
nvme-wdc-get-drive-status - Send the NVMe WDC get-drive-status command, return result

'nvme wdc get-drive-status' <device>

For the NVMe device given, send the unique WDC get-drive-status command and
provide the additional drive status information.

The <device> parameter is mandatory and may be either the NVMe character
device (ex: /dev/nvme0).

This will only work on WDC devices supporting this feature.
Results for any other device are undefined.

On success it returns 0, error code otherwise.

Output Explanation
[cols="2*", frame="topbot", align="center", options="header"]
|Field |Description

|*Percent Life Used.*
|The percentage of drive function used.

|*EOL (End of Life) Status*
|The 3 possible states are :  Normal, Read Only, or End of Life.

|*Assert Dump Status*
|The 2 possible states are :  Present or Not Present.

|*Thermal Throttling Status*
|The 3 possible states are :  Off, On, or Unavaiable.

|*Format Corrupt Reason*
|The 3 possible states are :  Not Corrupted, Corrupt due to FW Assert, or Corrupt for Unknown Reason.


* Has the program issue WDC get-drive-status command :
# nvme wdc get-drive-status /dev/nvme0

Part of the nvme-user suite.