nvme-id-ctrl(1) =============== NAME ---- nvme-id-ctrl - Send NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] 'nvme id-ctrl' [--vendor-specific | -V] [--raw-binary | -b] [--output-format= | -o ] [--verbose | -v] DESCRIPTION ----------- For the NVMe device given, sends an identify controller command and provides the result and returned structure. The parameter is mandatory and may be either the NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0), or a namespace block device (ex: /dev/nvme0n1). On success, the structure may be returned in one of several ways depending on the option flags; the structure may be parsed by the program or the raw buffer may be printed to stdout. OPTIONS ------- -b:: --raw-binary:: Print the raw buffer to stdout. Structure is not parsed by program. This overrides the vendor specific and human readable options. -V:: --vendor-specific:: In addition to parsing known fields, this option will dump the vendor specific region of the structure in hex with ascii interpretation. -H:: --human-readable:: This option will parse and format many of the bit fields into human-readable formats. -o :: --output-format=:: Set the reporting format to 'normal', 'json' or 'binary'. Only one output format can be used at a time. -v:: --verbose:: Increase the information detail in the output. EXAMPLES -------- * Has the program interpret the returned buffer and display the known fields in a human readable format: + ------------ # nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvme0 ------------ + * In addition to showing the known fields, has the program to display the vendor unique field: + ------------ # nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvme0 --vendor-specific # nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvme0 -V ------------ + The above will dump the 'vs' buffer in hex since it doesn't know how to interpret it. * Have the program return the raw structure in binary: + ------------ # nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvme0 --raw-binary > id_ctrl.raw # nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvme0 -b > id_ctrl.raw ------------ + It is probably a bad idea to not redirect stdout when using this mode. * Alternatively you may want to send the data to another program that can parse the raw buffer. + ------------ # nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvme0 --raw-binary | nvme_parse_id_ctrl ------------ + The parse program in the above example can be a program that shows the structure in a way you like. The following program is such an example that will parse it and can accept the output through a pipe, `'|'`, as shown in the above example, or you can `'cat'` a saved output buffer to it. ------------ /* File: nvme_parse_id_ctrl.c */ #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned char buf[sizeof(struct nvme_id_ctrl)]; struct nvme_id_ctrl *ctrl = (struct nvme_id_ctrl *)buf; if (read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, sizeof(buf))) return 1; printf("vid : %#x\n", ctrl->vid); printf("ssvid : %#x\n", ctrl->ssvid); return 0; } ------------ NVME ---- Part of the nvme-user suite