use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use t::Util; use Time::HiRes qw(time); plan skip_all => 'curl not found' unless prog_exists('curl'); my $all_data = do { open my $fh, "<", "@{[DOC_ROOT]}/halfdome.jpg" or die "failed to open file:@{[DOC_ROOT]}/halfdome.jpg:$!"; undef $/; <$fh>; }; my $server = spawn_h2o(<< "EOT"); throttle-response: ON hosts: default: paths: /: file.dir: @{[ DOC_ROOT ]} header.add: "X-Traffic: 100000" EOT run_with_curl($server, sub { my ($proto, $port, $curl_cmd) = @_; $curl_cmd .= " --silent --show-error"; my $url = "$proto://$port/halfdome.jpg"; subtest "throttle-to-low-speed" => sub { my $start_time = time; my $resp = `$curl_cmd $url`; my $end_time = time; is $resp, $all_data; my $speed = length($resp) / ($end_time - $start_time); cmp_ok($speed, '<=', 100000 * 1.1); # the implementation may cause response speed is a bit larger than the limitation, especially when file is not big enough. }; }); done_testing();