# .coveragerc to control coverage.py for combined stafd/stacd coverage [run] data_file = coverage/nvme-stas parallel=True concurrency=thread [report] omit = /usr/* */test/test-*.py subprojects/libnvme/* # Regexes for lines to exclude from consideration exclude_lines = # Have to re-enable the standard pragma pragma: no cover # Coverage cannot cover code running in threads def in_thread_exec # Don't complain if tests don't hit defensive assertion code: raise AssertionError raise RuntimeError # Don't complain if non-runnable code isn't run: pass if 0: if __name__ *== *__main__ *: sys\.exit\(\) sys\.exit\(f?'.+\) # ImportError is usually OK because there will be a workaround import. except ImportError skip_empty = True [html] directory = coverage title = nvme-stas coverage report