path: root/etc/stas/stafd.conf
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1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/etc/stas/stafd.conf b/etc/stas/stafd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22b3f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/stas/stafd.conf
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+# Copyright (c) 2021, Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# See the LICENSE file for details.
+# This file is part of NVMe STorage Appliance Services (nvme-stas).
+# ==============================================================================
+# STorage Appliance Finder Daemon (stafd) - configuration file
+# In this file, options that are commented represent the default values used.
+# Uncommented options override the default value.
+# tron: Trace-ON. Enable additional debug info
+# Type: boolean
+# Range: [false, true]
+# hdr-digest: Protocol Data Unit (PDU) Header Digest. NVMe/TCP facilitates an
+# optional PDU Header digest. Digests are calculated using the
+# CRC32C algorithm.
+# Type: boolean
+# Range: [false, true]
+# data-digest: Protocol Data Unit (PDU) Data Digest. NVMe/TCP facilitates an
+# optional PDU Data digest. Digests are calculated using the
+# CRC32C algorithm.
+# Type: boolean
+# Range: [false, true]
+# kato: Keep Alive Timeout (KATO): This field specifies the timeout value
+# for the Keep Alive feature in seconds. The default value for this
+# field is 30 seconds.
+# Type: Unsigned integer
+# Range: 0..N
+# Unit: Seconds
+# queue-size: Overrides the default number of elements in the I/O queues
+# created by the driver.
+# Type: Unsigned integer
+# Range: 16..1024
+# Default: 128
+# reconnect-delay: Overrides the default delay, in seconds, before reconnect
+# is attempted after a connect loss.
+# Type: Unsigned integer
+# Range: 1..N
+# Unit: Seconds
+# Default: 10 (retry to connect every 10 seconds)
+# ctrl-loss-tmo: Overrides the default controller loss timeout period in
+# seconds.
+# Type: Unsigned integer
+# Range: -1, 0..N where -1 means retry forever
+# Unit: Seconds
+# Default: 600 (retry to connect for up to 10 minutes)
+# disable-sqflow: Disables SQ flow control to omit head doorbell update for
+# submission queues when sending nvme completions.
+# Type: boolean
+# Range: [false, true]
+# Default: false
+# ignore-iface: This option controls whether connections with Discovery
+# Controllers (DC) will be forced on a specific interface or
+# will rely on the routing tables to determine the interface.
+# See the man pages for details: man stafd.conf
+# Type: boolean
+# Range: [false, true]
+# Default: true
+# ip-family: With this you can specify whether stafd will support IPv4, IPv6,
+# or both when connecting to Discovery Controllers (DC).
+# See the man pages for details: man stafd.conf
+# Type: String
+# Range: [ipv4, ipv6, ipv4+ipv6]
+# Default: ipv4+ipv6
+# pleo: Port Local Entries Only. If enabled and supported, when connected to a
+# Direct Discovery Controller (DDC), stafd will ask the DDC to return
+# records for only NVM subsystem ports that are presented through the same
+# NVM subsystem port that received the Get Log Page command. When disabled
+# or not supported by the DDC, the DDC may return NVM subsystems that are
+# not even reachable by the host, including those using a transport
+# different from the transport used for the Get Log Page command (e.g. Get
+# Log Page using TCP and receiving FC subsystems). This configuration
+# parameter has no effect if the DDC does not support PLEO (see PLEOS).
+# Type: String
+# Range: [disabled, enabled]
+# Default: enabled
+# ==============================================================================
+[Service Discovery]
+# zeroconf: Control whether DNS-SD/mDNS automatic discovery is enabled. This is
+# used to enable or disable automatic discovery of Discovery
+# Controllers using DNS-SD/mDNS.
+# Type: String
+# Range: [disabled, enabled]
+# Default: enabled
+# ==============================================================================
+[Discovery controller connection management]
+# persistent-connections: Whether connections to Discovery Controllers (DC)
+# are persistent. If stafd is stopped, the connections
+# will persists. When this is set to false, stafd will
+# disconnect from all DCs it is connected to when stafd
+# is stopped.
+# Type: boolean
+# Range: [false, true]
+# zeroconf-connections-persistence: DCs that are discovered with mDNS service
+# discovery which are later lost (i.e. no mDNS
+# and TCP connection fails), will be purged from
+# the configuration after this amount of time.
+# Type: Time specs.
+# Unit: Takes a unit-less value in seconds,
+# or a time span (TS) value such as
+# "3 days 5 hours".
+# Range: -1, 0, TS.
+# With "-1" equal to "no timeout" and
+# 0 equal to timeout immediately.
+# Default: 72 hours (3 days)
+# ==============================================================================
+# controller: Discovery Controllers (DC) are specified with this keyword.
+# Syntax:
+# controller = transport=[trtype];traddr=[traddr];trsvcid=[trsvcid];host-traddr=[traddr];host-iface=[iface];nqn=<dcnqn>
+# transport=<trtype> [MANDATORY]
+# This field specifies the network fabric being used for a NVMe-over-
+# Fabrics network. Current string values include:
+# Value Definition
+# ------- -----------------------------------------------------------
+# rdma The network fabric is an rdma network (RoCE, iWARP,
+# Infiniband, basic rdma, etc)
+# fc The network fabric is a Fibre Channel network.
