// fix old IE bug with console
if(!window.console){ window.console = {log: function(){} }; }
// Load the Visualization API and the piechart package.
google.load('visualization', '1.1', {'packages':['corechart']});
//google.load('visualization', '1.1', {'packages':['controls']});
function canChartBeRefreshed(chart) {
// is it enabled?
if(!chart.enabled) return false;
// is there something selected on the chart?
if(chart.chart && chart.chart.getSelection()[0]) return false;
// is it too soon for a refresh?
var now = new Date().getTime();
if((now - chart.last_updated) < (chart.group * chart.update_every * 1000)) return false;
// is the chart in the visible area?
if($('#' + chart.div).visible(true) == false) return false;
// ok, do it
return true;
function generateChartURL(chart) {
// build the data URL
var url = chart.url;
url += chart.points_to_show?chart.points_to_show.toString():"all";
url += "/";
url += chart.group?chart.group.toString():"1";
url += "/";
url += chart.group_method?chart.group_method:"average";
url += "/";
url += chart.after?chart.after.toString():"0";
url += "/";
url += chart.before?chart.before.toString():"0";
url += "/";
url += chart.non_zero?"nonzero":"all";
url += "/";
return url;
function renderChart(chart, doNext) {
if(canChartBeRefreshed(chart) == false) return false;
url: generateChartURL(chart),
cache: false
.done(function(jsondata) {
if(!jsondata || jsondata.length == 0) return;
chart.jsondata = jsondata;
// Create our data table out of JSON data loaded from server.
chart.datatable = new google.visualization.DataTable(chart.jsondata);
// cleanup once every 50 updates
// we don't cleanup on every single, to avoid firefox flashing effect
if(chart.chart && chart.refreshCount > 50) {
chart.chart = null;
chart.refreshCount = 0;
// Instantiate and draw our chart, passing in some options.
if(!chart.chart) {
// console.log('Creating new chart for ' + chart.url);
if(chart.chartType == "LineChart")
chart.chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById(chart.div));
chart.chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(document.getElementById(chart.div));
if(chart.chart) {
chart.chart.draw(chart.datatable, chart.chartOptions);
chart.last_updated = new Date().getTime();
else console.log('Cannot create chart for ' + chart.url);
.fail(function() {
// to avoid an infinite loop, let's assume it was refreshed
if(chart.chart) chart.chart.clearChart();
chart.chart = null;
chart.refreshCount = 0;
showChartIsLoading(chart.div, chart.name, chart.chartOptions.width, chart.chartOptions.height, "failed to refresh");
chart.last_updated = new Date().getTime();
.always(function() {
if(typeof doNext == "function") doNext();
return true;
function chartIsLoadingHTML(name, width, height, message)
return "
" + name + "
" + (message?message:"loading chart...") + "
function showChartIsLoading(id, name, width, height, message) {
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = chartIsLoadingHTML(name, width, height, message);
// calculateChartPointsToShow
// calculate the chart group and point to show properties.
// This uses the chartOptions.width and the supplied divisor
// to calculate the propers values so that the chart will
// be visually correct (not too much or too less points shown).
