() / this.chartPixelsPerPoint()); // build the data URL this.data_url = this.host + this.chart.data_url; this.data_url += "&format=" + this.library.format(); this.data_url += "&points=" + (this.data_points * points_multiplier).toString(); this.data_url += "&group=" + this.method; this.data_url += "&options=" + this.library.options(this); this.data_url += '|jsonwrap'; if(NETDATA.options.current.eliminate_zero_dimensions === true) this.data_url += '|nonzero'; if(this.append_options !== null) this.data_url += '|' + this.append_options.toString(); if(after) this.data_url += "&after=" + after.toString(); if(before) this.data_url += "&before=" + before.toString(); if(this.dimensions) this.data_url += "&dimensions=" + this.dimensions; if(NETDATA.options.debug.chart_data_url === true || this.debug === true) this.log('chartURL(): ' + this.data_url + ' WxH:' + this.chartWidth() + 'x' + this.chartHeight() + ' points: ' + this.data_points + ' library: ' + this.library_name); }; this.redrawChart = function() { if(this.data !== null) this.updateChartWithData(this.data); }; this.updateChartWithData = function(data) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('updateChartWithData() called.'); this._updating = false; // this may force the chart to be re-created resizeChart(); this.data = data; this.updates_counter++; this.updates_since_last_unhide++; this.updates_since_last_creation++; var started = new Date().getTime(); // if the result is JSON, find the latest update-every this.data_update_every = data.view_update_every * 1000; this.data_after = data.after * 1000; this.data_before = data.before * 1000; this.netdata_first = data.first_entry * 1000; this.netdata_last = data.last_entry * 1000; this.data_points = data.points; data.state = this; if(NETDATA.options.current.pan_and_zoom_data_padding === true && this.requested_padding !== null) { if(this.view_after < this.data_after) { // console.log('adusting view_after from ' + this.view_after + ' to ' + this.data_after); this.view_after = this.data_after; } if(this.view_before > this.data_before) { // console.log('adusting view_before from ' + this.view_before + ' to ' + this.data_before); this.view_before = this.data_before; } } else { this.view_after = this.data_after; this.view_before = this.data_before; } if(this.debug === true) { this.log('UPDATE No ' + this.updates_counter + ' COMPLETED'); if(this.current.force_after_ms) this.log('STATUS: forced : ' + (this.current.force_after_ms / 1000).toString() + ' - ' + (this.current.force_before_ms / 1000).toString()); else this.log('STATUS: forced : unset'); this.log('STATUS: requested : ' + (this.requested_after / 1000).toString() + ' - ' + (this.requested_before / 1000).toString()); this.log('STATUS: downloaded: ' + (this.data_after / 1000).toString() + ' - ' + (this.data_before / 1000).toString()); this.log('STATUS: rendered : ' + (this.view_after / 1000).toString() + ' - ' + (this.view_before / 1000).toString()); this.log('STATUS: points : ' + (this.data_points).toString()); } if(this.data_points === 0) { noDataToShow(); return; } if(this.updates_since_last_creation >= this.library.max_updates_to_recreate()) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('max updates of ' + this.updates_since_last_creation.toString() + ' reached. Forcing re-generation.'); this.chart_created = false; } // check and update the legend this.legendUpdateDOM(); if(this.chart_created === true && typeof this.library.update === 'function') { if(this.debug === true) this.log('updating chart...'); if(callChartLibraryUpdateSafely(data) === false) return; } else { if(this.debug === true) this.log('creating chart...'); if(callChartLibraryCreateSafely(data) === false) return; } hideMessage(); this.legendShowLatestValues(); if(this.selected === true) NETDATA.globalSelectionSync.stop(); // update the performance counters var now = new Date().getTime(); this.tm.last_updated = now; // don't update last_autorefreshed if this chart is // forced to be updated with global PanAndZoom if(NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.isActive()) this.tm.last_autorefreshed = 0; else { if(NETDATA.options.current.parallel_refresher === true && NETDATA.options.current.concurrent_refreshes) this.tm.last_autorefreshed = Math.round(now / this.data_update_every) * this.data_update_every; else this.tm.last_autorefreshed = now; } this.refresh_dt_ms = now - started; NETDATA.options.auto_refresher_fast_weight += this.refresh_dt_ms; if(this.refresh_dt_element !== null) this.refresh_dt_element.innerHTML = this.refresh_dt_ms.toString(); }; this.updateChart = function(callback) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('updateChart() called.'); if(this._updating === true) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('I am already updating...'); if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); return false; } // due to late initialization of charts and libraries // we need to check this too if(this.enabled === false) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('I am not enabled'); if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); return false; } if(canBeRendered() === false) { if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); return false; } if(this.chart === null) { this.getChart(function() { that.updateChart(callback); }); return false; } if(this.library.initialized === false) { if(this.library.enabled === true) { this.library.initialize(function() { that.updateChart(callback); }); return false; } else { error('chart library "' + this.library_name + '" is not available.'); if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); return false; } } this.clearSelection(); this.chartURL(); if(this.debug === true) this.log('updating from ' + this.data_url); this._updating = true; this.xhr = $.ajax( { url: this.data_url, crossDomain: NETDATA.options.crossDomainAjax, cache: false, async: true }) .success(function(data) { if(that.debug === true) that.log('data received. updating chart.'); that.updateChartWithData(data); }) .fail(function() { error('data download failed for url: ' + that.data_url); }) .always(function() { that._updating = false; if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); }); return true; }; this.isVisible = function(nocache) { if(typeof nocache === 'undefined') nocache = false; // this.log('last_visible_check: ' + this.tm.last_visible_check + ', last_page_scroll: ' + NETDATA.options.last_page_scroll); // caching - we do not evaluate the charts visibility // if the page has not been scrolled since the last check if(nocache === false && this.tm.last_visible_check > NETDATA.options.last_page_scroll) return this.___isVisible___; this.tm.last_visible_check = new Date().getTime(); var wh = window.innerHeight; var x = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(); var ret = 0; var tolerance = 0; if(x.width === 0 || x.height === 0) { hideChart(); this.___isVisible___ = false; return this.___isVisible___; } if(x.top < 0 && -x.top > x.height) { // the chart is entirely above ret = -x.top - x.height; } else if(x.top > wh) { // the chart is entirely below ret = x.top - wh; } if(ret > tolerance) { // the chart is too far hideChart(); this.___isVisible___ = false; return this.___isVisible___; } else { // the chart is inside or very close unhideChart(); this.___isVisible___ = true; return this.___isVisible___; } }; this.isAutoRefreshed = function() { return (this.current.autorefresh); }; this.canBeAutoRefreshed = function() { var now = new Date().getTime(); if(this.enabled === false) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('I am not enabled'); return false; } if(this.library === null || this.library.enabled === false) { error('charting library "' + this.library_name + '" is not available'); if(this.debug === true) this.log('My chart library ' + this.library_name + ' is not available'); return false; } if(this.isVisible() === false) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.visibility === true || this.debug === true) this.log('I am not visible'); return false; } if(this.current.force_update_at !== 0 && this.current.force_update_at < now) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('timed force update detected - allowing this update'); this.current.force_update_at = 0; return true; } if(this.isAutoRefreshed() === true) { // allow the first update, even if the page is not visible if(this.updates_counter && this.updates_since_last_unhide && NETDATA.options.page_is_visible === false) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.focus === true || this.debug === true) this.log('canBeAutoRefreshed(): page does not have focus'); return false; } if(this.needsRecreation() === true) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('canBeAutoRefreshed(): needs re-creation.'); return true; } // options valid only for autoRefresh() if(NETDATA.options.auto_refresher_stop_until === 0 || NETDATA.options.auto_refresher_stop_until < now) { if(NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.isActive()) { if(NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.shouldBeAutoRefreshed(this)) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('canBeAutoRefreshed(): global panning: I need an update.'); return true; } else { if(this.debug === true) this.log('canBeAutoRefreshed(): global panning: I am already up to date.'); return false; } } if(this.selected === true) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('canBeAutoRefreshed(): I have a selection in place.'); return false; } if(this.paused === true) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('canBeAutoRefreshed(): I am paused.'); return false; } if(now - this.tm.last_autorefreshed >= this.data_update_every) { if(this.debug === true) this.log('canBeAutoRefreshed(): It is time to update me.'); return true; } } } return false; }; this.autoRefresh = function(callback) { if(this.canBeAutoRefreshed() === true) { this.updateChart(callback); } else { if(typeof callback !