class File < IO include Enumerable class FileError < Exception; end class NoFileError < FileError; end class UnableToStat < FileError; end class PermissionError < FileError; end attr_accessor :path def initialize(fd_or_path, mode = "r", perm = 0666) if fd_or_path.kind_of? Fixnum super(fd_or_path, mode) else @path = fd_or_path fd = IO.sysopen(@path, mode, perm) super(fd, mode) end end def self.join(*names) if names.size == 0 "" elsif names.size == 1 names[0] else if names[0][-1] == File::SEPARATOR s = names[0][0..-2] else s = names[0].dup end (1..names.size-2).each { |i| t = names[i] if t[0] == File::SEPARATOR and t[-1] == File::SEPARATOR t = t[1..-2] elsif t[0] == File::SEPARATOR t = t[1..-1] elsif t[-1] == File::SEPARATOR t = t[0..-2] end s += File::SEPARATOR + t if t != "" } if names[-1][0] == File::SEPARATOR s += File::SEPARATOR + names[-1][1..-1] else s += File::SEPARATOR + names[-1] end s end end def self.expand_path(path, default_dir = '.') def concat_path(path, base_path) if path[0] == "/" || path[1] == ':' # Windows root! expanded_path = path elsif path[0] == "~" if (path[1] == "/" || path[1] == nil) dir = path[1, path.size] home_dir = _gethome unless home_dir raise ArgumentError, "couldn't find HOME environment -- expanding '~'" end expanded_path = home_dir expanded_path += dir if dir expanded_path += "/" else splitted_path = path.split("/") user = splitted_path[0][1, splitted_path[0].size] dir = "/" + splitted_path[1, splitted_path.size].join("/") home_dir = _gethome(user) unless home_dir raise ArgumentError, "user #{user} doesn't exist" end expanded_path = home_dir expanded_path += dir if dir expanded_path += "/" end else expanded_path = concat_path(base_path, _getwd) expanded_path += "/" + path end expanded_path end expanded_path = concat_path(path, default_dir) expand_path_array = [] while expanded_path.include?('//') expanded_path = expanded_path.gsub('//', '/') end if expanded_path == "/" expanded_path else expanded_path.split('/').each do |path_token| if path_token == '..' if expand_path_array.size > 1 expand_path_array.pop end elsif path_token == '.' # nothing to do. else expand_path_array << path_token end end expand_path = expand_path_array.join("/") expand_path.empty? ? '/' : expand_path end end def self.foreach(file) if block_given? do |f| f.each {|l| yield l} end else return end end def end def self.exist?(file) FileTest.exist?(file) end def self.exists?(file) FileTest.exists?(file) end def self.file?(file) FileTest.file?(file) end def self.pipe?(file) FileTest.pipe?(file) end def self.size(file) FileTest.size(file) end def self.size?(file) FileTest.size?(file) end def self.socket?(file) FileTest.socket?(file) end def self.symlink?(file) FileTest.symlink?(file) end def end def self.extname(filename) fname = self.basename(filename) return '' if fname[0] == '.' || fname.index('.').nil? ext = fname.split('.').last ext.empty? ? '' : ".#{ext}" end end