[tool.poetry] name = "pendulum" version = "2.1.2" description = "Python datetimes made easy" authors = ["Sébastien Eustace "] license = "MIT" readme = 'README.rst' homepage = "https://pendulum.eustace.io" repository = "https://github.com/sdispater/pendulum" documentation = "https://pendulum.eustace.io/docs" keywords = ['datetime', 'date', 'time'] packages = [ {include = "pendulum"}, #{include = "tests", format = "sdist"}, ] include = [ {path = "pendulum/py.typed"}, # C extensions must be included in the wheel distributions {path = "pendulum/_extensions/*.so", format = "wheel"}, {path = "pendulum/_extensions/*.pyd", format = "wheel"}, {path = "pendulum/parsing/*.so", format = "wheel"}, {path = "pendulum/parsing/*.pyd", format = "wheel"}, ] [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "~2.7 || ^3.5" python-dateutil = "^2.6" pytzdata = ">=2020.1" # typing is needed for Python < 3.5 typing = { version = "^3.6", python = "<3.5" } [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] pytest = "^4.6" pytest-cov = "^2.5" pytz = ">=2018.3" babel = "^2.5" cleo = "^0.8.1" tox = "^3.0" black = { version = "^19.3b0", markers = "python_version >= '3.6' and python_version < '4.0' and implementation_name != 'pypy'" } isort = { version = "^4.3.21", markers = "python_version >= '3.6' and python_version < '4.0'" } pre-commit = "^1.10" mkdocs = { version = "^1.0", python = "^3.5" } pymdown-extensions = "^6.0" pygments = "^2.2" markdown-include = "^0.5.1" freezegun = "^0.3.15" [tool.poetry.build] generate-setup-file = false script = "build.py" [tool.isort] line_length = 88 force_single_line = true force_grid_wrap = 0 atomic = true include_trailing_comma = true lines_after_imports = 2 lines_between_types = 1 multi_line_output = 3 use_parentheses = true not_skip = "__init__.py" skip_glob = ["*/setup.py"] filter_files = true known_first_party = "pendulum" known_third_party = [ "babel", "cleo", "dateutil", "freezegun", "pytzdata", ] [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0a9"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"