== 'undefined') callback(); } }; this._defaultsFromDownloadedChart = function(chart) { this.chart = chart; this.chart_url = chart.url; this.data_update_every = chart.update_every * 1000; this.data_points = Math.round(this.chartWidth() / this.chartPixelsPerPoint()); this.tm.last_info_downloaded = new Date().getTime(); if(this.title === null) this.title = chart.title; if(this.units === null) this.units = chart.units; }; // fetch the chart description from the netdata server this.getChart = function(callback) { this.chart = NETDATA.chartRegistry.get(this.host, this.id); if(this.chart) { this._defaultsFromDownloadedChart(this.chart); if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); } else { this.chart_url = "/api/v1/chart?chart=" + this.id; if(this.debug === true) this.log('downloading ' + this.chart_url); $.ajax( { url: this.host + this.chart_url, crossDomain: NETDATA.options.crossDomainAjax, cache: false, async: true }) .done(function(chart) { chart.url = that.chart_url; that._defaultsFromDownloadedChart(chart); NETDATA.chartRegistry.add(that.host, that.id, chart); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.error(404, that.chart_url); error('chart not found on url "' + that.chart_url + '"'); }) .always(function() { if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); }); } }; // ============================================================================================================ // INITIALIZATION init(); }; NETDATA.resetAllCharts = function(state) { // first clear the global selection sync // to make sure no chart is in selected state state.globalSelectionSyncStop(); // there are 2 possibilities here // a. state is the global Pan and Zoom master // b. state is not the global Pan and Zoom master var master = true; if(NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.isMaster(state) === false) master = false; // clear the global Pan and Zoom // this will also refresh the master // and unblock any charts currently mirroring the master NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.clearMaster(); // if we were not the master, reset our status too // this is required because most probably the mouse // is over this chart, blocking it from auto-refreshing if(master === false && (state.paused === true || state.selected === true)) state.resetChart(); }; // get or create a chart state, given a DOM element NETDATA.chartState = function(element) { var state = $(element).data('netdata-state-object') || null; if(state === null) { state = new chartState(element); $(element).data('netdata-state-object', state); } return state; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Library functions // Load a script without jquery // This is used to load jquery - after it is loaded, we use jquery NETDATA._loadjQuery = function(callback) { if(typeof jQuery === 'undefined') { if(NETDATA.options.debug.main_loop === true) console.log('loading ' + NETDATA.jQuery); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.async = true; script.src = NETDATA.jQuery; // script.onabort = onError; script.onerror = function(err, t) { NETDATA.error(101, NETDATA.jQuery); }; if(typeof callback === "function") script.onload = callback; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(script, s); } else if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }; NETDATA._loadCSS = function(filename) { // don't use jQuery here // styles are loaded before jQuery // to eliminate showing an unstyled page to the user var fileref = document.createElement("link"); fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); fileref.setAttribute("href", filename); if (typeof fileref !== 'undefined') document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref); }; NETDATA.colorHex2Rgb = function(hex) { // Expand shorthand form (e.g. "03F") to full form (e.g. "0033FF") var shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; hex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, function(m, r, g, b) { return r + r + g + g + b + b; }); var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); return result ? { r: parseInt(result[1], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), b: parseInt(result[3], 16) } : null; }; NETDATA.colorLuminance = function(hex, lum) { // validate hex string hex = String(hex).replace(/[^0-9a-f]/gi, ''); if (hex.length < 6) hex = hex[0]+hex[0]+hex[1]+hex[1]+hex[2]+hex[2]; lum = lum || 0; // convert to decimal and change luminosity var rgb = "#", c, i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { c = parseInt(hex.substr(i*2,2), 16); c = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(0, c + (c * lum)), 255)).toString(16); rgb += ("00"+c).substr(c.length); } return rgb; }; NETDATA.guid = function() { function s4() { return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) .toString(16) .substring(1); } return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4(); }; NETDATA.zeropad = function(x) { if(x > -10 && x < 10) return '0' + x.toString(); else return x.toString(); }; // user function to signal us the DOM has been // updated. NETDATA.updatedDom = function() { NETDATA.options.updated_dom = true; }; NETDATA.ready = function(callback) { NETDATA.options.pauseCallback = callback; }; NETDATA.pause = function(callback) { if(NETDATA.options.pause === true) callback(); else NETDATA.options.pauseCallback = callback; }; NETDATA.unpause = function() { NETDATA.options.pauseCallback = null; NETDATA.options.updated_dom = true; NETDATA.options.pause = false; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this is purely sequencial charts refresher // it is meant to be autonomous NETDATA.chartRefresherNoParallel = function(index) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.mail_loop === true) console.log('NETDATA.chartRefresherNoParallel(' + index + ')'); if(NETDATA.options.updated_dom === true) { // the dom has been updated // get the dom parts again NETDATA.parseDom(NETDATA.chartRefresher); return; } if(index >= NETDATA.options.targets.length) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.main_loop === true) console.log('waiting to restart main loop...'); NETDATA.options.auto_refresher_fast_weight = 0; setTimeout(function() { NETDATA.chartRefresher(); }, NETDATA.options.current.idle_between_loops); } else { var state = NETDATA.options.targets[index]; if(NETDATA.options.auto_refresher_fast_weight < NETDATA.options.current.fast_render_timeframe) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.main_loop === true) console.log('fast rendering...'); state.autoRefresh(function() { NETDATA.chartRefresherNoParallel(++index); }); } else { if(NETDATA.options.debug.main_loop === true) console.log('waiting for next refresh...'); NETDATA.options.auto_refresher_fast_weight = 0; setTimeout(function() { state.autoRefresh(function() { NETDATA.chartRefresherNoParallel(++index); }); }, NETDATA.options.current.idle_between_charts); } } }; // this is part of the parallel refresher // its cause is to refresh sequencially all the charts // that depend on chart library initialization // it will call the parallel refresher back // as soon as it sees a chart that its chart library // is initialized NETDATA.chartRefresher_uninitialized = function() { if(NETDATA.options.updated_dom === true) { // the dom has been updated // get the dom parts again NETDATA.parseDom(NETDATA.chartRefresher); return; } if(NETDATA.options.sequencial.length === 0) NETDATA.chartRefresher(); else { var state = NETDATA.options.sequencial.pop(); if(state.library.initialized === true) NETDATA.chartRefresher(); else state.autoRefresh(NETDATA.chartRefresher_uninitialized); } }; NETDATA.chartRefresherWaitTime = function() { return NETDATA.options.current.idle_parallel_loops; }; // the default refresher // it will create 2 sets of charts: // - the ones that can be refreshed in parallel // - the ones that depend on something else // the first set will be executed in parallel // the second will be given to NETDATA.chartRefresher_uninitialized() NETDATA.chartRefresher = function() { if(NETDATA.options.pause === true) { // console.log('auto-refresher is paused'); setTimeout(NETDATA.chartRefresher, NETDATA.chartRefresherWaitTime()); return; } if(typeof NETDATA.options.pauseCallback === 'function') { // console.log('auto-refresher is calling pauseCallback'); NETDATA.options.pause = true; NETDATA.options.pauseCallback(); NETDATA.chartRefresher(); return; } if(NETDATA.options.current.parallel_refresher === false) { NETDATA.chartRefresherNoParallel(0); return; } if(NETDATA.options.updated_dom === true) { // the dom has been updated // get the dom parts again NETDATA.parseDom(NETDATA.chartRefresher); return; } var parallel = new Array(); var targets = NETDATA.options.targets; var len = targets.length; while(len--) { if(targets[len].isVisible() === false) continue; var state = targets[len]; if(state.library.initialized === false) { if(state.library.enabled === true) { state.library.initialize(NETDATA.chartRefresher); return; } else { state.error('chart library "' + state.library_name + '" is not enabled.'); } } parallel.unshift(state); } if(parallel.length > 0) { var parallel_jobs = parallel.length; // this will execute the jobs in parallel $(parallel).each(function() { this.autoRefresh(function() { parallel_jobs--; if(parallel_jobs === 0) { setTimeout(NETDATA.chartRefresher, NETDATA.chartRefresherWaitTime()); } }); }) } else { setTimeout(NETDATA.chartRefresher, NETDATA.chartRefresherWaitTime()); } }; NETDATA.parseDom = function(callback) { NETDATA.options.last_page_scroll = new Date().getTime(); NETDATA.options.updated_dom = false; var targets = $('div[data-netdata]'); //.filter(':visible'); if(NETDATA.options.debug.main_loop === true) console.log('DOM updated - there are ' + targets.length + ' charts on page.'); NETDATA.options.targets = new Array(); var len = targets.length; while(len--) { // the initialization will take care of sizing // and the "loading..." message NETDATA.options.targets.push(NETDATA.chartState(targets[len])); } if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); }; // this is the main function - where everything starts NETDATA.start = function() { // this should be called only once NETDATA.options.page_is_visible = true; $(window).blur(function() { if(NETDATA.options.current.stop_updates_when_focus_is_lost === true) { NETDATA.options.page_is_visible = false; if(NETDATA.options.debug.focus === true) console.log('Lost Focus!'); } }); $(window).focus(function() { if(NETDATA.options.current.stop_updates_when_focus_is_lost === true) { NETDATA.options.page_is_visible = true; if(NETDATA.options.debug.focus === true) console.log('Focus restored!'); } }); if(typeof document.hasFocus === 'function' && !document.hasFocus()) { if(NETDATA.options.current.stop_updates_when_focus_is_lost === true) { NETDATA.options.page_is_visible = false; if(NETDATA.options.debug.focus === true) console.log('Document has no focus!'); } } // bootstrap tab switching $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', NETDATA.onscroll); // bootstrap modal switching $('.modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', NETDATA.onscroll); $('.modal').on('shown.bs.modal', NETDATA.onscroll); NETDATA.parseDom(NETDATA.chartRefresher); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // peity NETDATA.peityInitialize = function(callback) { if(typeof netdataNoPeitys === 'undefined' || !netdataNoPeitys) { $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.peity_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('peity', NETDATA.peity_js); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.chartLibraries.peity.enabled = false; NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.peity_js); }) .always(function() { if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }); } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.peity.