import os import platform from unittest import mock import pytest try: import setproctitle except ImportError: setproctitle = None from pgcli.main import ( obfuscate_process_password, format_output, PGCli, OutputSettings, COLOR_CODE_REGEX, ) from pgcli.pgexecute import PGExecute from pgspecial.main import PAGER_OFF, PAGER_LONG_OUTPUT, PAGER_ALWAYS from utils import dbtest, run from collections import namedtuple @pytest.mark.skipif(platform.system() == "Windows", reason="Not applicable in windows") @pytest.mark.skipif(not setproctitle, reason="setproctitle not available") def test_obfuscate_process_password(): original_title = setproctitle.getproctitle() setproctitle.setproctitle("pgcli user=root password=secret host=localhost") obfuscate_process_password() title = setproctitle.getproctitle() expected = "pgcli user=root password=xxxx host=localhost" assert title == expected setproctitle.setproctitle("pgcli user=root password=top secret host=localhost") obfuscate_process_password() title = setproctitle.getproctitle() expected = "pgcli user=root password=xxxx host=localhost" assert title == expected setproctitle.setproctitle("pgcli user=root password=top secret") obfuscate_process_password() title = setproctitle.getproctitle() expected = "pgcli user=root password=xxxx" assert title == expected setproctitle.setproctitle("pgcli postgres://root:secret@localhost/db") obfuscate_process_password() title = setproctitle.getproctitle() expected = "pgcli postgres://root:xxxx@localhost/db" assert title == expected setproctitle.setproctitle(original_title) def test_format_output(): settings = OutputSettings(table_format="psql", dcmlfmt="d", floatfmt="g") results = format_output( "Title", [("abc", "def")], ["head1", "head2"], "test status", settings ) expected = [ "Title", "+-------+-------+", "| head1 | head2 |", "|-------+-------|", "| abc | def |", "+-------+-------+", "test status", ] assert list(results) == expected def test_format_output_truncate_on(): settings = OutputSettings( table_format="psql", dcmlfmt="d", floatfmt="g", max_field_width=10 ) results = format_output( None, [("first field value", "second field value")], ["head1", "head2"], None, settings, ) expected = [ "+------------+------------+", "| head1 | head2 |", "|------------+------------|", "| first f... | second ... |", "+------------+------------+", ] assert list(results) == expected def test_format_output_truncate_off(): settings = OutputSettings( table_format="psql", dcmlfmt="d", floatfmt="g", max_field_width=None ) long_field_value = ("first field " * 100).strip() results = format_output(None, [(long_field_value,)], ["head1"], None, settings) lines = list(results) assert lines[3] == f"| {long_field_value} |" @dbtest def test_format_array_output(executor): statement = """ SELECT array[1, 2, 3]::bigint[] as bigint_array, '{{1,2},{3,4}}'::numeric[] as nested_numeric_array, '{å,魚,текст}'::text[] as 配列 UNION ALL SELECT '{}', NULL, array[NULL] """ results = run(executor, statement) expected = [ "+--------------+----------------------+--------------+", "| bigint_array | nested_numeric_array | 配列 |", "|--------------+----------------------+--------------|", "| {1,2,3} | {{1,2},{3,4}} | {å,魚,текст} |", "| {} | | {} |", "+--------------+----------------------+--------------+", "SELECT 2", ] assert list(results) == expected @dbtest def test_format_array_output_expanded(executor): statement = """ SELECT array[1, 2, 3]::bigint[] as bigint_array, '{{1,2},{3,4}}'::numeric[] as nested_numeric_array, '{å,魚,текст}'::text[] as 配列 UNION ALL SELECT '{}', NULL, array[NULL] """ results = run(executor, statement, expanded=True) expected = [ "-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------", "bigint_array | {1,2,3}", "nested_numeric_array | {{1,2},{3,4}}", "配列 | {å,魚,текст}", "-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------------------", "bigint_array | {}", "nested_numeric_array | ", "配列 | {}", "SELECT 