path: root/src/pendulum/locales/pt_br
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pendulum/locales/pt_br')
3 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pendulum/locales/pt_br/ b/src/pendulum/locales/pt_br/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pendulum/locales/pt_br/
diff --git a/src/pendulum/locales/pt_br/ b/src/pendulum/locales/pt_br/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87a7702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pendulum/locales/pt_br/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+pt-br custom locale file.
+from __future__ import annotations
+translations = {
+ # Relative time
+ "after": "após {0}",
+ "before": "{0} atrás",
+ # Date formats
+ "date_formats": {
+ "LTS": "HH:mm:ss",
+ "LT": "HH:mm",
+ "LLLL": "dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY [às] HH:mm",
+ "LLL": "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY [às] HH:mm",
+ "LL": "D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY",
+ "L": "DD/MM/YYYY",
+ },
diff --git a/src/pendulum/locales/pt_br/ b/src/pendulum/locales/pt_br/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..793cba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pendulum/locales/pt_br/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from pendulum.locales.pt_br.custom import translations as custom_translations
+pt_br locale file.
+It has been generated automatically and must not be modified directly.
+locale = {
+ "plural": lambda n: "one"
+ if ((n == n and (n >= 0 and n <= 2)) and (not (n == n and (n == 2))))
+ else "other",
+ "ordinal": lambda n: "other",
+ "translations": {
+ "days": {
+ "abbreviated": {
+ 0: "seg",
+ 1: "ter",
+ 2: "qua",
+ 3: "qui",
+ 4: "sex",
+ 5: "sáb",
+ 6: "dom",
+ },
+ "narrow": {0: "S", 1: "T", 2: "Q", 3: "Q", 4: "S", 5: "S", 6: "D"},
+ "short": {
+ 0: "seg",
+ 1: "ter",
+ 2: "qua",
+ 3: "qui",
+ 4: "sex",
+ 5: "sáb",
+ 6: "dom",
+ },
+ "wide": {
+ 0: "segunda-feira",
+ 1: "terça-feira",
+ 2: "quarta-feira",
+ 3: "quinta-feira",
+ 4: "sexta-feira",
+ 5: "sábado",
+ 6: "domingo",
+ },
+ },
+ "months": {
+ "abbreviated": {
+ 1: "jan",
+ 2: "fev",
+ 3: "mar",
+ 4: "abr",
+ 5: "mai",
+ 6: "jun",
+ 7: "jul",
+ 8: "ago",
+ 9: "set",
+ 10: "out",
+ 11: "nov",
+ 12: "dez",
+ },
+ "narrow": {
+ 1: "J",
+ 2: "F",
+ 3: "M",
+ 4: "A",
+ 5: "M",
+ 6: "J",
+ 7: "J",
+ 8: "A",
+ 9: "S",
+ 10: "O",
+ 11: "N",
+ 12: "D",
+ },
+ "wide": {
+ 1: "janeiro",
+ 2: "fevereiro",
+ 3: "março",
+ 4: "abril",
+ 5: "maio",
+ 6: "junho",
+ 7: "julho",
+ 8: "agosto",
+ 9: "setembro",
+ 10: "outubro",
+ 11: "novembro",
+ 12: "dezembro",
+ },
+ },
+ "units": {
+ "year": {"one": "{0} ano", "other": "{0} anos"},
+ "month": {"one": "{0} mês", "other": "{0} meses"},
+ "week": {"one": "{0} semana", "other": "{0} semanas"},
+ "day": {"one": "{0} dia", "other": "{0} dias"},
+ "hour": {"one": "{0} hora", "other": "{0} horas"},
+ "minute": {"one": "{0} minuto", "other": "{0} minutos"},
+ "second": {"one": "{0} segundo", "other": "{0} segundos"},
+ "microsecond": {"one": "{0} microssegundo", "other": "{0} microssegundos"},
+ },
+ "relative": {
+ "year": {
+ "future": {"other": "em {0} anos", "one": "em {0} ano"},
+ "past": {"other": "há {0} anos", "one": "há {0} ano"},
+ },
+ "month": {
+ "future": {"other": "em {0} meses", "one": "em {0} mês"},
+ "past": {"other": "há {0} meses", "one": "há {0} mês"},
+ },
+ "week": {
+ "future": {"other": "em {0} semanas", "one": "em {0} semana"},
+ "past": {"other": "há {0} semanas", "one": "há {0} semana"},
+ },
+ "day": {
+ "future": {"other": "em {0} dias", "one": "em {0} dia"},
+ "past": {"other": "há {0} dias", "one": "há {0} dia"},
+ },
+ "hour": {
+ "future": {"other": "em {0} horas", "one": "em {0} hora"},
+ "past": {"other": "há {0} horas", "one": "há {0} hora"},
+ },
+ "minute": {
+ "future": {"other": "em {0} minutos", "one": "em {0} minuto"},
+ "past": {"other": "há {0} minutos", "one": "há {0} minuto"},
+ },
+ "second": {
+ "future": {"other": "em {0} segundos", "one": "em {0} segundo"},
+ "past": {"other": "há {0} segundos", "one": "há {0} segundo"},
+ },
+ },
+ "day_periods": {
+ "midnight": "meia-noite",
+ "am": "AM",
+ "noon": "meio-dia",
+ "pm": "PM",
+ "morning1": "da manhã",
+ "afternoon1": "da tarde",
+ "evening1": "da noite",
+ "night1": "da madrugada",
+ },
+ "week_data": {
+ "min_days": 1,
+ "first_day": 6,
+ "weekend_start": 5,
+ "weekend_end": 6,
+ },
+ },
+ "custom": custom_translations,