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } }; NETDATA.peityChartUpdate = function(state, data) { state.peity_instance.innerHTML = data.result; if(state.peity_options.stroke !== state.chartColors()[0]) { state.peity_options.stroke = state.chartColors()[0]; if(state.chart.chart_type === 'line') state.peity_options.fill = NETDATA.themes.current.background; else state.peity_options.fill = NETDATA.colorLuminance(state.chartColors()[0], NETDATA.chartDefaults.fill_luminance); } $(state.peity_instance).peity('line', state.peity_options); return true; }; NETDATA.peityChartCreate = function(state, data) { state.peity_instance = document.createElement('div'); state.element_chart.appendChild(state.peity_instance); var self = $(state.element); state.peity_options = { stroke: NETDATA.themes.current.foreground, strokeWidth: self.data('peity-strokewidth') || 1, width: state.chartWidth(), height: state.chartHeight(), fill: NETDATA.themes.current.foreground }; NETDATA.peityChartUpdate(state, data); return true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // sparkline NETDATA.sparklineInitialize = function(callback) { if(typeof netdataNoSparklines === 'undefined' || !netdataNoSparklines) { $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.sparkline_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('sparkline', NETDATA.sparkline_js); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.chartLibraries.sparkline.enabled = false; NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.sparkline_js); }) .always(function() { if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }); } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.sparkline.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } }; NETDATA.sparklineChartUpdate = function(state, data) { state.sparkline_options.width = state.chartWidth(); state.sparkline_options.height = state.chartHeight(); $(state.element_chart).sparkline(data.result, state.sparkline_options); return true; }; NETDATA.sparklineChartCreate = function(state, data) { var self = $(state.element); var type = self.data('sparkline-type') || 'line'; var lineColor = self.data('sparkline-linecolor') || state.chartColors()[0]; var fillColor = self.data('sparkline-fillcolor') || (state.chart.chart_type === 'line')?NETDATA.themes.current.background:NETDATA.colorLuminance(lineColor, NETDATA.chartDefaults.fill_luminance); var chartRangeMin = self.data('sparkline-chartrangemin') || undefined; var chartRangeMax = self.data('sparkline-chartrangemax') || undefined; var composite = self.data('sparkline-composite') || undefined; var enableTagOptions = self.data('sparkline-enabletagoptions') || undefined; var tagOptionPrefix = self.data('sparkline-tagoptionprefix') || undefined; var tagValuesAttribute = self.data('sparkline-tagvaluesattribute') || undefined; var disableHiddenCheck = self.data('sparkline-disablehiddencheck') || undefined; var defaultPixelsPerValue = self.data('sparkline-defaultpixelspervalue') || undefined; var spotColor = self.data('sparkline-spotcolor') || undefined; var minSpotColor = self.data('sparkline-minspotcolor') || undefined; var maxSpotColor = self.data('sparkline-maxspotcolor') || undefined; var spotRadius = self.data('sparkline-spotradius') || undefined; var valueSpots = self.data('sparkline-valuespots') || undefined; var highlightSpotColor = self.data('sparkline-highlightspotcolor') || undefined; var highlightLineColor = self.data('sparkline-highlightlinecolor') || undefined; var lineWidth = self.data('sparkline-linewidth') || undefined; var normalRangeMin = self.data('sparkline-normalrangemin') || undefined; var normalRangeMax = self.data('sparkline-normalrangemax') || undefined; var drawNormalOnTop = self.data('sparkline-drawnormalontop') || undefined; var xvalues = self.data('sparkline-xvalues') || undefined; var chartRangeClip = self.data('sparkline-chartrangeclip') || undefined; var chartRangeMinX = self.data('sparkline-chartrangeminx') || undefined; var chartRangeMaxX = self.data('sparkline-chartrangemaxx') || undefined; var disableInteraction = self.data('sparkline-disableinteraction') || false; var disableTooltips = self.data('sparkline-disabletooltips') || false; var disableHighlight = self.data('sparkline-disablehighlight') || false; var highlightLighten = self.data('sparkline-highlightlighten') || 1.4; var highlightColor = self.data('sparkline-highlightcolor') || undefined; var tooltipContainer = self.data('sparkline-tooltipcontainer') || undefined; var tooltipClassname = self.data('sparkline-tooltipclassname') || undefined; var tooltipFormat = self.data('sparkline-tooltipformat') || undefined; var tooltipPrefix = self.data('sparkline-tooltipprefix') || undefined; var tooltipSuffix = self.data('sparkline-tooltipsuffix') || ' ' + state.units; var tooltipSkipNull = self.data('sparkline-tooltipskipnull') || true; var tooltipValueLookups = self.data('sparkline-tooltipvaluelookups') || undefined; var tooltipFormatFieldlist = self.data('sparkline-tooltipformatfieldlist') || undefined; var tooltipFormatFieldlistKey = self.data('sparkline-tooltipformatfieldlistkey') || undefined; var numberFormatter = self.data('sparkline-numberformatter') || function(n){ return n.toFixed(2); }; var numberDigitGroupSep = self.data('sparkline-numberdigitgroupsep') || undefined; var numberDecimalMark = self.data('sparkline-numberdecimalmark') || undefined; var numberDigitGroupCount = self.data('sparkline-numberdigitgroupcount') || undefined; var animatedZooms = self.data('sparkline-animatedzooms') || false; state.sparkline_options = { type: type, lineColor: lineColor, fillColor: fillColor, chartRangeMin: chartRangeMin, chartRangeMax: chartRangeMax, composite: composite, enableTagOptions: enableTagOptions, tagOptionPrefix: tagOptionPrefix, tagValuesAttribute: tagValuesAttribute, disableHiddenCheck: disableHiddenCheck, defaultPixelsPerValue: defaultPixelsPerValue, spotColor: spotColor, minSpotColor: minSpotColor, maxSpotColor: maxSpotColor, spotRadius: spotRadius, valueSpots: valueSpots, highlightSpotColor: highlightSpotColor, highlightLineColor: highlightLineColor, lineWidth: lineWidth, normalRangeMin: normalRangeMin, normalRangeMax: normalRangeMax, drawNormalOnTop: drawNormalOnTop, xvalues: xvalues, chartRangeClip: chartRangeClip, chartRangeMinX: chartRangeMinX, chartRangeMaxX: chartRangeMaxX, disableInteraction: disableInteraction, disableTooltips: disableTooltips, disableHighlight: disableHighlight, highlightLighten: highlightLighten, highlightColor: highlightColor, tooltipContainer: tooltipContainer, tooltipClassname: tooltipClassname, tooltipChartTitle: state.title, tooltipFormat: tooltipFormat, tooltipPrefix: tooltipPrefix, tooltipSuffix: tooltipSuffix, tooltipSkipNull: tooltipSkipNull, tooltipValueLookups: tooltipValueLookups, tooltipFormatFieldlist: tooltipFormatFieldlist, tooltipFormatFieldlistKey: tooltipFormatFieldlistKey, numberFormatter: numberFormatter, numberDigitGroupSep: numberDigitGroupSep, numberDecimalMark: numberDecimalMark, numberDigitGroupCount: numberDigitGroupCount, animatedZooms: animatedZooms, width: state.chartWidth(), height: state.chartHeight() }; $(state.element_chart).sparkline(data.result, state.sparkline_options); return true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dygraph NETDATA.dygraph = { smooth: false }; NETDATA.dygraphToolboxPanAndZoom = function(state, after, before) { if(after < state.netdata_first) after = state.netdata_first; if(before > state.netdata_last) before = state.netdata_last; state.setMode('zoom'); state.globalSelectionSyncStop(); state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); state.dygraph_user_action = true; state.dygraph_force_zoom = true; state.updateChartPanOrZoom(after, before); NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.setMaster(state, after, before); }; NETDATA.dygraphSetSelection = function(state, t) { if(typeof state.dygraph_instance !== 'undefined') { var r = state.calculateRowForTime(t); if(r !== -1) state.dygraph_instance.setSelection(r); else { state.dygraph_instance.clearSelection(); state.legendShowUndefined(); } } return true; }; NETDATA.dygraphClearSelection = function(state, t) { if(typeof state.dygraph_instance !== 'undefined') { state.dygraph_instance.clearSelection(); } return true; }; NETDATA.dygraphSmoothInitialize = function(callback) { $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.dygraph_smooth_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.dygraph.smooth = true; smoothPlotter.smoothing = 0.3; }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.dygraph.smooth = false; }) .always(function() { if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }); }; NETDATA.dygraphInitialize = function(callback) { if(typeof netdataNoDygraphs === 'undefined' || !netdataNoDygraphs) { $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.dygraph_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('dygraph', NETDATA.dygraph_js); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.chartLibraries.dygraph.enabled = false; NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.dygraph_js); }) .always(function() { if(NETDATA.chartLibraries.dygraph.enabled === true && NETDATA.options.current.smooth_plot === true) NETDATA.dygraphSmoothInitialize(callback); else if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }); } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.dygraph.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } }; NETDATA.dygraphChartUpdate = function(state, data) { var dygraph = state.dygraph_instance; if(typeof dygraph === 'undefined') return NETDATA.dygraphChartCreate(state, data); // when the chart is not visible, and hidden // if there is a window resize, dygraph detects // its element size as 0x0. // this will make it re-appear properly if(state.tm.last_unhidden > state.dygraph_last_rendered) dygraph.resize(); var options = { file: data.result.data, colors: state.chartColors(), labels: data.result.labels, labelsDivWidth: state.chartWidth() - 70, visibility: state.dimensions_visibility.selected2BooleanArray(state.data.dimension_names) }; if(state.dygraph_force_zoom === true) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('dygraphChartUpdate() forced zoom update'); options.dateWindow = (state.requested_padding !