Print the help text and exit. Print the version string and exit. tron Trace ON. Enable code tracing, which is to say that lots of debug information will be printed to the syslog (e.g. systemd-journal). troff Trace OFF. Disable code tracing. status Show runtime status information. Print additional details. NVMe-over-Fabrics fabric type (default: "tcp"). Discovery controller's network address. Transport service id (for IP addressing, e.g. tcp, rdma, this field is the port number). Network source address used on the host to connect to the controller. This field specifies the network interface used on the host to connect to the controller. This field specifies the Controller's NVMe Qualified Name. This field is mandatory for I/O Controllers, but is optional for Discovery Controllers (DC). For the latter, the NQN will default to the well-known DC NQN: if left undefined. TRTYPE rdma, fc, tcp, loop. TRADDR IP or Fibre Channel address. E.g. TRSVCID E.g., 8009. IFACE Network interface name. E.g., eth1, enp0s8, wlp0s20f3. NQN NVMe Qualified Name.