#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright: © 2021 Netdata Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later '''Bundle the v1 dashboard code into the agent repo. This is designed to be run as part of a GHA workflow, but will work fine outside of one.''' import os import shutil import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path os.chdir(Path(__file__).parent.absolute()) BASEPATH = Path('v1') URLTEMPLATE = 'https://github.com/netdata/dashboard/releases/download/{0}/dashboard.tar.gz' MAKEFILETEMPLATE = ''' # Auto-generated by bundle_dashboard.py # Copyright: © 2021 Netdata Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in dist_noinst_DATA = \\ $(srcdir)/README.md dist_web_DATA = \\ {0} \\ $(NULL) webv1dir=$(webdir)/v1 dist_webv1_DATA = \\ index.html \\ $(NULL) webcssdir=$(webdir)/css dist_webcss_DATA = \\ {1} \\ $(NULL) webfontsdir=$(webdir)/fonts dist_webfonts_DATA = \\ {2} \\ $(NULL) webimagesdir=$(webdir)/images dist_webimages_DATA = \\ {3} \\ $(NULL) weblibdir=$(webdir)/lib dist_weblib_DATA = \\ {4} \\ $(NULL) webstaticcssdir=$(webdir)/static/css dist_webstaticcss_DATA = \\ {5} \\ $(NULL) webstaticjsdir=$(webdir)/static/js dist_webstaticjs_DATA = \\ {6} \\ $(NULL) webstaticmediadir=$(webdir)/static/media dist_webstaticmedia_DATA = \\ {7} \\ $(NULL) ''' def copy_dashboard(tag): '''Fetch and bundle the dashboard code.''' print('Preparing target directory') shutil.rmtree(BASEPATH) BASEPATH.mkdir() print('::group::Fetching dashboard release tarball') subprocess.check_call('curl -L -o dashboard.tar.gz ' + URLTEMPLATE.format(tag), shell=True) print('::endgroup::') print('::group::Extracting dashboard release tarball') subprocess.check_call('tar -xvzf dashboard.tar.gz -C ' + str(BASEPATH) + ' --strip-components=1', shell=True) print('::endgroup::') print('Copying README.md') BASEPATH.joinpath('README.md').symlink_to('../.dashboard-notice.md') print('Removing dashboard release tarball') BASEPATH.joinpath('..', 'dashboard.tar.gz').unlink() def genfilelist(path): '''Generate a list of files for the Makefile.''' files = [f for f in path.iterdir() if f.is_file() and f.name != 'README.md'] files = [Path(*f.parts[1:]) for f in files] files.sort() return ' \\\n '.join([("$(srcdir)/" + str(f)) for f in files]) def write_makefile(): '''Write out the makefile for the dashboard code.''' print('Generating Makefile') MAKEFILEDATA = MAKEFILETEMPLATE.format( genfilelist(BASEPATH), genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('css')), genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('fonts')), genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('images')), genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('lib')), genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'css')), genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'js')), genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'media')), ) BASEPATH.joinpath('Makefile.am').write_text(MAKEFILEDATA) def list_changed_files(): '''Create a list of changed files, and set it in an environment variable.''' if 'GITHUB_ENV' in os.environ: print('Generating file list for commit.') subprocess.check_call('echo "COMMIT_FILES<> $GITHUB_ENV', shell=True) subprocess.check_call('git status --porcelain=v1 --no-renames --untracked-files=all | rev | cut -d \' \' -f 1 | rev >> $GITHUB_ENV', shell=True) subprocess.check_call('echo "EOF" >> $GITHUB_ENV', shell=True) copy_dashboard(sys.argv[1]) write_makefile() list_changed_files()