"""Steps for behavioral style tests are defined in this module. Each step is defined by the string decorating it. This string is used to call the step in "*.feature" file. """ from behave import when, then from textwrap import dedent import wrappers @when("we prepare the test data") def step_prepare_data(context): """Create table, insert a record.""" context.cli.sendline("drop table if exists a;") wrappers.expect_exact( context, "You're about to run a destructive command.\r\nDo you want to proceed? (y/n):", timeout=2, ) context.cli.sendline("y") wrappers.wait_prompt(context) context.cli.sendline("create table a(x integer, y real, z numeric(10, 4));") wrappers.expect_pager(context, "CREATE TABLE\r\n", timeout=2) context.cli.sendline("""insert into a(x, y, z) values(1, 1.0, 1.0);""") wrappers.expect_pager(context, "INSERT 0 1\r\n", timeout=2) @when("we set expanded {mode}") def step_set_expanded(context, mode): """Set expanded to mode.""" context.cli.sendline("\\" + f"x {mode}") wrappers.expect_exact(context, "Expanded display is", timeout=2) wrappers.wait_prompt(context) @then("we see {which} data selected") def step_see_data(context, which): """Select data from expanded test table.""" if which == "expanded": wrappers.expect_pager( context, dedent( """\ -[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------\r x | 1\r y | 1.0\r z | 1.0000\r SELECT 1\r """ ), timeout=1, ) else: wrappers.expect_pager( context, dedent( """\ +-----+-----+--------+\r | x | y | z |\r |-----+-----+--------|\r | 1 | 1.0 | 1.0000 |\r +-----+-----+--------+\r SELECT 1\r """ ), timeout=1, )