// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // DO NOT EDIT: This file is automatically generated from the source files in src/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // You can set the following variables before loading this script: // 'use strict'; /*global netdataNoDygraphs *//* boolean, disable dygraph charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoSparklines *//* boolean, disable sparkline charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoPeitys *//* boolean, disable peity charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoGoogleCharts *//* boolean, disable google charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoMorris *//* boolean, disable morris charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoEasyPieChart *//* boolean, disable easypiechart charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoGauge *//* boolean, disable gauge.js charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoD3 *//* boolean, disable d3 charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoC3 *//* boolean, disable c3 charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoD3pie *//* boolean, disable d3pie charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoBootstrap *//* boolean, disable bootstrap - disables help too * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoFontAwesome *//* boolean, disable fontawesome (do not load it) * (default: false) */ /*global netdataIcons *//* object, overwrite netdata fontawesome icons * (default: null) */ /*global netdataDontStart *//* boolean, do not start the thread to process the charts * (default: false) */ /*global netdataErrorCallback *//* function, callback to be called when the dashboard encounters an error * (default: null) */ /*global netdataRegistry:true *//* boolean, use the netdata registry * (default: false) */ /*global netdataNoRegistry *//* boolean, included only for compatibility with existing custom dashboard * (obsolete - do not use this any more) */ /*global netdataRegistryCallback *//* function, callback that will be invoked with one param: the URLs from the registry * (default: null) */ /*global netdataShowHelp:true *//* boolean, disable charts help * (default: true) */ /*global netdataShowAlarms:true *//* boolean, enable alarms checks and notifications * (default: false) */ /*global netdataRegistryAfterMs:true *//* ms, delay registry use at started * (default: 1500) */ /*global netdataCallback *//* function, callback to be called when netdata is ready to start * (default: null) * netdata will be running while this is called * (call NETDATA.pause to stop it) */ /*global netdataPrepCallback *//* function, callback to be called before netdata does anything else * (default: null) */ /*global netdataServer *//* string, the URL of the netdata server to use * (default: the URL the page is hosted at) */ /*global netdataServerStatic *//* string, the URL of the netdata server to use for static files * (default: netdataServer) */ /*global netdataSnapshotData *//* object, a netdata snapshot loaded * (default: null) */ /*global netdataAlarmsRecipients *//* array, an array of alarm recipients to show notifications for * (default: null) */ /*global netdataAlarmsRemember *//* boolen, keep our position in the alarm log at browser local storage * (default: true) */ /*global netdataAlarmsActiveCallback *//* function, a hook for the alarm logs * (default: undefined) */ /*global netdataAlarmsNotifCallback *//* function, a hook for alarm notifications * (default: undefined) */ /*global netdataIntersectionObserver *//* boolean, enable or disable the use of intersection observer * (default: true) */ /*global netdataCheckXSS *//* boolean, enable or disable checking for XSS issues * (default: false) */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global namespace const NETDATA = window.NETDATA || {}; (function(window, document, $, undefined) {