import os from collections import namedtuple from struct import unpack from typing import IO from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple import pytzdata from pytzdata.exceptions import TimezoneNotFound from pendulum.utils._compat import PY2 from .exceptions import InvalidTimezone from .exceptions import InvalidZoneinfoFile from .posix_timezone import PosixTimezone from .posix_timezone import posix_spec from .timezone import Timezone from .transition import Transition from .transition_type import TransitionType _offset = namedtuple("offset", "utc_total_offset is_dst abbr_idx") header = namedtuple( "header", "version " "utclocals " "stdwalls " "leaps " "transitions " "types " "abbr_size", ) class Reader: """ Reads compiled zoneinfo TZif (\0, 2 or 3) files. """ def __init__(self, extend=True): # type: (bool) -> None self._extend = extend def read_for(self, timezone): # type: (str) -> Timezone """ Read the zoneinfo structure for a given timezone name. :param timezone: The timezone. """ try: file_path = pytzdata.tz_path(timezone) except TimezoneNotFound: raise InvalidTimezone(timezone) return def read(self, file_path): # type: (str) -> Timezone """ Read a zoneinfo structure from the given path. :param file_path: The path of a zoneinfo file. """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise InvalidZoneinfoFile("The tzinfo file does not exist") with open(file_path, "rb") as fd: return self._parse(fd) def _check_read(self, fd, nbytes): # type: (...) -> bytes """ Reads the given number of bytes from the given file and checks that the correct number of bytes could be read. """ result = if (not result and nbytes > 0) or len(result) != nbytes: raise InvalidZoneinfoFile( "Expected {} bytes reading {}, " "but got {}".format(nbytes,, len(result) if result else 0) ) if PY2: return bytearray(result) return result def _parse(self, fd): # type: (...) -> Timezone """ Parse a zoneinfo file. """ hdr = self._parse_header(fd) if hdr.version in (2, 3): # We're skipping the entire v1 file since # at least the same data will be found in TZFile 2. hdr.transitions * 5 + hdr.types * 6 + hdr.abbr_size + hdr.leaps * 4 + hdr.stdwalls + hdr.utclocals, 1, ) # Parse the second header hdr = self._parse_header(fd) if hdr.version != 2 and hdr.version != 3: raise InvalidZoneinfoFile( "Header versions mismatch for file {}".format( ) # Parse the v2 data trans = self._parse_trans_64(fd, hdr.transitions) type_idx = self._parse_type_idx(fd, hdr.transitions) types = self._parse_types(fd, hdr.types) abbrs = self._parse_abbrs(fd, hdr.abbr_size, types) * 8 + hdr.stdwalls + hdr.utclocals, 1) trule = self._parse_posix_tz(fd) else: # TZFile v1 trans = self._parse_trans_32(fd, hdr.transitions) type_idx = self._parse_type_idx(fd, hdr.transitions) types = self._parse_types(fd, hdr.types) abbrs = self._parse_abbrs(fd, hdr.abbr_size, types) trule = None types = [ TransitionType(off, is_dst, abbrs[abbr]) for off, is_dst, abbr in types ] transitions = [] previous = None for trans, idx in zip(trans, type_idx): transition = Transition(trans, types[idx], previous) transitions.append(transition) previous = transition if not transitions: transitions.append(Transition(0, types[0], None)) return Timezone(transitions, posix_rule=trule, extended=self._extend) def _parse_header(self, fd): # type: (...) -> header buff = self._check_read(fd, 44) if buff[:4] != b"TZif": raise InvalidZoneinfoFile( 'The file "{}" has an invalid header.'.format( ) version = {0x00: 1, 0x32: 2, 0x33: 3}.get(buff[4]) if version is None: raise InvalidZoneinfoFile( 'The file "{}" has an invalid version.'.format( ) hdr = header(version, *unpack(">6l", buff[20:44])) return hdr def _parse_trans_64(self, fd, n): # type: (IO[Any], int) -> List[int] trans = [] for _ in range(n): buff = self._check_read(fd, 8) trans.append(unpack(">q", buff)[0]) return trans def _parse_trans_32(self, fd, n): # type: (IO[Any], int) -> List[int] trans = [] for _ in range(n): buff = self._check_read(fd, 4) trans.append(unpack(">i", buff)[0]) return trans def _parse_type_idx(self, fd, n): # type: (IO[Any], int) -> List[int] buff = self._check_read(fd, n) return list(unpack("{}B".format(n), buff)) def _parse_types( self, fd, n ): # type: (IO[Any], int) -> List[Tuple[Any, bool, int]] types = [] for _ in range(n): buff = self._check_read(fd, 6) offset = unpack(">l", buff[:4])[0] is_dst = buff[4] == 1 types.append((offset, is_dst, buff[5])) return types def _parse_abbrs( self, fd, n, types ): # type: (IO[Any], int, List[Tuple[Any, bool, int]]) -> Dict[int, str] abbrs = {} buff = self._check_read(fd, n) for offset, is_dst, idx in types: if idx not in abbrs: abbr = buff[idx : buff.find(b"\0", idx)].decode("utf-8") abbrs[idx] = abbr return abbrs def _parse_posix_tz(self, fd): # type: (...) -> Optional[PosixTimezone] s ="utf-8") if not s.startswith("\n") or not s.endswith("\n"): raise InvalidZoneinfoFile('Invalid posix rule in file "{}"'.format( s = s.strip() if not s: return return posix_spec(s)