# vi: ft=dosini [main] # Enables context sensitive auto-completion. If this is disabled, all # possible completions will be listed. smart_completion = True # Display the completions in several columns. (More completions will be # visible.) wider_completion_menu = False # Do not create new connections for refreshing completions; Equivalent to # always running with the --single-connection flag. always_use_single_connection = False # Multi-line mode allows breaking up the sql statements into multiple lines. If # this is set to True, then the end of the statements must have a semi-colon. # If this is set to False then sql statements can't be split into multiple # lines. End of line (return) is considered as the end of the statement. multi_line = False # If multi_line_mode is set to "psql", in multi-line mode, [Enter] will execute # the current input if the input ends in a semicolon. # If multi_line_mode is set to "safe", in multi-line mode, [Enter] will always # insert a newline, and [Esc] [Enter] or [Alt]-[Enter] must be used to execute # a command. multi_line_mode = psql # Destructive warning will alert you before executing a sql statement # that may cause harm to the database such as "drop table", "drop database", # "shutdown", "delete", or "update". # You can pass a list of destructive commands or leave it empty if you want to skip all warnings. # "unconditional_update" will warn you of update statements that don't have a where clause destructive_warning = drop, shutdown, delete, truncate, alter, update, unconditional_update # Destructive warning can restart the connection if this is enabled and the # user declines. This means that any current uncommitted transaction can be # aborted if the user doesn't want to proceed with a destructive_warning # statement. destructive_warning_restarts_connection = False # When this option is on (and if `destructive_warning` is not empty), # destructive statements are not executed when outside of a transaction. destructive_statements_require_transaction = False # Enables expand mode, which is similar to `\x` in psql. expand = False # Enables auto expand mode, which is similar to `\x auto` in psql. auto_expand = False # Auto-retry queries on connection failures and other operational errors. If # False, will prompt to rerun the failed query instead of auto-retrying. auto_retry_closed_connection = True # If set to True, table suggestions will include a table alias generate_aliases = False # Path to a json file that specifies specific table aliases to use when generate_aliases is set to True # the format for this file should be: # { # "some_table_name": "desired_alias", # "some_other_table_name": "another_alias" # } alias_map_file = # log_file location. # In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/pgcli/log # In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\pgcli\log # %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username} log_file = default # keyword casing preference. Possible values: "lower", "upper", "auto" keyword_casing = auto # casing_file location. # In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/pgcli/casing # In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\pgcli\casing # %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username} casing_file = default # If generate_casing_file is set to True and there is no file in the above # location, one will be generated based on usage in SQL/PLPGSQL functions. generate_casing_file = False # Casing of column headers based on the casing_file described above case_column_headers = True # history_file location. # In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/pgcli/history # In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\pgcli\history # %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username} history_file = default # Default log level. Possible values: "CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO" # and "DEBUG". "NONE" disables logging. log_level = INFO # Order of columns when expanding * to column list # Possible values: "table_order" and "alphabetic" asterisk_column_order = table_order # Whether to qualify with table alias/name when suggesting columns # Possible values: "always", "never" and "if_more_than_one_table" qualify_columns = if_more_than_one_table # When no schema is entered, only suggest objects in search_path search_path_filter = False # Default pager. See https://www.pgcli.com/pager for more information on settings. # By default 'PAGER' environment variable is