+# tcp The network fabric is a TCP/IP network.
+# loop Connect to a NVMe over Fabrics target on the local host
+# traddr=<traddr> [MANDATORY]
+# This field specifies the network address of the Controller. For
+# transports using IP addressing (e.g. rdma) this should be an IP-
+# based address (ex. IPv4, IPv6). It could also be a resolvable host
+# name (e.g. localhost).
+# nqn=<dcnqn> [OPTIONAL]
+# This field specifies the Discovery Controller's NVMe Qualified
+# Name. If not specified, this will default to the well-known DC
+# NQN: "".
+# trsvcid=<trsvcid> [OPTIONAL]
+# This field specifies the transport service id. For transports using
+# IP addressing (e.g. rdma) this field is the port number.
+# Depending on the transport type, this field will default to either
+# 8009 or 4420 as follows.
+# UDP port 4420 and TCP port 4420 have been assigned by IANA
+# for use by NVMe over Fabrics. NVMe/RoCEv2 controllers use UDP port
+# 4420 by default. NVMe/iWARP controllers use TCP port 4420 by
+# default.
+# TCP port 4420 has been assigned for use by NVMe over Fabrics and TCP
+# port 8009 has been assigned by IANA for use by NVMe over Fabrics
+# discovery. TCP port 8009 is the default TCP port for NVMe/TCP
+# discovery controllers. There is no default TCP port for NVMe/TCP I/O
+# controllers, the Transport Service Identifier (TRSVCID) field in the
+# Discovery Log Entry indicates the TCP port to use.
+# The TCP ports that may be used for NVMe/TCP I/O controllers include
+# TCP port 4420, and the Dynamic and/or Private TCP ports (i.e., ports
+# in the TCP port number range from 49152 to 65535). NVMe/TCP I/O
+# controllers should not use TCP port 8009. TCP port 4420 shall not be
+# used for both NVMe/iWARP and NVMe/TCP at the same IP address on the
+# same network.
+# Ref:
+# host-traddr=<traddr> [OPTIONAL]
+# This field specifies the network address used on the host to connect
+# to the Controller. For TCP, this sets the source address on the
+# socket.
+# host-iface=<iface> [OPTIONAL]
+# This field specifies the network interface used on the host to
+# connect to the Controller (e.g. IP eth1, enp2s0, enx78e7d1ea46da).
+# This forces the connection to be made on a specific interface
+# instead of letting the system decide.
+# hdr-digest [OPTIONAL]
+# See definition in [Global] section. This is used to override
+# the value specified in the [Global] section.
+# data-digest [OPTIONAL]
+# See definition in [Global] section. This is used to override
+# the value specified in the [Global] section.
+# kato [OPTIONAL]
+# See definition in [Global] section. This is used to override
+# the value specified in the [Global] section.
+# reconnect-delay [OPTIONAL]
+# See definition in [Global] section. This is used to override
+# the value specified in the [Global] section.
+# ctrl-loss-tmo [OPTIONAL]
+# See definition in [Global] section. This is used to override
+# the value specified in the [Global] section.
+# disable-sqflow [OPTIONAL]
+# See definition in [Global] section. This is used to override
+# the value specified in the [Global] section.
+# Multiple DCs may be specified on separate lines like this (this is
+# just an example and does not represent default values):
+# controller = transport=tcp;traddr=localhost;trsvcid=8009
+# controller = transport=tcp;traddr=2001:db8::370:7334;host-iface=enp0s8
+# controller = transport=fc;traddr=nn-0x204600a098cbcac6:pn-0x204700a098cbcac6
+# ...
+# Type: String
+# Default: There is no default controller. STAF will not try to
+# connect to a default Discovery Controller.
+# exclude: Excluded controllers. Using mDNS to automatically detect
+# and connect controllers, can result in unintentional connections
+# being made. This keyword allows configuring the controllers that
+# should not be connected to (whatever the reason may be).
+# The syntax is the same as for "controller=", except that the key
+# host-traddr does not apply. Multiple "exclude=" keywords may
+# appear in the config file to define the exclusion list.
+# Note 1: A minimal match approach is used to eliminate unwanted
+# controllers. That is, you do not need to specify all the
+# parameters to identify a controller. Just specifying the
+# host-iface, for example, can be used to exclude all controllers
+# on an interface.
+# Note 2: "exclude=" takes precedence over "controller=". A
+# controller specified by the "controller=" keyword, can be
+# eliminated by the "exclude=" keyword.
+# Syntax: Same as "controller=" above.
+# Type: String
+# Example:
+# exclude = transport=tcp;traddr=fe80::2c6e:dee7:857:26bb # Eliminate a specific address
+# exclude = host-iface=enp0s8 # Eliminate everything on this interface