== null)?[ state.view_after, state.view_before ]:null; options.valueRange = null; options.isZoomedIgnoreProgrammaticZoom = true; state.dygraph_force_zoom = false; } else if(state.current.name !== 'auto') { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('dygraphChartUpdate() loose update'); } else { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('dygraphChartUpdate() strict update'); options.dateWindow = (state.requested_padding !== null)?[ state.view_after, state.view_before ]:null; options.valueRange = null; options.isZoomedIgnoreProgrammaticZoom = true; } if(state.dygraph_smooth_eligible === true) { if((NETDATA.options.current.smooth_plot === true && state.dygraph_options.plotter !== smoothPlotter) || (NETDATA.options.current.smooth_plot === false && state.dygraph_options.plotter === smoothPlotter)) { NETDATA.dygraphChartCreate(state, data); return; } } dygraph.updateOptions(options); state.dygraph_last_rendered = new Date().getTime(); return true; }; NETDATA.dygraphChartCreate = function(state, data) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('dygraphChartCreate()'); var self = $(state.element); var chart_type = state.chart.chart_type; if(chart_type === 'stacked' && data.dimensions === 1) chart_type = 'area'; chart_type = self.data('dygraph-type') || chart_type; var smooth = (chart_type === 'line' && !NETDATA.chartLibraries.dygraph.isSparkline(state))?true:false; smooth = self.data('dygraph-smooth') || smooth; if(NETDATA.dygraph.smooth === false) smooth = false; var strokeWidth = (chart_type === 'stacked')?0.1:((smooth)?1.5:0.7) var highlightCircleSize = (NETDATA.chartLibraries.dygraph.isSparkline(state))?3:4; state.dygraph_options = { colors: self.data('dygraph-colors') || state.chartColors(), // leave a few pixels empty on the right of the chart rightGap: self.data('dygraph-rightgap') || 5, showRangeSelector: self.data('dygraph-showrangeselector') || false, showRoller: self.data('dygraph-showroller') || false, title: self.data('dygraph-title') || state.title, titleHeight: self.data('dygraph-titleheight') || 19, legend: self.data('dygraph-legend') || 'always', // 'onmouseover', labels: data.result.labels, labelsDiv: self.data('dygraph-labelsdiv') || state.element_legend_childs.hidden, labelsDivStyles: self.data('dygraph-labelsdivstyles') || { 'fontSize':'1px' }, labelsDivWidth: self.data('dygraph-labelsdivwidth') || state.chartWidth() - 70, labelsSeparateLines: self.data('dygraph-labelsseparatelines') || true, labelsShowZeroValues: self.data('dygraph-labelsshowzerovalues') || true, labelsKMB: false, labelsKMG2: false, showLabelsOnHighlight: self.data('dygraph-showlabelsonhighlight') || true, hideOverlayOnMouseOut: self.data('dygraph-hideoverlayonmouseout') || true, ylabel: state.units, yLabelWidth: self.data('dygraph-ylabelwidth') || 12, // the function to plot the chart plotter: null, // The width of the lines connecting data points. This can be used to increase the contrast or some graphs. strokeWidth: self.data('dygraph-strokewidth') || strokeWidth, strokePattern: self.data('dygraph-strokepattern') || undefined, // The size of the dot to draw on each point in pixels (see drawPoints). A dot is always drawn when a point is "isolated", // i.e. there is a missing point on either side of it. This also controls the size of those dots. drawPoints: self.data('dygraph-drawpoints') || false, // Draw points at the edges of gaps in the data. This improves visibility of small data segments or other data irregularities. drawGapEdgePoints: self.data('dygraph-drawgapedgepoints') || true, connectSeparatedPoints: self.data('dygraph-connectseparatedpoints') || false, pointSize: self.data('dygraph-pointsize') || 1, // enabling this makes the chart with little square lines stepPlot: self.data('dygraph-stepplot') || false, // Draw a border around graph lines to make crossing lines more easily distinguishable. Useful for graphs with many lines. strokeBorderColor: self.data('dygraph-strokebordercolor') || NETDATA.themes.current.background, strokeBorderWidth: self.data('dygraph-strokeborderwidth') || (chart_type === 'stacked')?0.0:0.0, fillGraph: self.data('dygraph-fillgraph') || (chart_type === 'area' || chart_type === 'stacked')?true:false, fillAlpha: self.data('dygraph-fillalpha') || (chart_type === 'stacked')?NETDATA.options.current.color_fill_opacity_stacked:NETDATA.options.current.color_fill_opacity_area, stackedGraph: self.data('dygraph-stackedgraph') || (chart_type === 'stacked')?true:false, stackedGraphNaNFill: self.data('dygraph-stackedgraphnanfill') || 'none', drawAxis: self.data('dygraph-drawaxis') || true, axisLabelFontSize: self.data('dygraph-axislabelfontsize') || 10, axisLineColor: self.data('dygraph-axislinecolor') || NETDATA.themes.current.axis, axisLineWidth: self.data('dygraph-axislinewidth') || 0.3, drawGrid: self.data('dygraph-drawgrid') || true, drawXGrid: self.data('dygraph-drawxgrid') || undefined, drawYGrid: self.data('dygraph-drawygrid') || undefined, gridLinePattern: self.data('dygraph-gridlinepattern') || null, gridLineWidth: self.data('dygraph-gridlinewidth') || 0.3, gridLineColor: self.data('dygraph-gridlinecolor') || NETDATA.themes.current.grid, maxNumberWidth: self.data('dygraph-maxnumberwidth') || 8, sigFigs: self.data('dygraph-sigfigs') || null, digitsAfterDecimal: self.data('dygraph-digitsafterdecimal') || 2, valueFormatter: self.data('dygraph-valueformatter') || function(x){ return x.toFixed(2); }, highlightCircleSize: self.data('dygraph-highlightcirclesize') || highlightCircleSize, highlightSeriesOpts: self.data('dygraph-highlightseriesopts') || null, // TOO SLOW: { strokeWidth: 1.5 }, highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha: self.data('dygraph-highlightseriesbackgroundalpha') || null, // TOO SLOW: (chart_type === 'stacked')?0.7:0.5, pointClickCallback: self.data('dygraph-pointclickcallback') || undefined, visibility: state.dimensions_visibility.selected2BooleanArray(state.data.dimension_names), axes: { x: { pixelsPerLabel: 50, ticker: Dygraph.dateTicker, axisLabelFormatter: function (d, gran) { return NETDATA.zeropad(d.getHours()) + ":" + NETDATA.zeropad(d.getMinutes()) + ":" + NETDATA.zeropad(d.getSeconds()); }, valueFormatter: function (ms) { var d = new Date(ms); return d.toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + d.toLocaleTimeString(); // return NETDATA.zeropad(d.getHours()) + ":" + NETDATA.zeropad(d.getMinutes()) + ":" + NETDATA.zeropad(d.getSeconds()); } }, y: { pixelsPerLabel: 15, valueFormatter: function (x) { // we format legends with the state object // no need to do anything here // return (Math.round(x*100) / 100).toLocaleString(); // return state.legendFormatValue(x); return x; } } }, legendFormatter: function(data) { var elements = state.element_legend_childs; // if the hidden div is not there // we are not managing the legend if(elements.hidden === null) return; if (typeof data.x !== 'undefined') { state.legendSetDate(data.x); var i = data.series.length; while(i--) { var series = data.series[i]; if(!series.isVisible) continue; state.legendSetLabelValue(series.label, series.y); } } return ''; }, drawCallback: function(dygraph, is_initial) { if(state.current.name !== 'auto' && state.dygraph_user_action === true) { state.dygraph_user_action = false; var x_range = dygraph.xAxisRange(); var after = Math.round(x_range[0]); var before = Math.round(x_range[1]); if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true) state.log('dygraphDrawCallback(dygraph, ' + is_initial + '): ' + (after / 1000).toString() + ' - ' + (before / 1000).toString()); if(before <= state.netdata_last && after >= state.netdata_first) state.updateChartPanOrZoom(after, before); } }, zoomCallback: function(minDate, maxDate, yRanges) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true) state.log('dygraphZoomCallback()'); state.globalSelectionSyncStop(); state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); state.setMode('zoom'); // refresh it to the greatest possible zoom level state.dygraph_user_action = true; state.dygraph_force_zoom = true; state.updateChartPanOrZoom(minDate, maxDate); }, highlightCallback: function(event, x, points, row, seriesName) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('dygraphHighlightCallback()'); state.pauseChart(); // there is a bug in dygraph when the chart is zoomed enough // the time it thinks is selected is wrong // here we calculate the time t based on the row number selected // which is ok var t = state.data_after + row * state.data_update_every; // console.log('row = ' + row + ', x = ' + x + ', t = ' + t + ' ' + ((t === x)?'SAME':(Math.abs(x-t)<=state.data_update_every)?'SIMILAR':'DIFFERENT') + ', rows in db: ' + state.data_points + ' visible(x) = ' + state.timeIsVisible(x) + ' visible(t) = ' + state.timeIsVisible(t) + ' r(x) = ' + state.calculateRowForTime(x) + ' r(t) = ' + state.calculateRowForTime(t) + ' range: ' + state.data_after + ' - ' + state.data_before + ' real: ' + state.data.after + ' - ' + state.data.before + ' every: ' + state.data_update_every); state.globalSelectionSync(x); // fix legend zIndex using the internal structures of dygraph legend module // this works, but it is a hack! // state.dygraph_instance.plugins_[0].plugin.legend_div_.style.zIndex = 10000; }, unhighlightCallback: function(event) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('dygraphUnhighlightCallback()'); state.unpauseChart(); state.globalSelectionSyncStop(); }, interactionModel : { mousedown: function(event, dygraph, context) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('interactionModel.mousedown()'); state.dygraph_user_action = true; state.globalSelectionSyncStop(); if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true) state.log('dygraphMouseDown()'); // Right-click should not initiate a zoom. if(event.button && event.button === 2) return; context.initializeMouseDown(event, dygraph, context); if(event.button && event.button === 1) { if (event.altKey || event.shiftKey) { state.setMode('pan'); state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); Dygraph.startPan(event, dygraph, context); } else { state.setMode('zoom'); state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); Dygraph.startZoom(event, dygraph, context); } } else { if (event.altKey || event.shiftKey) { state.setMode('zoom'); state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); Dygraph.startZoom(event, dygraph, context); } else { state.setMode('pan'); state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); Dygraph.startPan(event, dygraph, context); } } }, mousemove: function(event, dygraph, context) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('interactionModel.mousemove()'); if(context.isPanning) { state.dygraph_user_action = true; state.globalSelectionSyncStop(); state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); state.setMode('pan'); Dygraph.movePan(event, dygraph, context); } else if(context.isZooming) { state.dygraph_user_action = true; state.globalSelectionSyncStop(); state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); state.setMode('zoom'); Dygraph.moveZoom(event, dygraph, context); } }, mouseup: function(event, dygraph, context) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('interactionModel.mouseup()'); if (context.isPanning) { state.dygraph_user_action = true; state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); Dygraph.endPan(event, dygraph, context); } else if (context.isZooming) { state.dygraph_user_action = true; state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); Dygraph.endZoom(event, dygraph, context); } }, click: function(event, dygraph, context) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('interactionModel.click()'); event.preventDefault(); }, dblclick: function(event, dygraph, context) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('interactionModel.dblclick()'); NETDATA.resetAllCharts(state); }, mousewheel: function(event, dygraph, context) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('interactionModel.mousewheel()'); // Take the offset of a mouse event on the dygraph canvas and // convert it to a pair of percentages from the bottom left. // (Not top left, bottom is where the lower value is.) function offsetToPercentage(g, offsetX, offsetY) { // This is calculating the pixel offset of the leftmost date. var xOffset = g.toDomCoords(g.xAxisRange()[0], null)[0]; var yar0 = g.yAxisRange(0); // This is calculating the pixel of the higest value. (Top pixel) var yOffset = g.toDomCoords(null, yar0[1])[1]; // x y w and h are relative to the corner of the drawing area, // so that the upper corner of the drawing area is (0, 0). var x = offsetX - xOffset; var y = offsetY - yOffset; // This is computing the rightmost pixel, effectively defining the // width. var w = g.toDomCoords(g.xAxisRange()[1], null)[0] - xOffset; // This is computing the lowest pixel, effectively defining the height. var h = g.toDomCoords(null, yar0[0])[1] - yOffset; // Percentage from the left. var xPct = w === 0 ? 0 : (x / w); // Percentage from the top. var yPct = h === 0 ? 0 : (y / h); // The (1-) part below changes it from "% distance down from the top" // to "% distance up from the bottom". return [xPct, (1-yPct)]; } // Adjusts [x, y] toward each other by zoomInPercentage% // Split it so the left/bottom axis gets xBias/yBias of that change and // tight/top gets (1-xBias)/(1-yBias) of that change. // // If a bias is missing it splits it down the middle. function zoomRange(g, zoomInPercentage, xBias, yBias) { xBias = xBias || 0.5; yBias = yBias || 0.5; function adjustAxis(axis, zoomInPercentage, bias) { var delta = axis[1] - axis[0]; var increment = delta * zoomInPercentage; var foo = [increment * bias, increment * (1-bias)]; return [ axis[0] + foo[0], axis[1] - foo[1] ]; } var yAxes = g.yAxisRanges(); var newYAxes = []; for (var i = 0; i < yAxes.length; i++) { newYAxes[i] = adjustAxis(yAxes[i], zoomInPercentage, yBias); } return adjustAxis(g.xAxisRange(), zoomInPercentage, xBias); } if(event.altKey || event.shiftKey) { state.dygraph_user_action = true; state.globalSelectionSyncStop(); state.globalSelectionSyncDelay(); // http://dygraphs.com/gallery/interaction-api.js var normal = (event.detail) ? event.detail * -1 : event.wheelDelta / 40; var percentage = normal / 50; if (!(event.offsetX && event.offsetY)){ event.offsetX = event.layerX - event.target.offsetLeft; event.offsetY = event.layerY - event.target.offsetTop; } var percentages = offsetToPercentage(dygraph, event.offsetX, event.offsetY); var xPct = percentages[0]; var yPct = percentages[1]; var new_x_range = zoomRange(dygraph, percentage, xPct, yPct); var after = new_x_range[0]; var before = new_x_range[1]; var first = state.netdata_first + state.data_update_every; var last = state.netdata_last + state.data_update_every; if(before > last) { after -= (before - last); before = last; } if(after < first) { after = first; } state.setMode('zoom'); if(state.updateChartPanOrZoom(after, before) === true) dygraph.updateOptions({ dateWindow: [ after, before ] }); event.preventDefault(); } }, touchstart: function(event, dygraph, context) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('interactionModel.touchstart()'); state.dygraph_user_action = true; state.setMode('zoom'); state.pauseChart(); Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.touchstart(event, dygraph, context); // we overwrite the touch directions at the end, to overwrite // the internal default of dygraphs context.touchDirections = { x: true, y: false }; state.dygraph_last_touch_start = new Date().getTime(); state.dygraph_last_touch_move = 0; if(typeof event.touches[0].pageX === 'number') state.dygraph_last_touch_page_x = event.touches[0].pageX; else state.dygraph_last_touch_page_x = 0; }, touchmove: function(event, dygraph, context) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('interactionModel.touchmove()'); state.dygraph_user_action = true; Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.touchmove(event, dygraph, context); state.dygraph_last_touch_move = new Date().getTime(); }, touchend: function(event, dygraph, context) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.dygraph === true || state.debug === true) state.log('interactionModel.touchend()'); state.dygraph_user_action = true; Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.touchend(event, dygraph, context); // if it didn't move, it is a selection if(state.dygraph_last_touch_move === 0 && state.dygraph_last_touch_page_x !== 0) { // internal api of dygraphs var pct = (state.dygraph_last_touch_page_x - (dygraph.plotter_.area.x + state.element.getBoundingClientRect().left)) / dygraph.plotter_.area.w; var t = Math.round(state.data_after + (state.data_before - state.data_after) * pct); if(NETDATA.dygraphSetSelection(state, t) === true) state.globalSelectionSync(t); } // if it was double tap within double click time, reset the charts var now = new Date().getTime(); if(typeof state.dygraph_last_touch_end !== 'undefined') { if(state.dygraph_last_touch_move === 0) { var dt = now - state.dygraph_last_touch_end; if(dt <= NETDATA.options.current.double_click_speed) NETDATA.resetAllCharts(state); } } // remember the timestamp of the last touch end state.dygraph_last_touch_end = now; } } }; if(NETDATA.chartLibraries.dygraph.isSparkline(state)) { state.dygraph_options.drawGrid = false; state.dygraph_options.drawAxis = false; state.dygraph_options.title = undefined; state.dygraph_options.units = undefined; state.dygraph_options.ylabel = undefined; state.dygraph_options.yLabelWidth = 0; state.dygraph_options.labelsDivWidth = 120; state.dygraph_options.labelsDivStyles.width = '120px'; state.dygraph_options.labelsSeparateLines = true; state.dygraph_options.rightGap = 0; } if(smooth === true) { state.dygraph_smooth_eligible = true; if(NETDATA.options.current.smooth_plot === true) state.dygraph_options.plotter = smoothPlotter; } else state.dygraph_smooth_eligible = false; state.dygraph_instance = new Dygraph(state.element_chart, data.result.data, state.dygraph_options); state.dygraph_force_zoom = false; state.dygraph_user_action = false; state.dygraph_last_rendered = new Date().getTime(); return true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // morris NETDATA.morrisInitialize = function(callback) { if(typeof netdataNoMorris === 'undefined' || !netdataNoMorris) { // morris requires raphael if(!NETDATA.chartLibraries.raphael.initialized) { if(NETDATA.chartLibraries.raphael.enabled) { NETDATA.raphaelInitialize(function() { NETDATA.morrisInitialize(callback); }); } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.morris.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } } else { NETDATA._loadCSS(NETDATA.morris_css); $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.morris_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('morris', NETDATA.morris_js); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.chartLibraries.morris.enabled = false; NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.morris_js); }) .always(function() { if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }); } } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.morris.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } }; NETDATA.morrisChartUpdate = function(state, data) { state.morris_instance.setData(data.result.data); return true; }; NETDATA.morrisChartCreate = function(state, data) { state.morris_options = { element: state.element_chart.id, data: data.result.data, xkey: 'time', ykeys: data.dimension_names, labels: data.dimension_names, lineWidth: 2, pointSize: 3, smooth: true, hideHover: 'auto', parseTime: true, continuousLine: false, behaveLikeLine: false }; if(state.chart.chart_type === 'line') state.morris_instance = new Morris.Line(state.morris_options); else if(state.chart.chart_type === 'area') { state.morris_options.behaveLikeLine = true; state.morris_instance = new Morris.Area(state.morris_options); } else // stacked state.morris_instance = new Morris.Area(state.morris_options); return true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // raphael NETDATA.raphaelInitialize = function(callback) { if(typeof netdataStopRaphael === 'undefined' || !netdataStopRaphael) { $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.raphael_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('raphael', NETDATA.raphael_js); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.chartLibraries.raphael.enabled = false; NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.raphael_js); }) .always(function() { if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }); } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.raphael.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } }; NETDATA.raphaelChartUpdate = function(state, data) { $(state.element_chart).raphael(data.result, { width: state.chartWidth(), height: state.chartHeight() }); return false; }; NETDATA.raphaelChartCreate = function(state, data) { $(state.element_chart).raphael(data.result, { width: state.chartWidth(), height: state.chartHeight() }); return false; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C3 NETDATA.c3Initialize = function(callback) { if(typeof netdataNoC3 === 'undefined' || !netdataNoC3) { // C3 requires D3 if(!NETDATA.chartLibraries.d3.initialized) { if(NETDATA.chartLibraries.d3.enabled) { NETDATA.d3Initialize(function() { NETDATA.c3Initialize(callback); }); } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.c3.