// c = the chart
// divisor = when calculating screen points, divide width with this
// if all screen points are used the chart will be overcrowded
// the default is 2
// maxtime = the maxtime to show
// the default is to render all the server data
// group = the required grouping on points
// if undefined or negative, any calculated value will be used
// if zero, one of 1,2,5,10,15,20,30,45,60 will be used
function calculateChartPointsToShow(c, divisor, maxtime, group, enable_curve) {
// console.log('calculateChartPointsToShow( c = ' + c.id + ', divisor = ' + divisor + ', maxtime = ' + maxtime + ', group = ' + group + ' )');
if(!divisor) divisor = 2;
var before = c.before?c.before:new Date().getTime() / 1000;
var after = c.after?c.after:c.first_entry_t;
var dt = before - after;
if(dt > c.entries * c.update_every) dt = c.entries * c.update_every;
// console.log('chart ' + c.id + ' internal duration is ' + dt + ' secs, requested maxtime is ' + maxtime + ' secs');
if(!maxtime) maxtime = c.entries * c.update_every;
dt = maxtime;
var data_points = Math.round(dt / c.update_every);
if(!data_points) data_points = 100;
var screen_points = Math.round(c.chartOptions.width / divisor);
if(!screen_points) screen_points = 100;
// console.log('screen_points = ' + screen_points + ', data_points = ' + data_points + ', divisor = ' + divisor);
if(group == undefined || group <= 0) {
if(screen_points > data_points) {
c.group = 1;
c.points_to_show = data_points;
// console.log("rendering at full detail (group = " + c.group + ", points_to_show = " + c.points_to_show + ')');
else {
c.group = Math.round(data_points / screen_points);
if(c.group > 60) c.group = 90;
else if(c.group > 45) c.group = 60;
else if(c.group > 30) c.group = 45;
else if(c.group > 20) c.group = 30;
else if(c.group > 15) c.group = 20;
else if(c.group > 10) c.group = 15;
else if(c.group > 5) c.group = 10;
else if(c.group > 4) c.group = 5;
else if(c.group > 3) c.group = 4;
else if(c.group > 2) c.group = 3;
else if(c.group > 1) c.group = 2;
else c.group = 1;
c.points_to_show = Math.round(data_points / c.group);
// console.log("rendering adaptive (group = " + c.group + ", points_to_show = " + c.points_to_show + ')');
else {
c.group = group;
c.points_to_show = Math.round(data_points / group);
// console.log("rendering with supplied group (group = " + c.group + ", points_to_show = " + c.points_to_show + ')');
// console.log("final configuration (group = " + c.group + ", points_to_show = " + c.points_to_show + ')');
// make sure the line width is not congesting the chart
if(c.chartType == 'LineChart') {
if(c.points_to_show > c.chartOptions.width / 3) {
c.chartOptions.lineWidth = 1;
else {
c.chartOptions.lineWidth = 2;
else if(c.chartType == 'AreaChart') {
if(c.points_to_show > c.chartOptions.width / 2)
c.chartOptions.lineWidth = 0;
c.chartOptions.lineWidth = 1;
// do not render curves when we don't have at
// least 2 twice the space per point
if(!enable_curve || c.points_to_show > (c.chartOptions.width * c.chartOptions.lineWidth / 2) )
c.chartOptions.curveType = 'none';
c.chartOptions.curveType = c.default_curveType;
var hpoints = Math.round(maxtime / 30);
if(hpoints > 10) hpoints = 10;
c.chartOptions.hAxis.gridlines.count = hpoints;
// loadCharts()
// fetches all the charts from the server
// returns an array of objects, containing all the server metadata
// (not the values of the graphs - just the info about the graphs)
function loadCharts(base_url, doNext) {
url: ((base_url)?base_url:'') + '/all.json',
dataType: 'json',
cache: false
.done(function(json) {
$.each(json.charts, function(i, value) {
json.charts[i].div = json.charts[i].name.replace(/\./g,"_");
json.charts[i].div = json.charts[i].div.replace(/\-/g,"_");
json.charts[i].div = json.charts[i].div + "_div";
// make sure we have the proper values
if(!json.charts[i].update_every) chart.update_every = 1;
if(base_url) json.charts[i].url = base_url + json.charts[i].url;
json.charts[i].last_updated = 0;
json.charts[i].thumbnail = false;
json.charts[i].refreshCount = 0;
json.charts[i].group = 1;
json.charts[i].points_to_show = 0; // all
json.charts[i].group_method = "max";
json.charts[i].chart = null;
json.charts[i].jsondata = null;
json.charts[i].datatable = null;
json.charts[i].before = 0;
json.charts[i].after = 0;
// if it is detail, disable it by default
if(json.charts[i].isdetail) json.charts[i].enabled = false;
// set default chart options
json.charts[i].chartOptions = {
width: 400,
height: 200,
lineWidth: 1,
title: json.charts[i].title,
fontSize: 11,
hAxis: {
// title: "Time of Day",
// format:'HH:mm:ss',
viewWindowMode: 'maximized',
slantedText: false,
textStyle: {
fontSize: 9
gridlines: {
color: '#EEE'
vAxis: {
title: json.charts[i].units,
viewWindowMode: 'pretty',
minValue: -0.1,
maxValue: 0.1,
direction: 1,
textStyle: {
fontSize: 9
gridlines: {
color: '#EEE'
chartArea: {
width: '65%',
height: '80%'
focusTarget: 'category',
annotation: {
'1': {
style: 'line'
pointsVisible: 0,
titlePosition: 'out',
titleTextStyle: {
fontSize: 11
tooltip: {
isHtml: true,
ignoreBounds: true,
textStyle: {
fontSize: 9
json.charts[i].default_curveType = 'none';
// set the chart type
