#!/bin/sh ## live-config(7) - System Configuration Components ## Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Daniel Baumann ## ## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. #set -e Cmdline () { # Reading kernel command line for _PARAMETER in ${LIVE_CONFIG_CMDLINE} do case "${_PARAMETER}" in live-config.hostname=*|hostname=*) LIVE_HOSTNAME="${_PARAMETER#*hostname=}" ;; esac done } Init () { # Checking if package is installed or already configured if [ -z "${LIVE_HOSTNAME}" ] || \ [ -e /var/lib/live/config/hostname ] then exit 0 fi echo -n " hostname" } Config () { # Change hostname only if it is not set if [ ! -e /etc/hostname ] || \ grep -qs localhost\.localdomain /etc/hostname then # Supporting variables within hostnames if [ -e /bin/ip ] then LINK="$(ip -oneline -family link address show dev eth0 | awk '{ print $13 }' | sed -e "s|:|${_IP_SEPARATOR}|g")" INET="$(ip -oneline -family inet address show dev eth0 | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed -e "s|\.|${_IP_SEPARATOR}|g" -e 's|/.*||')" INET6="$(ip -oneline -family inet6 address show dev eth0 | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed -e "s|:|${_IP_SEPARATOR}|g" -e 's|/.*||' -e 's|--|-|')" eval LIVE_HOSTNAME="${LIVE_HOSTNAME}" fi echo "${LIVE_HOSTNAME}" > /etc/hostname else LIVE_HOSTNAME="$(cat /etc/hostname)" fi # Updating hostname in /etc/hosts if [ -s /etc/hosts ] then # /etc/hosts exists but has no if ! grep -Eq "^ *" /etc/hosts then mv /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.tmp echo " localhost ${LIVE_HOSTNAME}" > /etc/hosts cat /etc/hosts.tmp >> /etc/hosts rm -f /etc/hosts.tmp # /etc/hosts exists and has no matching elif ! grep -Eq "^ **${LIVE_HOSTNAME}" /etc/hosts then _HOSTS="$(grep -E "^ *" /etc/hosts | awk '{ $1=""; print $0 }' | sed -e 's|localhost||')" _HOSTS="$(echo localhost ${_HOSTS} ${LIVE_HOSTNAME} | sed -e 's|^ ||' -e 's| | |g')" sed -i -e "s|^ **| ${_HOSTS}|" /etc/hosts fi else # /etc/hosts does not exist cat > /etc/hosts << EOF localhost ${LIVE_HOSTNAME} ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters EOF fi hostname "${LIVE_HOSTNAME}" || true # Creating state file touch /var/lib/live/config/hostname } Cmdline Init Config