use strict; use warnings; use Net::EmptyPort qw(check_port empty_port); use Test::More; use t::Util; plan skip_all => 'nghttp not found' unless prog_exists('nghttp'); plan skip_all => 'plackup not found' unless prog_exists('plackup'); plan skip_all => 'Starlet not found' unless system('perl -MStarlet /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1') == 0; my $upstream_port = empty_port(); my $upstream_hostport = "$upstream_port"; sub create_upstream { my @args = ( qw(plackup -s Starlet --keepalive-timeout 100 --access-log /dev/null --listen), $upstream_hostport, ASSETS_DIR . "/upstream.psgi", ); spawn_server( argv => \@args, is_ready => sub { $upstream_hostport =~ /:([0-9]+)$/s or die "failed to extract port number"; check_port($1); }, ); }; sub doit { my $timeout = shift; my $server = spawn_h2o(<< "EOT"); http2-graceful-shutdown-timeout: $timeout hosts: default: paths: "/": proxy.reverse.url:$upstream_port EOT my $upstream = create_upstream(); my $nghttp_pid = open(NGHTTP, "nghttp -w 1 -v$server->{'port'}/infinite-stream 2>&1 |"); my $nghttp_interrupted=0; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timeout" }; my $stopped=0; alarm(5); while () { if (/recv DATA frame/ && !$stopped) { # after the request started, stop H2O kill 'TERM', $server->{pid}; $stopped = 1; } if (/Some requests were not processed/) { $nghttp_interrupted = 1; } } alarm(0); }; my $err = $@; if ($timeout == 1) { ok($nghttp_interrupted == 1, "nghttp was interrupted"); ok($err !~ /^Timeout/, "nghttp didn't timeout"); } else { kill 'TERM', $nghttp_pid; ok($nghttp_interrupted == 0, "nghttp was not interrupted"); ok($err =~ /^Timeout/, "nghttp did timeout"); } } doit(0); doit(1); done_testing();