# Attributes and Properties Pendulum gives access to more attributes and properties than the default ``datetime`` class. ```python >>> import pendulum >>> dt = pendulum.parse('2012-09-05T23:26:11.123789') # These properties specifically return integers >>> dt.year 2012 >>> dt.month 9 >>> dt.day 5 >>> dt.hour 23 >>> dt.minute 26 >>> dt.second 11 >>> dt.microsecond 123789 >>> dt.day_of_week 3 >>> dt.day_of_year 248 >>> dt.week_of_month 1 >>> dt.week_of_year 36 >>> dt.days_in_month 30 >>> dt.timestamp() 1346887571.123789 >>> dt.float_timestamp 1346887571.123789 >>> dt.int_timestamp 1346887571 >>> pendulum.datetime(1975, 5, 21).age 41 # calculated vs now in the same tz >>> dt.quarter 3 # Returns an int of seconds difference from UTC (+/- sign included) >>> pendulum.from_timestamp(0).offset 0 >>> pendulum.from_timestamp(0, 'America/Toronto').offset -18000 # Returns a float of hours difference from UTC (+/- sign included) >>> pendulum.from_timestamp(0, 'America/Toronto').offset_hours -5.0 >>> pendulum.from_timestamp(0, 'Australia/Adelaide').offset_hours 9.5 # Gets the timezone instance >>> pendulum.now().timezone >>> pendulum.now().tz # Gets the timezone name >>> pendulum.now().timezone_name # Indicates if daylight savings time is on >>> dt = pendulum.datetime(2012, 1, 1, tz='America/Toronto') >>> dt.is_dst() False >>> dt = pendulum.datetime(2012, 9, 1, tz='America/Toronto') >>> dt.is_dst() True # Indicates if the instance is in the same timezone as the local timezone >>> pendulum.now().is_local() True >>> pendulum.now('Europe/London').is_local() False # Indicates if the instance is in the UTC timezone >>> pendulum.now().is_utc() False >>> pendulum.now('Europe/London').is_local() False >>> pendulum.now('UTC').is_utc() True ```