# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from .custom import translations as custom_translations """ fr locale file. It has been generated automatically and must not be modified directly. """ locale = { "plural": lambda n: "one" if (n == n and ((n == 0) or (n == 1))) else "other", "ordinal": lambda n: "one" if (n == n and ((n == 1))) else "other", "translations": { "days": { "abbreviated": { 0: "dim.", 1: "lun.", 2: "mar.", 3: "mer.", 4: "jeu.", 5: "ven.", 6: "sam.", }, "narrow": {0: "D", 1: "L", 2: "M", 3: "M", 4: "J", 5: "V", 6: "S"}, "short": {0: "di", 1: "lu", 2: "ma", 3: "me", 4: "je", 5: "ve", 6: "sa"}, "wide": { 0: "dimanche", 1: "lundi", 2: "mardi", 3: "mercredi", 4: "jeudi", 5: "vendredi", 6: "samedi", }, }, "months": { "abbreviated": { 1: "janv.", 2: "févr.", 3: "mars", 4: "avr.", 5: "mai", 6: "juin", 7: "juil.", 8: "août", 9: "sept.", 10: "oct.", 11: "nov.", 12: "déc.", }, "narrow": { 1: "J", 2: "F", 3: "M", 4: "A", 5: "M", 6: "J", 7: "J", 8: "A", 9: "S", 10: "O", 11: "N", 12: "D", }, "wide": { 1: "janvier", 2: "février", 3: "mars", 4: "avril", 5: "mai", 6: "juin", 7: "juillet", 8: "août", 9: "septembre", 10: "octobre", 11: "novembre", 12: "décembre", }, }, "units": { "year": {"one": "{0} an", "other": "{0} ans"}, "month": {"one": "{0} mois", "other": "{0} mois"}, "week": {"one": "{0} semaine", "other": "{0} semaines"}, "day": {"one": "{0} jour", "other": "{0} jours"}, "hour": {"one": "{0} heure", "other": "{0} heures"}, "minute": {"one": "{0} minute", "other": "{0} minutes"}, "second": {"one": "{0} seconde", "other": "{0} secondes"}, "microsecond": {"one": "{0} microseconde", "other": "{0} microsecondes"}, }, "relative": { "year": { "future": {"other": "dans {0} ans", "one": "dans {0} an"}, "past": {"other": "il y a {0} ans", "one": "il y a {0} an"}, }, "month": { "future": {"other": "dans {0} mois", "one": "dans {0} mois"}, "past": {"other": "il y a {0} mois", "one": "il y a {0} mois"}, }, "week": { "future": {"other": "dans {0} semaines", "one": "dans {0} semaine"}, "past": {"other": "il y a {0} semaines", "one": "il y a {0} semaine"}, }, "day": { "future": {"other": "dans {0} jours", "one": "dans {0} jour"}, "past": {"other": "il y a {0} jours", "one": "il y a {0} jour"}, }, "hour": { "future": {"other": "dans {0} heures", "one": "dans {0} heure"}, "past": {"other": "il y a {0} heures", "one": "il y a {0} heure"}, }, "minute": { "future": {"other": "dans {0} minutes", "one": "dans {0} minute"}, "past": {"other": "il y a {0} minutes", "one": "il y a {0} minute"}, }, "second": { "future": {"other": "dans {0} secondes", "one": "dans {0} seconde"}, "past": {"other": "il y a {0} secondes", "one": "il y a {0} seconde"}, }, }, "day_periods": { "midnight": "minuit", "am": "AM", "noon": "midi", "pm": "PM", "morning1": "du matin", "afternoon1": "de l’après-midi", "evening1": "du soir", "night1": "de nuit", }, }, "custom": custom_translations, }