used. If the pager is less, and the 'LESS' # environment variable is not set, then LESS='-SRXF' will be automatically set. # pager = less # Timing of sql statements and table rendering. timing = True # Show/hide the informational toolbar with function keymap at the footer. show_bottom_toolbar = True # Table format. Possible values: psql, plain, simple, grid, fancy_grid, pipe, # ascii, double, github, orgtbl, rst, mediawiki, html, latex, latex_booktabs, # textile, moinmoin, jira, vertical, tsv, csv, sql-insert, sql-update, # sql-update-1, sql-update-2 (formatter with sql-* prefix can format query # output to executable insertion or updating sql). # Recommended: psql, fancy_grid and grid. table_format = psql # Syntax Style. Possible values: manni, igor, xcode, vim, autumn, vs, rrt, # native, perldoc, borland, tango, emacs, friendly, monokai, paraiso-dark, # colorful, murphy, bw, pastie, paraiso-light, trac, default, fruity syntax_style = default # Keybindings: # When Vi mode is enabled you can use modal editing features offered by Vi in the REPL. # When Vi mode is disabled emacs keybindings such as Ctrl-A for home and Ctrl-E # for end are available in the REPL. vi = False # Error handling # When one of multiple SQL statements causes an error, choose to either # continue executing the remaining statements, or stopping # Possible values "STOP" or "RESUME" on_error = STOP # Set threshold for row limit. Use 0 to disable limiting. row_limit = 1000 # Truncate long text fields to this value for tabular display (does not apply to csv). # Leave unset to disable truncation. Example: "max_field_width = " # Be aware that formatting might get slow with values larger than 500 and tables with # lots of records. max_field_width = 500 # Skip intro on startup and goodbye on exit less_chatty = False # Postgres prompt # \t - Current date and time # \u - Username # \h - Short hostname of the server (up to first '.') # \H - Hostname of the server # \d - Database name # \p - Database port # \i - Postgres PID # \# - "@" sign if logged in as superuser, '>' in other case # \n - Newline # \dsn_alias - name of dsn connection string alias if -D option is used (empty otherwise) # \x1b[...m - insert ANSI escape sequence # eg: prompt = '\x1b[35m\u@\x1b[32m\h:\x1b[36m\d>' prompt = '\u@\h:\d> ' # Number of lines to reserve for the suggestion menu min_num_menu_lines = 4 # Character used to left pad multi-line queries to match the prompt size. multiline_continuation_char = '' # The string used in place of a null value. null_string = '' # manage pager on startup enable_pager = True # Use keyring to automatically save and load password in a secure manner keyring = True # Custom colors for the completion menu, toolbar, etc. [colors] completion-menu.completion.current = 'bg:#ffffff #000000' completion-menu.completion = 'bg:#008888 #ffffff' completion-menu.meta.completion.current = 'bg:#44aaaa #000000' completion-menu.meta.completion = 'bg:#448888 #ffffff' completion-menu.multi-column-meta = 'bg:#aaffff #000000' scrollbar.arrow = 'bg:#003333' scrollbar = 'bg:#00aaaa' selected = '#ffffff bg:#6666aa' search = '#ffffff bg:#4444aa' search.current = '#ffffff bg:#44aa44' bottom-toolbar = 'bg:#222222 #aaaaaa' bottom-toolbar.off = 'bg:#222222 #888888' bottom-toolbar.on = 'bg:#222222 #ffffff' search-toolbar = 'noinherit bold' search-toolbar.text = 'nobold' system-toolbar = 'noinherit bold' arg-toolbar = 'noinherit bold' arg-toolbar.text = 'nobold' bottom-toolbar.transaction.valid = 'bg:#222222 #00ff5f bold' bottom-toolbar.transaction.failed = 'bg:#222222 #ff005f bold' # These three values can be used to further refine the syntax highlighting. # They are commented out by default, since they have priority over the theme set # with the `syntax_style` setting and overriding its behavior can be confusing. # literal.string = '#ba2121' # literal.number = '#666666' # keyword = 'bold #008000' # style classes for colored table output output.header = "#00ff5f bold" output.odd-row = "" output.even-row = "" output.null = "#808080" # Named queries are queries you can execute by name. [named queries] # Here's where you can provide a list of connection string aliases. # You can use it by passing the -D option. `pgcli -D example_dsn` [alias_dsn] # example_dsn = postgresql://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][/dbname] # Format for number representation # for decimal "d" - 12345678, ",d" - 12,345,678 # for float "g" - 123456.78, ",g" - 123,456.78 [data_formats] decimal = "" float = ""