# this test checks the behavior of `file.custom-handler` and `fastcgi.spawn` use strict; use warnings; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use Net::EmptyPort qw(check_port empty_port); use Test::More; use t::Util; plan skip_all => 'curl not found' unless prog_exists('curl'); plan skip_all => 'php-cgi not found' unless prog_exists('php-cgi'); # spawn h2o my $server = spawn_h2o(<< "EOT"); file.custom-handler: extension: .php fastcgi.spawn: "exec php-cgi" hosts: default: paths: "/": file.dir: @{[ DOC_ROOT ]} EOT my $resp = `curl --silent$server->{port}/index.txt`; is $resp, "hello\n", 'ordinary file'; $resp = `curl --silent$server->{port}/hello.php`; is $resp, 'hello world', 'php'; subtest 'server-push' => sub { plan skip_all => 'nghttp not found' unless prog_exists('nghttp'); my $doit = sub { my ($proto, $port) = @_; my $resp = `nghttp -n --stat '$proto://$port/hello.php?link=\%3b\%20rel=preload'`; like $resp, qr{\nid\s*responseEnd\s.*\s/index\.js\n.*\s/hello\.php\?}is, $proto; }; $doit->('http', $server->{port}); $doit->('https', $server->{tls_port}); }; subtest 'huge-headers' => sub { run_with_curl($server, sub { my ($proto, $port, $curl) = @_; my $resp = `$curl --silent --dump-header /dev/stderr --max-redirs 0 $proto://$port/issues/951.php 2>&1 > /dev/null`; like $resp, qr{^HTTP/[^ ]* 302 ?}is; like $resp, qr{^set-cookie: ?}im; }); }; done_testing();