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } } else { NETDATA._loadCSS(NETDATA.c3_css); $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.c3_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('c3', NETDATA.c3_js); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.chartLibraries.c3.enabled = false; NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.c3_js); }) .always(function() { if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }); } } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.c3.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } }; NETDATA.c3ChartUpdate = function(state, data) { state.c3_instance.destroy(); return NETDATA.c3ChartCreate(state, data); //state.c3_instance.load({ // rows: data.result, // unload: true //}); //return true; }; NETDATA.c3ChartCreate = function(state, data) { state.element_chart.id = 'c3-' + state.uuid; // console.log('id = ' + state.element_chart.id); state.c3_instance = c3.generate({ bindto: '#' + state.element_chart.id, size: { width: state.chartWidth(), height: state.chartHeight() }, color: { pattern: state.chartColors() }, data: { x: 'time', rows: data.result, type: (state.chart.chart_type === 'line')?'spline':'area-spline' }, axis: { x: { type: 'timeseries', tick: { format: function(x) { return NETDATA.zeropad(x.getHours()) + ":" + NETDATA.zeropad(x.getMinutes()) + ":" + NETDATA.zeropad(x.getSeconds()); } } } }, grid: { x: { show: true }, y: { show: true } }, point: { show: false }, line: { connectNull: false }, transition: { duration: 0 }, interaction: { enabled: true } }); // console.log(state.c3_instance); return true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3 NETDATA.d3Initialize = function(callback) { if(typeof netdataStopD3 === 'undefined' || !netdataStopD3) { $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.d3_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('d3', NETDATA.d3_js); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.chartLibraries.d3.enabled = false; NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.d3_js); }) .always(function() { if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }); } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.d3.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } }; NETDATA.d3ChartUpdate = function(state, data) { return false; }; NETDATA.d3ChartCreate = function(state, data) { return false; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // google charts NETDATA.googleInitialize = function(callback) { if(typeof netdataNoGoogleCharts === 'undefined' || !netdataNoGoogleCharts) { $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.google_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('google', NETDATA.google_js); google.load('visualization', '1.1', { 'packages': ['corechart', 'controls'], 'callback': callback }); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.chartLibraries.google.enabled = false; NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.google_js); if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }); } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.google.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } }; NETDATA.googleChartUpdate = function(state, data) { var datatable = new google.visualization.DataTable(data.result); state.google_instance.draw(datatable, state.google_options); return true; }; NETDATA.googleChartCreate = function(state, data) { var datatable = new google.visualization.DataTable(data.result); state.google_options = { colors: state.chartColors(), // do not set width, height - the chart resizes itself //width: state.chartWidth(), //height: state.chartHeight(), lineWidth: 1, title: state.title, fontSize: 11, hAxis: { // title: "Time of Day", // format:'HH:mm:ss', viewWindowMode: 'maximized', slantedText: false, format:'HH:mm:ss', textStyle: { fontSize: 9 }, gridlines: { color: '#EEE' } }, vAxis: { title: state.units, viewWindowMode: 'pretty', minValue: -0.1, maxValue: 0.1, direction: 1, textStyle: { fontSize: 9 }, gridlines: { color: '#EEE' } }, chartArea: { width: '65%', height: '80%' }, focusTarget: 'category', annotation: { '1': { style: 'line' } }, pointsVisible: 0, titlePosition: 'out', titleTextStyle: { fontSize: 11 }, tooltip: { isHtml: false, ignoreBounds: true, textStyle: { fontSize: 9 } }, curveType: 'function', areaOpacity: 0.3, isStacked: false }; switch(state.chart.chart_type) { case "area": state.google_options.vAxis.viewWindowMode = 'maximized'; state.google_options.areaOpacity = NETDATA.options.current.color_fill_opacity_area; state.google_instance = new google.visualization.AreaChart(state.element_chart); break; case "stacked": state.google_options.isStacked = true; state.google_options.areaOpacity = NETDATA.options.current.color_fill_opacity_stacked; state.google_options.vAxis.viewWindowMode = 'maximized'; state.google_options.vAxis.minValue = null; state.google_options.vAxis.maxValue = null; state.google_instance = new google.visualization.AreaChart(state.element_chart); break; default: case "line": state.google_options.lineWidth = 2; state.google_instance = new google.visualization.LineChart(state.element_chart); break; } state.google_instance.draw(datatable, state.google_options); return true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETDATA.percentFromValueMax = function(value, max) { if(value === null) value = 0; if(max < value) max = value; var pcent = 0; if(max !== 0) { pcent = Math.round(value * 100 / max); if(pcent === 0 && value > 0) pcent = 1; } return pcent; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // easy-pie-chart NETDATA.easypiechartInitialize = function(callback) { if(typeof netdataNoEasyPieChart === 'undefined' || !netdataNoEasyPieChart) { $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.easypiechart_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('easypiechart', NETDATA.easypiechart_js); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.chartLibraries.easypiechart.enabled = false; NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.easypiechart_js); }) .always(function() { if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }) } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.easypiechart.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } }; NETDATA.easypiechartClearSelection = function(state) { if(typeof state.easyPieChartEvent !== 'undefined') { if(state.easyPieChartEvent.timer !== null) clearTimeout(state.easyPieChartEvent.timer); state.easyPieChartEvent.timer = null; } if(state.isAutoRefreshed() === true && state.data !== null) { NETDATA.easypiechartChartUpdate(state, state.data); } else { state.easyPieChartLabel.innerHTML = state.legendFormatValue(null); state.easyPieChart_instance.update(0); } state.easyPieChart_instance.enableAnimation(); return true; }; NETDATA.easypiechartSetSelection = function(state, t) { if(state.timeIsVisible(t) !== true) return NETDATA.easypiechartClearSelection(state); var slot = state.calculateRowForTime(t); if(slot < 0 || slot >= state.data.result.length) return NETDATA.easypiechartClearSelection(state); if(typeof state.easyPieChartEvent === 'undefined') { state.easyPieChartEvent = { timer: null, value: 0, pcent: 0 }; } var value = state.data.result[state.data.result.length - 1 - slot]; var max = (state.easyPieChartMax === null)?state.data.max:state.easyPieChartMax; var pcent = NETDATA.percentFromValueMax(value, max); state.easyPieChartEvent.value = value; state.easyPieChartEvent.pcent = pcent; state.easyPieChartLabel.innerHTML = state.legendFormatValue(value); if(state.easyPieChartEvent.timer === null) { state.easyPieChart_instance.disableAnimation(); state.easyPieChartEvent.timer = setTimeout(function() { state.easyPieChartEvent.timer = null; state.easyPieChart_instance.update(state.easyPieChartEvent.pcent); }, NETDATA.options.current.charts_selection_animation_delay); } return true; }; NETDATA.easypiechartChartUpdate = function(state, data) { var value, max, pcent; if(NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.isActive() === true || state.isAutoRefreshed() === false) { value = null; max = 0; pcent = 0; } else { value = data.result[0]; max = (state.easyPieChartMax === null)?data.max:state.easyPieChartMax; pcent = NETDATA.percentFromValueMax(value, max); } state.easyPieChartLabel.innerHTML = state.legendFormatValue(value); state.easyPieChart_instance.update(pcent); return true; }; NETDATA.easypiechartChartCreate = function(state, data) { var self = $(state.element); var chart = $(state.element_chart); var value = data.result[0]; var max = self.data('easypiechart-max-value') || null; var adjust = self.data('easypiechart-adjust') || null; if(max === null) { max = data.max; state.easyPieChartMax = null; } else state.easyPieChartMax = max; var pcent = NETDATA.percentFromValueMax(value, max); chart.data('data-percent', pcent); var size; switch(adjust) { case 'width': size = state.chartHeight(); break; case 'min': size = Math.min(state.chartWidth(), state.chartHeight()); break; case 'max': size = Math.max(state.chartWidth(), state.chartHeight()); break; case 'height': default: size = state.chartWidth(); break; } state.element.style.width = size + 'px'; state.element.style.height = size + 'px'; var stroke = Math.floor(size / 22); if(stroke < 3) stroke = 2; var valuefontsize = Math.floor((size * 2 / 3) / 5); var valuetop = Math.round((size - valuefontsize - (size / 40)) / 2); state.easyPieChartLabel = document.createElement('span'); state.easyPieChartLabel.className = 'easyPieChartLabel'; state.easyPieChartLabel.innerHTML = state.legendFormatValue(value); state.easyPieChartLabel.style.fontSize = valuefontsize + 'px'; state.easyPieChartLabel.style.top = valuetop.toString() + 'px'; state.element_chart.appendChild(state.easyPieChartLabel); var titlefontsize = Math.round(valuefontsize * 1.6 / 3); var titletop = Math.round(valuetop - (titlefontsize * 2) - (size / 40)); state.easyPieChartTitle = document.createElement('span'); state.easyPieChartTitle.className = 'easyPieChartTitle'; state.easyPieChartTitle.innerHTML = state.title; state.easyPieChartTitle.style.fontSize = titlefontsize + 'px'; state.easyPieChartTitle.style.lineHeight = titlefontsize + 'px'; state.easyPieChartTitle.style.top = titletop.toString() + 'px'; state.element_chart.appendChild(state.easyPieChartTitle); var unitfontsize = Math.round(titlefontsize * 0.9); var unittop = Math.round(valuetop + (valuefontsize + unitfontsize) + (size / 40)); state.easyPieChartUnits = document.createElement('span'); state.easyPieChartUnits.className = 'easyPieChartUnits'; state.easyPieChartUnits.innerHTML = state.units; state.easyPieChartUnits.style.fontSize = unitfontsize + 'px'; state.easyPieChartUnits.style.top = unittop.toString() + 'px'; state.element_chart.appendChild(state.easyPieChartUnits); chart.easyPieChart({ barColor: self.data('easypiechart-barcolor') || state.chartColors()[0], //'#ef1e25', trackColor: self.data('easypiechart-trackcolor') || NETDATA.themes.current.easypiechart_track, scaleColor: self.data('easypiechart-scalecolor') || NETDATA.themes.current.easypiechart_scale, scaleLength: self.data('easypiechart-scalelength') || 5, lineCap: self.data('easypiechart-linecap') || 'round', lineWidth: self.data('easypiechart-linewidth') || stroke, trackWidth: self.data('easypiechart-trackwidth') || undefined, size: self.data('easypiechart-size') || size, rotate: self.data('easypiechart-rotate') || 0, animate: self.data('easypiechart-rotate') || {duration: 500, enabled: true}, easing: self.data('easypiechart-easing') || undefined }); // when we just re-create the chart // do not animate the first update var animate = true; if(typeof state.easyPieChart_instance !