# Copyright (c) 2022, Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # See the LICENSE file for details. # # This file is part of NVMe STorage Appliance Services (nvme-stas). # # Authors: Martin Belanger # '''This module provides functions to access nvme devices using the pyudev module''' import os import time import logging import pyudev from gi.repository import GLib from staslib import defs, iputil, trid # ****************************************************************************** class Udev: '''@brief Udev event monitor. Provide a way to register for udev events. WARNING: THE singleton.Singleton PATTERN CANNOT BE USED WITH THIS CLASS. IT INTERFERES WITH THE pyudev INTERNALS, WHICH CAUSES OBJECT CLEAN UP TO FAIL. ''' def __init__(self): self._log_event_soak_time = 0 self._log_event_count = 0 self._device_event_registry = dict() self._action_event_registry = dict() self._context = pyudev.Context() self._monitor = pyudev.Monitor.from_netlink(self._context) self._monitor.filter_by(subsystem='nvme') self._event_source = GLib.io_add_watch( self._monitor.fileno(), GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH, GLib.IO_IN, self._process_udev_event, ) self._monitor.start() def release_resources(self): '''Release all resources used by this object''' if self._event_source is not None: GLib.source_remove(self._event_source) if self._monitor is not None: self._monitor.remove_filter() self._event_source = None self._monitor = None self._context = None self._device_event_registry = None self._action_event_registry = None def get_nvme_device(self, sys_name): '''@brief Get the udev device object associated with an nvme device. @param sys_name: The device system name (e.g. 'nvme1') @return A pyudev.device._device.Device object ''' device_node = os.path.join('/dev', sys_name) try: return pyudev.Devices.from_device_file(self._context, device_node) except pyudev.DeviceNotFoundByFileError as ex: logging.error("Udev.get_nvme_device() - Error: %s", ex) return None def is_action_cback_registered(self, action: str, user_cback): '''Returns True if @user_cback is registered for @action. False otherwise. @param action: one of 'add', 'remove', 'change'. @param user_cback: A callback function with this signature: cback(udev_obj) ''' return user_cback in self._action_event_registry.get(action, set()) def register_for_action_events(self, action: str, user_cback): '''@brief Register a callback function to be called when udev events for a specific action are received. @param action: one of 'add', 'remove', 'change'. ''' self._action_event_registry.setdefault(action, set()).add(user_cback) def unregister_for_action_events(self, action: str, user_cback): '''@brief The opposite of register_for_action_events()''' try: self._action_event_registry.get(action, set()).remove(user_cback) except KeyError: # Raise if user_cback already removed pass def register_for_device_events(self, sys_name: str, user_cback): '''@brief Register a callback function to be called when udev events are received for a specific nvme device. @param sys_name: The device system name (e.g. 'nvme1') ''' if sys_name: self._device_event_registry[sys_name] = user_cback def unregister_for_device_events(self, user_cback): '''@brief The opposite of register_for_device_events()''' entries = list(self._device_event_registry.items()) for sys_name, _user_cback in entries: if user_cback == _user_cback: self._device_event_registry.pop(sys_name, None) break def get_attributes(self, sys_name: str, attr_ids) -> dict: '''@brief Get all the attributes associated with device @sys_name''' attrs = {attr_id: '' for attr_id in attr_ids} if sys_name and sys_name != 'nvme?': udev = self.get_nvme_device(sys_name) if udev is not None: for attr_id in attr_ids: try: value = udev.attributes.asstring(attr_id).strip() attrs[attr_id] = '' if value == '(efault)' else value except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass return attrs @staticmethod def is_dc_device(device): '''@brief check whether device refers to a Discovery Controller''' subsysnqn = device.attributes.get('subsysnqn') if subsysnqn is not None and subsysnqn.decode() == defs.WELL_KNOWN_DISC_NQN: return True # Note: Prior to 5.18 linux didn't expose the cntrltype through # the sysfs. So, this may return None on older kernels. cntrltype = device.attributes.get('cntrltype') if cntrltype is not None and cntrltype.decode() == 'discovery': return True # Imply Discovery controller based on the absence of children. # Discovery Controllers have no children devices if len(list(device.children)) == 0: return True return False @staticmethod def is_ioc_device(device): '''@brief check whether device refers to an I/O Controller''' # Note: Prior to 5.18 linux didn't expose the cntrltype through # the sysfs. So, this may return None on older kernels. cntrltype = device.attributes.get('cntrltype') if cntrltype is not None and cntrltype.decode() == 'io': return True # Imply I/O controller based on the presence of