switch(json.charts[i].chart_type) {
case "area":
json.charts[i].chartType = "AreaChart";
json.charts[i].chartOptions.isStacked = false;
json.charts[i].chartOptions.areaOpacity = 0.3;
json.charts[i].chartOptions.vAxis.viewWindowMode = 'maximized';
json.charts[i].non_zero = 0;
json.charts[i].group = 3;
case "stacked":
json.charts[i].chartType = "AreaChart";
json.charts[i].chartOptions.isStacked = true;
json.charts[i].chartOptions.areaOpacity = 0.85;
json.charts[i].chartOptions.lineWidth = 1;
json.charts[i].group_method = "average";
json.charts[i].non_zero = 1;
json.charts[i].chartOptions.vAxis.viewWindowMode = 'maximized';
json.charts[i].chartOptions.vAxis.minValue = null;
json.charts[i].chartOptions.vAxis.maxValue = null;
json.charts[i].group = 10;
case "line":
json.charts[i].chartType = "LineChart";
json.charts[i].chartOptions.lineWidth = 2;
json.charts[i].non_zero = 0;
json.charts[i].default_curveType = 'function';
json.charts[i].group = 3;
// the category name, and other options, per type
switch(json.charts[i].type) {
case "system":
json.charts[i].category = "System";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 10;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-dashboard";
if(json.charts[i].id == "system.cpu" || json.charts[i].id == "system.ram") {
json.charts[i].chartOptions.vAxis.minValue = 0;
json.charts[i].chartOptions.vAxis.maxValue = 100;
else {
json.charts[i].chartOptions.vAxis.minValue = -0.1;
json.charts[i].chartOptions.vAxis.maxValue = 0.1;
case "net":
json.charts[i].category = "Network";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 20;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-transfer";
// disable IFB and net.lo devices by default
if((json.charts[i].id.substring(json.charts[i].id.length - 4, json.charts[i].id.length) == "-ifb")
|| json.charts[i].id == "net.lo")
json.charts[i].enabled = false;
case "tc":
json.charts[i].category = "Quality of Service";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 30;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-random";
case "ipvs":
json.charts[i].category = "IP Virtual Server";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 40;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-sort";
case "netfilter":
json.charts[i].category = "Netfilter";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 50;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-cloud";
case "ipv4":
json.charts[i].category = "IPv4";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 60;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-globe";
case "mem":
json.charts[i].category = "Memory";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 70;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-dashboard";
case "cpu":
json.charts[i].category = "CPU";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 80;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-dashboard";
if(json.charts[i].id.substring(0, 7) == "cpu.cpu") {
json.charts[i].chartOptions.vAxis.minValue = 0;
json.charts[i].chartOptions.vAxis.maxValue = 100;
case "disk":
json.charts[i].category = "Disks";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 90;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-hdd";
case "nfsd":
json.charts[i].category = "NFS Server";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 100;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-hdd";
case "nut":
json.charts[i].category = "UPS";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 110;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-dashboard";
case "netdata":
json.charts[i].category = "NetData";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 3000;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-thumbs-up";
case "apps":
json.charts[i].category = "Apps";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 4000;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-tasks";
case "squid":
json.charts[i].category = "Squid";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 5000;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-link";
case "example":
json.charts[i].category = "Examples";
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 9000;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-search";
json.charts[i].category = json.charts[i].type;
json.charts[i].categoryPriority = 1000;
json.charts[i].glyphicon = "glyphicon-search";
if(typeof doNext == "function") doNext(json);
.fail(function() {
if(typeof doNext == "function") doNext();
// jquery visible plugin
* Copyright 2012, Digital Fusion
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* http://teamdf.com/jquery-plugins/license/
* @author Sam Sehnert
* @desc A small plugin that checks whether elements are within
* the user visible viewport of a web browser.
* only accounts for vertical position, not horizontal.
$.fn.visible = function(partial){
var $t = $(this),
$w = $(window),
viewTop = $w.scrollTop(),
viewBottom = viewTop + $w.height(),
_top = $t.offset().top,
_bottom = _top + $t.height(),
compareTop = partial === true ? _bottom : _top,
compareBottom = partial === true ? _top : _bottom;
return ((compareBottom <= viewBottom) && (compareTop >= viewTop));