import click from textwrap import dedent keyring = None # keyring will be loaded later keyring_error_message = dedent( """\ {} {} To remove this message do one of the following: - prepare keyring as described at: - uninstall keyring: pip uninstall keyring - disable keyring in our configuration: add keyring = False to [main]""" ) def keyring_initialize(keyring_enabled, *, logger): """Initialize keyring only if explicitly enabled""" global keyring if keyring_enabled: # Try best to load keyring (issue #1041). import importlib try: keyring = importlib.import_module("keyring") except Exception as e: # ImportError for Python 2, ModuleNotFoundError for Python 3 logger.warning("import keyring failed: %r.", e) def keyring_get_password(key): """Attempt to get password from keyring""" # Find password from store passwd = "" try: passwd = keyring.get_password("pgcli", key) or "" except Exception as e: click.secho( keyring_error_message.format( "Load your password from keyring returned:", str(e) ), err=True, fg="red", ) return passwd def keyring_set_password(key, passwd): try: keyring.set_password("pgcli", key, passwd) except Exception as e: click.secho( keyring_error_message.format("Set password in keyring returned:", str(e)), err=True, fg="red", )