/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #undef CMD_INC_FILE #define CMD_INC_FILE plugins/zns/zns #if !defined(ZNS_NVME) || defined(CMD_HEADER_MULTI_READ) #define ZNS_NVME #include "cmd.h" PLUGIN(NAME("zns", "Zoned Namespace Command Set", NVME_VERSION), COMMAND_LIST( ENTRY("list", "List all NVMe devices with Zoned Namespace Command Set support", list) ENTRY("id-ctrl", "Send NVMe Identify Zoned Namespace Controller, display structure", id_ctrl) ENTRY("id-ns", "Send NVMe Identify Zoned Namespace Namespace, display structure", id_ns) ENTRY("report-zones", "Report zones associated to a Zoned Namespace", report_zones) ENTRY("reset-zone", "Reset one or more zones", reset_zone) ENTRY("close-zone", "Close one or more zones", close_zone) ENTRY("finish-zone", "Finish one or more zones", finish_zone) ENTRY("open-zone", "Open one or more zones", open_zone) ENTRY("offline-zone", "Offline one or more zones", offline_zone) ENTRY("set-zone-desc", "Attach zone descriptor extension data to a zone", set_zone_desc) ENTRY("zrwa-flush-zone", "Flush LBAs associated with a ZRWA to a zone.", zrwa_flush_zone) ENTRY("changed-zone-list", "Retrieve the changed zone list log", changed_zone_list) ENTRY("zone-mgmt-recv", "Send the zone management receive command", zone_mgmt_recv) ENTRY("zone-mgmt-send", "Send the zone management send command", zone_mgmt_send) ENTRY("zone-append", "Append data and metadata (if applicable) to a zone", zone_append) ) ); #endif #include "define_cmd.h"