nvme smart-log <device> [--namespace-id=<nsid> | -n <nsid>]
                        [--raw-binary | -b]
                        [--output-format=<fmt> | -o <fmt>] [--verbose | -v]


Retrieves the NVMe SMART log page from an NVMe device and provides the returned structure.

The <device> parameter is mandatory and may be either the NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0), or a namespace block device (ex: /dev/nvme0n1).

On success, the returned smart log structure may be returned in one of several ways depending on the option flags; the structure may parsed by the program and printed in a readable format or the raw buffer may be printed to stdout for another program to parse.


-n <nsid>

Retrieve the SMART log for the given nsid. This is optional and its success may depend on the device’s capabilities to provide this log on a per-namespace basis (see the NVMe Identify Controller for this capability). The default nsid to use is 0xffffffff for the device global SMART log.


Print the raw SMART log buffer to stdout.

-o <fmt>

Set the reporting format to normal, json or binary. Only one output format can be used at a time.


Increase the information detail in the output.


  • Print the SMART log page in a human readable format:

    # nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0
  • Print the raw SMART log to a file:

    # nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0 --raw-binary > smart_log.raw

    It is probably a bad idea to not redirect stdout when using this mode.


Part of the nvme-user suite