children. # I/O Controllers have children devices if len(list(device.children)) != 0: return True return False def find_nvme_dc_device(self, tid): '''@brief Find the nvme device associated with the specified Discovery Controller. @return The device if a match is found, None otherwise. ''' for device in self._context.list_devices( subsystem='nvme', NVME_TRADDR=tid.traddr, NVME_TRSVCID=tid.trsvcid, NVME_TRTYPE=tid.transport ): if not self.is_dc_device(device): continue if self.get_tid(device) != tid: continue return device return None def find_nvme_ioc_device(self, tid): '''@brief Find the nvme device associated with the specified I/O Controller. @return The device if a match is found, None otherwise. ''' for device in self._context.list_devices( subsystem='nvme', NVME_TRADDR=tid.traddr, NVME_TRSVCID=tid.trsvcid, NVME_TRTYPE=tid.transport ): if not self.is_ioc_device(device): continue if self.get_tid(device) != tid: continue return device return None def get_nvme_ioc_tids(self, transports): '''@brief Find all the I/O controller nvme devices in the system. @return A list of pyudev.device._device.Device objects ''' tids = [] for device in self._context.list_devices(subsystem='nvme'): if device.properties.get('NVME_TRTYPE', '') not in transports: continue if not self.is_ioc_device(device): continue tids.append(self.get_tid(device)) return tids def _process_udev_event(self, event_source, condition): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if condition == GLib.IO_IN: event_count = 0 while True: try: device = self._monitor.poll(timeout=0) except EnvironmentError as ex: device = None # This event seems to happen in bursts. So, let's suppress # logging for 2 seconds to avoid filling the syslog. self._log_event_count += 1 now = time.time() if now > self._log_event_soak_time: logging.debug('Udev._process_udev_event() - %s [%s]', ex, self._log_event_count) self._log_event_soak_time = now + 2 self._log_event_count = 0 if device is None: break event_count += 1 self._device_event(device, event_count) return GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE @staticmethod def __cback_names(action_cbacks, device_cback): names = [] for cback in action_cbacks: names.append(cback.__name__ + '()') if device_cback: names.append(device_cback.__name__ + '()') return names def _device_event(self, device, event_count): action_cbacks = self._action_event_registry.get(device.action, set()) device_cback = self._device_event_registry.get(device.sys_name, None) logging.debug( 'Udev._device_event() - %-8s %-6s %-8s %s', f'{device.sys_name}:', device.action, f'{event_count:2}:{device.sequence_number}', self.__cback_names(action_cbacks, device_cback), ) for action_cback in action_cbacks: GLib.idle_add(action_cback, device) if device_cback is not None: GLib.idle_add(device_cback, device) @staticmethod def _get_property(device, prop, default=''): prop = device.properties.get(prop, default) return '' if prop.lower() == 'none' else prop @staticmethod def _get_attribute(device, attr_id, default=''): try: attr = device.attributes.asstring(attr_id).strip() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except attr = default return '' if attr.lower() == 'none' else attr @staticmethod def get_key_from_attr(device, attr, key, delim=','): '''Get attribute specified by attr, which is composed of key=value pairs. Then return the value associated with key. @param device: The Device object @param attr: The device's attribute to get @param key: The key to look for in the attribute @param delim: Delimiter used between key=value pairs. @example: "address" attribute contains "trtype=tcp,traddr=,trsvcid=4420,host_traddr=" ''' attr_str = Udev._get_attribute(device, attr) if not attr_str: return '' if key[-1] != '=': key += '=' start = attr_str.find(key) if start < 0: return '' start += len(key) end = attr_str.find(delim, start) if end < 0: return attr_str[start:] return attr_str[start:end] @staticmethod def _get_host_iface(device): host_iface = Udev._get_property(device, 'NVME_HOST_IFACE') if not host_iface: # We'll try to find the interface from the source address on # the connection. Only available if kernel exposes the source # address (src_addr) in the "address" attribute. src_addr = Udev.get_key_from_attr(device, 'address', 'src_addr=') host_iface = iputil.get_interface(src_addr) return host_iface @staticmethod def get_tid(device): '''@brief return the Transport ID associated with a udev device''' cid = { 'transport': Udev._get_property(device, 'NVME_TRTYPE'), 'traddr': Udev._get_property(device, 'NVME_TRADDR'), 'trsvcid': Udev._get_property(device, 'NVME_TRSVCID'), 'host-traddr': Udev._get_property(device, 'NVME_HOST_TRADDR'), 'host-iface': Udev._get_host_iface(device), 'subsysnqn': Udev._get_attribute(device, 'subsysnqn'), } return trid.TID(cid) UDEV = Udev() # Singleton def shutdown(): '''Destroy the UDEV singleton''' global UDEV # pylint: disable=global-statement,global-variable-not-assigned UDEV.release_resources() del UDEV