# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from .custom import translations as custom_translations """ zh locale file. It has been generated automatically and must not be modified directly. """ locale = { "plural": lambda n: "other", "ordinal": lambda n: "other", "translations": { "days": { "abbreviated": { 0: "周日", 1: "周一", 2: "周二", 3: "周三", 4: "周四", 5: "周五", 6: "周六", }, "narrow": {0: "日", 1: "一", 2: "二", 3: "三", 4: "四", 5: "五", 6: "六"}, "short": {0: "周日", 1: "周一", 2: "周二", 3: "周三", 4: "周四", 5: "周五", 6: "周六"}, "wide": { 0: "星期日", 1: "星期一", 2: "星期二", 3: "星期三", 4: "星期四", 5: "星期五", 6: "星期六", }, }, "months": { "abbreviated": { 1: "1月", 2: "2月", 3: "3月", 4: "4月", 5: "5月", 6: "6月", 7: "7月", 8: "8月", 9: "9月", 10: "10月", 11: "11月", 12: "12月", }, "narrow": { 1: "1", 2: "2", 3: "3", 4: "4", 5: "5", 6: "6", 7: "7", 8: "8", 9: "9", 10: "10", 11: "11", 12: "12", }, "wide": { 1: "一月", 2: "二月", 3: "三月", 4: "四月", 5: "五月", 6: "六月", 7: "七月", 8: "八月", 9: "九月", 10: "十月", 11: "十一月", 12: "十二月", }, }, "units": { "year": {"other": "{0}年"}, "month": {"other": "{0}个月"}, "week": {"other": "{0}周"}, "day": {"other": "{0}天"}, "hour": {"other": "{0}小时"}, "minute": {"other": "{0}分钟"}, "second": {"other": "{0}秒钟"}, "microsecond": {"other": "{0}微秒"}, }, "relative": { "year": {"future": {"other": "{0}年后"}, "past": {"other": "{0}年前"}}, "month": {"future": {"other": "{0}个月后"}, "past": {"other": "{0}个月前"}}, "week": {"future": {"other": "{0}周后"}, "past": {"other": "{0}周前"}}, "day": {"future": {"other": "{0}天后"}, "past": {"other": "{0}天前"}}, "hour": {"future": {"other": "{0}小时后"}, "past": {"other": "{0}小时前"}}, "minute": {"future": {"other": "{0}分钟后"}, "past": {"other": "{0}分钟前"}}, "second": {"future": {"other": "{0}秒钟后"}, "past": {"other": "{0}秒钟前"}}, }, "day_periods": { "midnight": "午夜", "am": "上午", "pm": "下午", "morning1": "清晨", "morning2": "上午", "afternoon1": "下午", "afternoon2": "下午", "evening1": "晚上", "night1": "凌晨", }, }, "custom": custom_translations, }