Changes in version 1.9: The option '--loose-trailing', has been added. The test used by pdlzip to discriminate trailing data from a corrupt header in multimember or concatenated files has been improved to a Hamming distance (HD) of 3, and the 3 bit flips must happen in different magic bytes for the test to fail. As a consequence some kinds of files no longer can be appended to a lzip file as trailing data unless the '--loose-trailing' option is used when decompressing. Lziprecover can be used to remove conflicting trailing data from a file. The 'bits/byte' ratio has been replaced with the inverse compression ratio in the output. A final diagnostic is now shown at verbosity level 1 (-v) or higher if any file fails the test when testing multiple files. A second '.lz' extension is no longer added to the argument of '-o' if it already ends in '.lz' or '.tlz'. In case of (de)compressed size mismatch, the stored size is now also shown in hexadecimal to ease visual comparison. The dictionary size is now shown at verbosity level 4 (-vvvv) when decompressing or testing.