use std::cmp::Ordering; use pyo3::{ intern, prelude::*, types::{PyDate, PyDateAccess, PyDateTime, PyDelta, PyDeltaAccess, PyString, PyTimeAccess}, PyTypeInfo, }; use crate::{ constants::{DAYS_PER_MONTHS, SECS_PER_DAY, SECS_PER_HOUR, SECS_PER_MIN}, helpers, }; use crate::python::types::PreciseDiff; struct DateTimeInfo<'py> { pub year: i32, pub month: i32, pub day: i32, pub hour: i32, pub minute: i32, pub second: i32, pub microsecond: i32, pub total_seconds: i32, pub offset: i32, pub tz: &'py str, pub is_datetime: bool, } impl PartialEq for DateTimeInfo<'_> { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { ( self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.microsecond, ) .eq(&( other.year, other.month,, other.hour, other.minute, other.second, other.microsecond, )) } } impl PartialOrd for DateTimeInfo<'_> { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { ( self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.microsecond, ) .partial_cmp(&( other.year, other.month,, other.hour, other.minute, other.second, other.microsecond, )) } } pub fn get_tz_name<'py>(py: Python, dt: &'py PyAny) -> PyResult<&'py str> { let tz: &str = ""; if !PyDateTime::is_type_of(dt) { return Ok(tz); } let tzinfo = dt.getattr("tzinfo"); match tzinfo { Err(_) => Ok(tz), Ok(tzinfo) => { if tzinfo.is_none() { return Ok(tz); } if tzinfo.hasattr(intern!(py, "key")).unwrap_or(false) { // zoneinfo timezone let tzname: &PyString = tzinfo .getattr(intern!(py, "key")) .unwrap() .downcast() .unwrap(); return tzname.to_str(); } else if tzinfo.hasattr(intern!(py, "name")).unwrap_or(false) { // Pendulum timezone let tzname: &PyString = tzinfo .getattr(intern!(py, "name")) .unwrap() .downcast() .unwrap(); return tzname.to_str(); } else if tzinfo.hasattr(intern!(py, "zone")).unwrap_or(false) { // pytz timezone let tzname: &PyString = tzinfo .getattr(intern!(py, "zone")) .unwrap() .downcast() .unwrap(); return tzname.to_str(); } Ok(tz) } } } pub fn get_offset(dt: &PyAny) -> PyResult { if !PyDateTime::is_type_of(dt) { return Ok(0); } let tzinfo = dt.getattr("tzinfo")?; if tzinfo.is_none() { return Ok(0); } let offset: &PyDelta = tzinfo.call_method1("utcoffset", (dt,))?.downcast()?; Ok(offset.get_days() * SECS_PER_DAY as i32 + offset.get_seconds()) } #[pyfunction] pub fn is_leap(year: i32) -> PyResult { Ok(helpers::is_leap(year)) } #[pyfunction] pub fn is_long_year(year: i32) -> PyResult { Ok(helpers::is_long_year(year)) } #[pyfunction] pub fn week_day(year: i32, month: u32, day: u32) -> PyResult { Ok(helpers::week_day(year, month, day)) } #[pyfunction] pub fn days_in_year(year: i32) -> PyResult { Ok(helpers::days_in_year(year)) } #[pyfunction] pub fn local_time( unix_time: f64, utc_offset: isize, microsecond: usize, ) -> PyResult<(usize, usize, usize, usize, usize, usize, usize)> { Ok(helpers::local_time(unix_time, utc_offset, microsecond)) } #[pyfunction] pub fn precise_diff<'py>(py: Python, dt1: &'py PyAny, dt2: &'py PyAny) -> PyResult { let mut sign = 1; let mut dtinfo1 = DateTimeInfo { year: dt1.downcast::()?.get_year(), month: i32::from(dt1.downcast::()?.get_month()), day: i32::from(dt1.downcast::()?.get_day()), hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, microsecond: 0, total_seconds: 0, tz: get_tz_name(py, dt1)?, offset: get_offset(dt1)?, is_datetime: PyDateTime::is_type_of(dt1), }; let mut dtinfo2 = DateTimeInfo { year: dt2.downcast::()?.get_year(), month: i32::from(dt2.downcast::()?.get_month()), day: i32::from(dt2.downcast::()?.get_day()), hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, microsecond: 0, total_seconds: 0, tz: get_tz_name(py, dt2)?, offset: get_offset(dt2)?, is_datetime: PyDateTime::is_type_of(dt2), }; let in_same_tz: bool = == && !; let mut total_days = helpers::day_number(dtinfo2.year, dtinfo2.month as u8, as u8) - helpers::day_number(dtinfo1.year, dtinfo1.month as u8, as u8); if dtinfo1.is_datetime { let dt1dt: &PyDateTime = dt1.downcast()?; dtinfo1.hour = i32::from(dt1dt.get_hour()); dtinfo1.minute = i32::from(dt1dt.get_minute()); dtinfo1.second = i32::from(dt1dt.get_second()); dtinfo1.microsecond = dt1dt.get_microsecond() as i32; if !in_same_tz && dtinfo1.offset != 0 || total_days == 0 { dtinfo1.hour -= dtinfo1.offset / SECS_PER_HOUR as i32; dtinfo1.offset %= SECS_PER_HOUR as i32; dtinfo1.minute -= dtinfo1.offset / SECS_PER_MIN as i32; dtinfo1.offset %= SECS_PER_MIN as i32; dtinfo1.second -= dtinfo1.offset; if dtinfo1.second < 0 { dtinfo1.second += 60; dtinfo1.minute -= 1; } else if dtinfo1.second > 60 { dtinfo1.second -= 60; dtinfo1.minute += 1; } if dtinfo1.minute < 0 { dtinfo1.minute += 60; dtinfo1.hour -= 1; } else if dtinfo1.minute > 60 { dtinfo1.minute -= 60; dtinfo1.hour += 1; } if dtinfo1.hour < 0 { dtinfo1.hour += 24; -= 1; } else if dtinfo1.hour > 24 { dtinfo1.hour -= 24; += 1; } } dtinfo1.total_seconds = dtinfo1.hour * SECS_PER_HOUR as i32 + dtinfo1.minute * SECS_PER_MIN as i32 + dtinfo1.second; } if dtinfo2.is_datetime { let dt2dt: &PyDateTime = dt2.downcast()?; dtinfo2.hour = i32::from(dt2dt.get_hour()); dtinfo2.minute = i32::from(dt2dt.get_minute()); dtinfo2.second = i32::from(dt2dt.get_second()); dtinfo2.microsecond = dt2dt.get_microsecond() as i32; if !in_same_tz && dtinfo2.offset != 0 || total_days == 0 { dtinfo2.hour -= dtinfo2.offset / SECS_PER_HOUR as i32; dtinfo2.offset %= SECS_PER_HOUR as i32; dtinfo2.minute -= dtinfo2.offset / SECS_PER_MIN as i32; dtinfo2.offset %= SECS_PER_MIN as i32; dtinfo2.second -= dtinfo2.offset; if dtinfo2.second < 0 { dtinfo2.second += 60; dtinfo2.minute -= 1; } else if dtinfo2.second > 60 { dtinfo2.second -= 60; dtinfo2.minute += 1; } if dtinfo2.minute < 0 { dtinfo2.minute += 60; dtinfo2.hour -= 1; } else if dtinfo2.minute > 60 { dtinfo2.minute -= 60; dtinfo2.hour += 1; } if dtinfo2.hour < 0 { dtinfo2.hour += 24; -= 1; } else if dtinfo2.hour > 24 { dtinfo2.hour -= 24; += 1; } } dtinfo2.total_seconds = dtinfo2.hour * SECS_PER_HOUR as i32 + dtinfo2.minute * SECS_PER_MIN as i32 + dtinfo2.second; } if dtinfo1 > dtinfo2 { sign = -1; (dtinfo1, dtinfo2) = (dtinfo2, dtinfo1); total_days = -total_days; } let mut year_diff = dtinfo2.year - dtinfo1.year; let mut month_diff = dtinfo2.month - dtinfo1.month; let mut day_diff = -; let mut hour_diff = dtinfo2.hour - dtinfo1.hour; let mut minute_diff = dtinfo2.minute - dtinfo1.minute; let mut second_diff = dtinfo2.second - dtinfo1.second; let mut microsecond_diff = dtinfo2.microsecond - dtinfo1.microsecond; if microsecond_diff < 0 { microsecond_diff += 1_000_000; second_diff -= 1; } if second_diff < 0 { second_diff += 60; minute_diff -= 1; } if minute_diff < 0 { minute_diff += 60; hour_diff -= 1; } if hour_diff < 0 { hour_diff += 24; day_diff -= 1; } if day_diff < 0 { // If we have a difference in days, // we have to check if they represent months let mut year = dtinfo2.year; let mut month = dtinfo2.month; if month == 1 { month = 12; year -= 1; } else { month -= 1; } let leap = helpers::is_leap(year); let days_in_last_month = DAYS_PER_MONTHS[usize::from(leap)][month as usize]; let days_in_month = DAYS_PER_MONTHS[usize::from(helpers::is_leap(dtinfo2.year))][dtinfo2.month as usize]; match day_diff.cmp(&(days_in_month - days_in_last_month)) { Ordering::Less => { // We don't have a full month, we calculate days if days_in_last_month < { day_diff +=; } else { day_diff += days_in_last_month; } } Ordering::Equal => { // We have exactly a full month // We remove the days difference // and add one to the months difference day_diff = 0; month_diff += 1; } Ordering::Greater => { // We have a full month day_diff += days_in_last_month; } } month_diff -= 1; } if month_diff < 0 { month_diff += 12; year_diff -= 1; } Ok(PreciseDiff { years: year_diff * sign, months: month_diff * sign, days: day_diff * sign, hours: hour_diff * sign, minutes: minute_diff * sign, seconds: second_diff * sign, microseconds: microsecond_diff * sign, total_days: total_days * sign, }) }