== 'undefined') animate = false; state.easyPieChart_instance = chart.data('easyPieChart'); if(animate === false) state.easyPieChart_instance.disableAnimation(); state.easyPieChart_instance.update(pcent); if(animate === false) state.easyPieChart_instance.enableAnimation(); return true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // gauge.js NETDATA.gaugeInitialize = function(callback) { if(typeof netdataNoGauge === 'undefined' || !netdataNoGauge) { $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.gauge_js, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .done(function() { NETDATA.registerChartLibrary('gauge', NETDATA.gauge_js); }) .fail(function() { NETDATA.chartLibraries.gauge.enabled = false; NETDATA.error(100, NETDATA.gauge_js); }) .always(function() { if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); }) } else { NETDATA.chartLibraries.gauge.enabled = false; if(typeof callback === "function") callback(); } }; NETDATA.gaugeAnimation = function(state, status) { var speed = 32; if(typeof status === 'boolean' && status === false) speed = 1000000000; else if(typeof status === 'number') speed = status; state.gauge_instance.animationSpeed = speed; state.___gaugeOld__.speed = speed; }; NETDATA.gaugeSet = function(state, value, min, max) { if(typeof value !== 'number') value = 0; if(typeof min !== 'number') min = 0; if(typeof max !== 'number') max = 0; if(value > max) max = value; if(value < min) min = value; if(min > max) { var t = min; min = max; max = t; } else if(min == max) max = min + 1; // gauge.js has an issue if the needle // is smaller than min or larger than max // when we set the new values // the needle will go crazy // to prevent it, we always feed it // with a percentage, so that the needle // is always between min and max var pcent = (value - min) * 100 / (max - min); // these should never happen if(pcent < 0) pcent = 0; if(pcent > 100) pcent = 100; state.gauge_instance.set(pcent); state.___gaugeOld__.value = value; state.___gaugeOld__.min = min; state.___gaugeOld__.max = max; }; NETDATA.gaugeSetLabels = function(state, value, min, max) { if(state.___gaugeOld__.valueLabel !== value) { state.___gaugeOld__.valueLabel = value; state.gaugeChartLabel.innerHTML = state.legendFormatValue(value); } if(state.___gaugeOld__.minLabel !== min) { state.___gaugeOld__.minLabel = min; state.gaugeChartMin.innerHTML = state.legendFormatValue(min); } if(state.___gaugeOld__.maxLabel !== max) { state.___gaugeOld__.maxLabel = max; state.gaugeChartMax.innerHTML = state.legendFormatValue(max); } }; NETDATA.gaugeClearSelection = function(state) { if(typeof state.gaugeEvent !== 'undefined') { if(state.gaugeEvent.timer !== null) clearTimeout(state.gaugeEvent.timer); state.gaugeEvent.timer = null; } if(state.isAutoRefreshed() === true && state.data !== null) { NETDATA.gaugeChartUpdate(state, state.data); } else { NETDATA.gaugeAnimation(state, false); NETDATA.gaugeSet(state, null, null, null); NETDATA.gaugeSetLabels(state, null, null, null); } NETDATA.gaugeAnimation(state, true); return true; }; NETDATA.gaugeSetSelection = function(state, t) { if(state.timeIsVisible(t) !== true) return NETDATA.gaugeClearSelection(state); var slot = state.calculateRowForTime(t); if(slot < 0 || slot >= state.data.result.length) return NETDATA.gaugeClearSelection(state); if(typeof state.gaugeEvent === 'undefined') { state.gaugeEvent = { timer: null, value: 0, min: 0, max: 0 }; } var value = state.data.result[state.data.result.length - 1 - slot]; var max = (state.gaugeMax === null)?state.data.max:state.gaugeMax; var min = 0; state.gaugeEvent.value = value; state.gaugeEvent.max = max; state.gaugeEvent.min = min; NETDATA.gaugeSetLabels(state, value, min, max); if(state.gaugeEvent.timer === null) { NETDATA.gaugeAnimation(state, false); state.gaugeEvent.timer = setTimeout(function() { state.gaugeEvent.timer = null; NETDATA.gaugeSet(state, state.gaugeEvent.value, state.gaugeEvent.min, state.gaugeEvent.max); }, NETDATA.options.current.charts_selection_animation_delay); } return true; }; NETDATA.gaugeChartUpdate = function(state, data) { var value, min, max; if(NETDATA.globalPanAndZoom.isActive() === true || state.isAutoRefreshed() === false) { value = 0; min = 0; max = 1; NETDATA.gaugeSetLabels(state, null, null, null); } else { value = data.result[0]; min = 0; max = (state.gaugeMax === null)?data.max:state.gaugeMax; if(value > max) max = value; NETDATA.gaugeSetLabels(state, value, min, max); } NETDATA.gaugeSet(state, value, min, max); return true; }; NETDATA.gaugeChartCreate = function(state, data) { var self = $(state.element); // var chart = $(state.element_chart); var value = data.result[0]; var max = self.data('gauge-max-value') || null; var adjust = self.data('gauge-adjust') || null; var pointerColor = self.data('gauge-pointer-color') || NETDATA.themes.current.gauge_pointer; var strokeColor = self.data('gauge-stroke-color') || NETDATA.themes.current.gauge_stroke; var startColor = self.data('gauge-start-color') || state.chartColors()[0]; var stopColor = self.data('gauge-stop-color') || void 0; var generateGradient = self.data('gauge-generate-gradient') || false; if(max === null) { max = data.max; state.gaugeMax = null; } else state.gaugeMax = max; var width = state.chartWidth(), height = state.chartHeight(); //, ratio = 1.5; //switch(adjust) { // case 'width': width = height * ratio; break; // case 'height': // default: height = width / ratio; break; //} //state.element.style.width = width.toString() + 'px'; //state.element.style.height = height.toString() + 'px'; var lum_d = 0.05; var options = { lines: 12, // The number of lines to draw angle: 0.15, // The length of each line lineWidth: 0.44, // 0.44 The line thickness pointer: { length: 0.8, // 0.9 The radius of the inner circle strokeWidth: 0.035, // The rotation offset color: pointerColor // Fill color }, colorStart: startColor, // Colors colorStop: stopColor, // just experiment with them strokeColor: strokeColor, // to see which ones work best for you limitMax: true, generateGradient: generateGradient, gradientType: 0 }; if(generateGradient === false && NETDATA.themes.current.gauge_gradient === true) { options.percentColors = [ [0.0, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, (lum_d * 10) - (lum_d * 0))], [0.1, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, (lum_d * 10) - (lum_d * 1))], [0.2, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, (lum_d * 10) - (lum_d * 2))], [0.3, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, (lum_d * 10) - (lum_d * 3))], [0.4, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, (lum_d * 10) - (lum_d * 4))], [0.5, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, (lum_d * 10) - (lum_d * 5))], [0.6, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, (lum_d * 10) - (lum_d * 6))], [0.7, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, (lum_d * 10) - (lum_d * 7))], [0.8, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, (lum_d * 10) - (lum_d * 8))], [0.9, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, (lum_d * 10) - (lum_d * 9))], [1.0, NETDATA.colorLuminance(startColor, 0.0)]]; } state.gauge_canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); state.gauge_canvas.id = 'gauge-' + state.uuid + '-canvas'; state.gauge_canvas.className = 'gaugeChart'; state.gauge_canvas.width = width; state.gauge_canvas.height = height; state.element_chart.appendChild(state.gauge_canvas); var valuefontsize = Math.floor(height / 6); var valuetop = Math.round((height - valuefontsize - (height / 6)) / 2); state.gaugeChartLabel = document.createElement('span'); state.gaugeChartLabel.className = 'gaugeChartLabel'; state.gaugeChartLabel.style.fontSize = valuefontsize + 'px'; state.gaugeChartLabel.style.top = valuetop.toString() + 'px'; state.element_chart.appendChild(state.gaugeChartLabel); var titlefontsize = Math.round(valuefontsize / 2); var titletop = 0; state.gaugeChartTitle = document.createElement('span'); state.gaugeChartTitle.className = 'gaugeChartTitle'; state.gaugeChartTitle.innerHTML = state.title; state.gaugeChartTitle.style.fontSize = titlefontsize + 'px'; state.gaugeChartTitle.style.lineHeight = titlefontsize + 'px'; state.gaugeChartTitle.style.top = titletop.toString() + 'px'; state.element_chart.appendChild(state.gaugeChartTitle); var unitfontsize = Math.round(titlefontsize * 0.9); state.gaugeChartUnits = document.createElement('span'); state.gaugeChartUnits.className = 'gaugeChartUnits'; state.gaugeChartUnits.innerHTML = state.units; state.gaugeChartUnits.style.fontSize = unitfontsize + 'px'; state.element_chart.appendChild(state.gaugeChartUnits); state.gaugeChartMin = document.createElement('span'); state.gaugeChartMin.className = 'gaugeChartMin'; state.gaugeChartMin.style.fontSize = Math.round(valuefontsize * 0.75).toString() + 'px'; state.element_chart.appendChild(state.gaugeChartMin); state.gaugeChartMax = document.createElement('span'); state.gaugeChartMax.className = 'gaugeChartMax'; state.gaugeChartMax.style.fontSize = Math.round(valuefontsize * 0.75).toString() + 'px'; state.element_chart.appendChild(state.gaugeChartMax); // when we just re-create the chart // do not animate the first update var animate = true; if(typeof state.gauge_instance !