[flake8] max-line-length = 88 per-file-ignores = # F401: Module imported but unused # TC001: Move import into type checking block __init__.py:F401, TC001 # F811: Redefinition of unused name from line n pendulum/tz/timezone.py:F811 min_python_version = 3.7.0 ban-relative-imports = true # flake8-use-fstring: https://github.com/MichaelKim0407/flake8-use-fstring#--percent-greedy-and---format-greedy format-greedy = 1 inline-quotes = double enable-extensions = TC, TC1 type-checking-exempt-modules = typing, typing-extensions eradicate-whitelist-extend = ^-.*; extend-ignore = # E501: Line too long E501, # E203: Whitespace before ':' E203, # SIM106: Handle error-cases first SIM106, extend-exclude = # External to the project's coding standards: docs/*, # Machine-generated, too many false-positives pendulum/locales/*,