import os import re import sys from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Iterator from typing import Optional from typing import Union from .timezone import Timezone from .timezone import TimezoneFile from .zoneinfo.exceptions import InvalidTimezone try: import _winreg as winreg except ImportError: try: import winreg except ImportError: winreg = None _mock_local_timezone = None _local_timezone = None def get_local_timezone(): # type: () -> Timezone global _local_timezone if _mock_local_timezone is not None: return _mock_local_timezone if _local_timezone is None: tz = _get_system_timezone() _local_timezone = tz return _local_timezone def set_local_timezone(mock=None): # type: (Optional[Union[str, Timezone]]) -> None global _mock_local_timezone _mock_local_timezone = mock @contextmanager def test_local_timezone(mock): # type: (Timezone) -> Iterator[None] set_local_timezone(mock) yield set_local_timezone() def _get_system_timezone(): # type: () -> Timezone if sys.platform == "win32": return _get_windows_timezone() elif "darwin" in sys.platform: return _get_darwin_timezone() return _get_unix_timezone() def _get_windows_timezone(): # type: () -> Timezone from import windows_timezones # Windows is special. It has unique time zone names (in several # meanings of the word) available, but unfortunately, they can be # translated to the language of the operating system, so we need to # do a backwards lookup, by going through all time zones and see which # one matches. handle = winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) tz_local_key_name = r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" localtz = winreg.OpenKey(handle, tz_local_key_name) timezone_info = {} size = winreg.QueryInfoKey(localtz)[1] for i in range(size): data = winreg.EnumValue(localtz, i) timezone_info[data[0]] = data[1] localtz.Close() if "TimeZoneKeyName" in timezone_info: # Windows 7 (and Vista?) # For some reason this returns a string with loads of NUL bytes at # least on some systems. I don't know if this is a bug somewhere, I # just work around it. tzkeyname = timezone_info["TimeZoneKeyName"].split("\x00", 1)[0] else: # Windows 2000 or XP # This is the localized name: tzwin = timezone_info["StandardName"] # Open the list of timezones to look up the real name: tz_key_name = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones" tzkey = winreg.OpenKey(handle, tz_key_name) # Now, match this value to Time Zone information tzkeyname = None for i in range(winreg.QueryInfoKey(tzkey)[0]): subkey = winreg.EnumKey(tzkey, i) sub = winreg.OpenKey(tzkey, subkey) info = {} size = winreg.QueryInfoKey(sub)[1] for i in range(size): data = winreg.EnumValue(sub, i) info[data[0]] = data[1] sub.Close() try: if info["Std"] == tzwin: tzkeyname = subkey break except KeyError: # This timezone didn't have proper configuration. # Ignore it. pass tzkey.Close() handle.Close() if tzkeyname is None: raise LookupError("Can not find Windows timezone configuration") timezone = windows_timezones.get(tzkeyname) if timezone is None: # Nope, that didn't work. Try adding "Standard Time", # it seems to work a lot of times: timezone = windows_timezones.get(tzkeyname + " Standard Time") # Return what we have. if timezone is None: raise LookupError("Unable to find timezone " + tzkeyname) return Timezone(timezone) def _get_darwin_timezone(): # type: () -> Timezone # link will be something like /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles. link = os.readlink("/etc/localtime") tzname = link[link.rfind("zoneinfo/") + 9 :] return Timezone(tzname) def _get_unix_timezone(_root="/"): # type: (str) -> Timezone tzenv = os.environ.get("TZ") if tzenv: try: return _tz_from_env(tzenv) except ValueError: pass # Now look for distribution specific configuration files # that contain the timezone name. tzpath = os.path.join(_root, "etc/timezone") if os.path.exists(tzpath): with open(tzpath, "rb") as tzfile: data = # Issue #3 was that /etc/timezone was a zoneinfo file. # That's a misconfiguration, but we need to handle it gracefully: if data[:5] != "TZif2": etctz = data.strip().decode() # Get rid of host definitions and comments: if " " in etctz: etctz, dummy = etctz.split(" ", 1) if "#" in etctz: etctz, dummy = etctz.split("#", 1) return Timezone(etctz.replace(" ", "_")) # CentOS has a ZONE setting in /etc/sysconfig/clock, # OpenSUSE has a TIMEZONE setting in /etc/sysconfig/clock and # Gentoo has a TIMEZONE setting in /etc/conf.d/clock # We look through these files for a timezone: zone_re = re.compile(r'\s*ZONE\s*=\s*"') timezone_re = re.compile(r'\s*TIMEZONE\s*=\s*"') end_re = re.compile('"') for filename in ("etc/sysconfig/clock", "etc/conf.d/clock"): tzpath = os.path.join(_root, filename) if not os.path.exists(tzpath): continue with open(tzpath, "rt") as tzfile: data = tzfile.readlines() for line in data: # Look for the ZONE= setting. match = zone_re.match(line) if match is None: # No ZONE= setting. Look for the TIMEZONE= setting. match = timezone_re.match(line) if match is not None: # Some setting existed line = line[match.end() :] etctz = line[:] parts = list(reversed(etctz.replace(" ", "_").split(os.path.sep))) tzpath = [] while parts: tzpath.insert(0, parts.pop(0)) try: return Timezone(os.path.join(*tzpath)) except InvalidTimezone: pass # systemd distributions use symlinks that include the zone name, # see manpage of localtime(5) and timedatectl(1) tzpath = os.path.join(_root, "etc", "localtime") if os.path.exists(tzpath) and os.path.islink(tzpath): parts = list( reversed(os.path.realpath(tzpath).replace(" ", "_").split(os.path.sep)) ) tzpath = [] while parts: tzpath.insert(0, parts.pop(0)) try: return Timezone(os.path.join(*tzpath)) except InvalidTimezone: pass # No explicit setting existed. Use localtime for filename in ("etc/localtime", "usr/local/etc/localtime"): tzpath = os.path.join(_root, filename) if not os.path.exists(tzpath): continue return TimezoneFile(tzpath) raise RuntimeError("Unable to find any timezone configuration") def _tz_from_env(tzenv): # type: (str) -> Timezone if tzenv[0] == ":": tzenv = tzenv[1:] # TZ specifies a file if os.path.exists(tzenv): return TimezoneFile(tzenv) # TZ specifies a zoneinfo zone. try: return Timezone(tzenv) except ValueError: raise