== 'undefined') animate = false; state.gauge_instance = new Gauge(state.gauge_canvas).setOptions(options); // create sexy gauge! state.___gaugeOld__ = { value: value, min: 0, max: max, valueLabel: null, minLabel: null, maxLabel: null }; // we will always feed a percentage state.gauge_instance.minValue = 0; state.gauge_instance.maxValue = 100; NETDATA.gaugeAnimation(state, animate); NETDATA.gaugeSet(state, value, 0, max); NETDATA.gaugeSetLabels(state, value, 0, max); NETDATA.gaugeAnimation(state, true); return true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Charts Libraries Registration NETDATA.chartLibraries = { "dygraph": { initialize: NETDATA.dygraphInitialize, create: NETDATA.dygraphChartCreate, update: NETDATA.dygraphChartUpdate, resize: function(state) { if(typeof state.dygraph_instance.resize === 'function') state.dygraph_instance.resize(); }, setSelection: NETDATA.dygraphSetSelection, clearSelection: NETDATA.dygraphClearSelection, toolboxPanAndZoom: NETDATA.dygraphToolboxPanAndZoom, initialized: false, enabled: true, format: function(state) { return 'json'; }, options: function(state) { return 'ms|flip'; }, legend: function(state) { if(this.isSparkline(state) === false) return 'right-side'; else return null; }, autoresize: function(state) { return true; }, max_updates_to_recreate: function(state) { return 5000; }, track_colors: function(state) { return true; }, pixels_per_point: function(state) { if(this.isSparkline(state) === false) return 3; else return 2; }, isSparkline: function(state) { if(typeof state.dygraph_sparkline === 'undefined') { var t = $(state.element).data('dygraph-theme'); if(t === 'sparkline') state.dygraph_sparkline = true; else state.dygraph_sparkline = false; } return state.dygraph_sparkline; } }, "sparkline": { initialize: NETDATA.sparklineInitialize, create: NETDATA.sparklineChartCreate, update: NETDATA.sparklineChartUpdate, resize: null, setSelection: undefined, // function(state, t) { return true; }, clearSelection: undefined, // function(state) { return true; }, toolboxPanAndZoom: null, initialized: false, enabled: true, format: function(state) { return 'array'; }, options: function(state) { return 'flip|abs'; }, legend: function(state) { return null; }, autoresize: function(state) { return false; }, max_updates_to_recreate: function(state) { return 5000; }, track_colors: function(state) { return false; }, pixels_per_point: function(state) { return 3; } }, "peity": { initialize: NETDATA.peityInitialize, create: NETDATA.peityChartCreate, update: NETDATA.peityChartUpdate, resize: null, setSelection: undefined, // function(state, t) { return true; }, clearSelection: undefined, // function(state) { return true; }, toolboxPanAndZoom: null, initialized: false, enabled: true, format: function(state) { return 'ssvcomma'; }, options: function(state) { return 'null2zero|flip|abs'; }, legend: function(state) { return null; }, autoresize: function(state) { return false; }, max_updates_to_recreate: function(state) { return 5000; }, track_colors: function(state) { return false; }, pixels_per_point: function(state) { return 3; } }, "morris": { initialize: NETDATA.morrisInitialize, create: NETDATA.morrisChartCreate, update: NETDATA.morrisChartUpdate, resize: null, setSelection: undefined, // function(state, t) { return true; }, clearSelection: undefined, // function(state) { return true; }, toolboxPanAndZoom: null, initialized: false, enabled: true, format: function(state) { return 'json'; }, options: function(state) { return 'objectrows|ms'; }, legend: function(state) { return null; }, autoresize: function(state) { return false; }, max_updates_to_recreate: function(state) { return 50; }, track_colors: function(state) { return false; }, pixels_per_point: function(state) { return 15; } }, "google": { initialize: NETDATA.googleInitialize, create: NETDATA.googleChartCreate, update: NETDATA.googleChartUpdate, resize: null, setSelection: undefined, //function(state, t) { return true; }, clearSelection: undefined, //function(state) { return true; }, toolboxPanAndZoom: null, initialized: false, enabled: true, format: function(state) { return 'datatable'; }, options: function(state) { return ''; }, legend: function(state) { return null; }, autoresize: function(state) { return false; }, max_updates_to_recreate: function(state) { return 300; }, track_colors: function(state) { return false; }, pixels_per_point: function(state) { return 4; } }, "raphael": { initialize: NETDATA.raphaelInitialize, create: NETDATA.raphaelChartCreate, update: NETDATA.raphaelChartUpdate, resize: null, setSelection: undefined, // function(state, t) { return true; }, clearSelection: undefined, // function(state) { return true; }, toolboxPanAndZoom: null, initialized: false, enabled: true, format: function(state) { return 'json'; }, options: function(state) { return ''; }, legend: function(state) { return null; }, autoresize: function(state) { return false; }, max_updates_to_recreate: function(state) { return 5000; }, track_colors: function(state) { return false; }, pixels_per_point: function(state) { return 3; } }, "c3": { initialize: NETDATA.c3Initialize, create: NETDATA.c3ChartCreate, update: NETDATA.c3ChartUpdate, resize: null, setSelection: undefined, // function(state, t) { return true; }, clearSelection: undefined, // function(state) { return true; }, toolboxPanAndZoom: null, initialized: false, enabled: true, format: function(state) { return 'csvjsonarray'; }, options: function(state) { return 'milliseconds'; }, legend: function(state) { return null; }, autoresize: function(state) { return false; }, max_updates_to_recreate: function(state) { return 5000; }, track_colors: function(state) { return false; }, pixels_per_point: function(state) { return 15; } }, "d3": { initialize: NETDATA.d3Initialize, create: NETDATA.d3ChartCreate, update: NETDATA.d3ChartUpdate, resize: null, setSelection: undefined, // function(state, t) { return true; }, clearSelection: undefined, // function(state) { return true; }, toolboxPanAndZoom: null, initialized: false, enabled: true, format: function(state) { return 'json'; }, options: function(state) { return ''; }, legend: function(state) { return null; }, autoresize: function(state) { return false; }, max_updates_to_recreate: function(state) { return 5000; }, track_colors: function(state) { return false; }, pixels_per_point: function(state) { return 3; } }, "easypiechart": { initialize: NETDATA.easypiechartInitialize, create: NETDATA.easypiechartChartCreate, update: NETDATA.easypiechartChartUpdate, resize: null, setSelection: NETDATA.easypiechartSetSelection, clearSelection: NETDATA.easypiechartClearSelection, toolboxPanAndZoom: null, initialized: false, enabled: true, format: function(state) { return 'array'; }, options: function(state) { return 'absolute'; }, legend: function(state) { return null; }, autoresize: function(state) { return false; }, max_updates_to_recreate: function(state) { return 5000; }, track_colors: function(state) { return true; }, pixels_per_point: function(state) { return 3; }, aspect_ratio: 100 }, "gauge": { initialize: NETDATA.gaugeInitialize, create: NETDATA.gaugeChartCreate, update: NETDATA.gaugeChartUpdate, resize: null, setSelection: NETDATA.gaugeSetSelection, clearSelection: NETDATA.gaugeClearSelection, toolboxPanAndZoom: null, initialized: false, enabled: true, format: function(state) { return 'array'; }, options: function(state) { return 'absolute'; }, legend: function(state) { return null; }, autoresize: function(state) { return false; }, max_updates_to_recreate: function(state) { return 5000; }, track_colors: function(state) { return true; }, pixels_per_point: function(state) { return 3; }, aspect_ratio: 70 } }; NETDATA.registerChartLibrary = function(library, url) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.libraries === true) console.log("registering chart library: " + library); NETDATA.chartLibraries[library].url = url; NETDATA.chartLibraries[library].initialized = true; NETDATA.chartLibraries[library].enabled = true; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start up NETDATA.requiredJs = [ { url: NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/bootstrap.min.js', isAlreadyLoaded: function() { if(typeof $().emulateTransitionEnd == 'function') return true; else { if(typeof netdataNoBootstrap !== 'undefined' && netdataNoBootstrap) return true; else return false; } } }, { url: NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/jquery.nanoscroller.min.js', isAlreadyLoaded: function() { return false; } }, { url: NETDATA.serverDefault + 'lib/bootstrap-toggle.min.js', isAlreadyLoaded: function() { return false; } } ]; NETDATA.requiredCSS = [ { url: NETDATA.themes.current.bootstrap_css, isAlreadyLoaded: function() { if(typeof netdataNoBootstrap !== 'undefined' && netdataNoBootstrap) return true; else return false; } }, { url: NETDATA.serverDefault + 'css/font-awesome.min.css', isAlreadyLoaded: function() { return false; } }, { url: NETDATA.themes.current.dashboard_css, isAlreadyLoaded: function() { return false; } }, { url: NETDATA.serverDefault + 'css/bootstrap-toggle.min.css', isAlreadyLoaded: function() { return false; } } ]; NETDATA.loadRequiredJs = function(index, callback) { if(index >= NETDATA.requiredJs.length) { if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); return; } if(NETDATA.requiredJs[index].isAlreadyLoaded()) { NETDATA.loadRequiredJs(++index, callback); return; } if(NETDATA.options.debug.main_loop === true) console.log('loading ' + NETDATA.requiredJs[index].url); $.ajax({ url: NETDATA.requiredJs[index].url, cache: true, dataType: "script" }) .success(function() { if(NETDATA.options.debug.main_loop === true) console.log('loaded ' + NETDATA.requiredJs[index].url); NETDATA.loadRequiredJs(++index, callback); }) .fail(function() { alert('Cannot load required JS library: ' + NETDATA.requiredJs[index].url); }) }; NETDATA.loadRequiredCSS = function(index) { if(index >= NETDATA.requiredCSS.length) return; if(NETDATA.requiredCSS[index].isAlreadyLoaded()) { NETDATA.loadRequiredCSS(++index); return; } if(NETDATA.options.debug.main_loop === true) console.log('loading ' + NETDATA.requiredCSS[index].url); NETDATA._loadCSS(NETDATA.requiredCSS[index].url); NETDATA.loadRequiredCSS(++index); }; NETDATA.errorReset(); NETDATA.loadRequiredCSS(0); NETDATA._loadjQuery(function() { NETDATA.loadRequiredJs(0, function() { if(typeof netdataDontStart === 'undefined' || !netdataDontStart) { if(NETDATA.options.debug.main_loop === true) console.log('starting chart refresh thread'); NETDATA.start(); } }); }); // window.NETDATA = NETDATA; // })(window, document);