# Copyright (c) 2021, Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # See the LICENSE file for details. # # This file is part of NVMe STorage Appliance Services (nvme-stas). # # Authors: Martin Belanger # files_to_configure = [ 'defs.py', '__init__.py', 'stafd.idl', 'stacd.idl' ] configured_files = [] foreach file : files_to_configure configured_files += configure_file( input: file, output: file, configuration: conf ) endforeach files_to_copy = [ 'avahi.py', 'conf.py', 'ctrl.py', 'gutil.py', 'iputil.py', 'log.py', 'service.py', 'singleton.py', 'stas.py', 'timeparse.py', 'trid.py', 'udev.py', 'version.py' ] copied_files = [] foreach file : files_to_copy copied_files += configure_file( input: file, output: file, copy: true, ) endforeach files_to_install = copied_files + configured_files python3.install_sources( files_to_install, pure: true, subdir: 'staslib', ) #=============================================================================== # Make a list of modules to lint skip = ['stafd.idl', 'stacd.idl'] foreach file: files_to_install fname = fs.name('@0@'.format(file)) if fname not in skip modules_to_lint += file endif endforeach