2", ] assert "\n".join(results) == "\n".join(expected) def test_format_output_auto_expand(): settings = OutputSettings( table_format="psql", dcmlfmt="d", floatfmt="g", max_width=100 ) table_results = format_output( "Title", [("abc", "def")], ["head1", "head2"], "test status", settings ) table = [ "Title", "+-------+-------+", "| head1 | head2 |", "|-------+-------|", "| abc | def |", "+-------+-------+", "test status", ] assert list(table_results) == table expanded_results = format_output( "Title", [("abc", "def")], ["head1", "head2"], "test status", settings._replace(max_width=1), ) expanded = [ "Title", "-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------", "head1 | abc", "head2 | def", "test status", ] assert "\n".join(expanded_results) == "\n".join(expanded) termsize = namedtuple("termsize", ["rows", "columns"]) test_line = "-" * 10 test_data = [ (10, 10, "\n".join([test_line] * 7)), (10, 10, "\n".join([test_line] * 6)), (10, 10, "\n".join([test_line] * 5)), (10, 10, "-" * 11), (10, 10, "-" * 10), (10, 10, "-" * 9), ] # 4 lines are reserved at the bottom of the terminal for pgcli's prompt use_pager_when_on = [True, True, False, True, False, False] # Can be replaced with pytest.param once we can upgrade pytest after Python 3.4 goes EOL test_ids = [ "Output longer than terminal height", "Output equal to terminal height", "Output shorter than terminal height", "Output longer than terminal width", "Output equal to terminal width", "Output shorter than terminal width", ] @pytest.fixture def pset_pager_mocks(): cli = PGCli() cli.watch_command = None with mock.patch("") as mock_echo, mock.patch( "" ) as mock_echo_via_pager, mock.patch.object(cli, "prompt_app") as mock_app: yield cli, mock_echo, mock_echo_via_pager, mock_app @pytest.mark.parametrize("term_height,term_width,text", test_data, ids=test_ids) def test_pset_pager_off(term_height, term_width, text, pset_pager_mocks): cli, mock_echo, mock_echo_via_pager, mock_cli = pset_pager_mocks mock_cli.output.get_size.return_value = termsize( rows=term_height, columns=term_width ) with mock.patch.object(cli.pgspecial, "pager_config", PAGER_OFF): cli.echo_via_pager(text) mock_echo.assert_called() mock_echo_via_pager.assert_not_called() @pytest.mark.parametrize("term_height,term_width,text", test_data, ids=test_ids) def test_pset_pager_always(term_height, term_width, text, pset_pager_mocks): cli, mock_echo, mock_echo_via_pager, mock_cli = pset_pager_mocks mock_cli.output.get_size.return_value = termsize( rows=term_height, columns=term_width ) with mock.patch.object(cli.pgspecial, "pager_config", PAGER_ALWAYS): cli.echo_via_pager(text) mock_echo.assert_not_called() mock_echo_via_pager.assert_called() pager_on_test_data = [l + (r,) for l, r in zip(test_data, use_pager_when_on)] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "term_height,term_width,text,use_pager", pager_on_test_data, ids=test_ids ) def test_pset_pager_on(term_height, term_width, text, use_pager, pset_pager_mocks): cli, mock_echo, mock_echo_via_pager, mock_cli = pset_pager_mocks mock_cli.output.get_size.return_value = termsize( rows=term_height, columns=term_width ) with mock.patch.object(cli.pgspecial, "pager_config", PAGER_LONG_OUTPUT): cli.echo_via_pager(text) if use_pager: mock_echo.assert_not_called() mock_echo_via_pager.assert_called() else: mock_echo_via_pager.assert_not_called() mock_echo.assert_called() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "text,expected_length", [ ( "22200K .......\u001b[0m\u001b[91m... .......... ...\u001b[0m\u001b[91m.\u001b[0m\u001b[91m...... .........\u001b[0m\u001b[91m.\u001b[0m\u001b[91m \u001b[0m\u001b[91m.\u001b[0m\u001b[91m.\u001b[0m\u001b[91m.\u001b[0m\u001b[91m.\u001b[0m\u001b[91m...... 50% 28.6K 12m55s", 78, ), ("=\u001b[m=", 2), ("-\u001b]23\u0007-", 2), ], ) def test_color_pattern(text, expected_length, pset_pager_mocks): cli = pset_pager_mocks[0] assert len(COLOR_CODE_REGEX.sub("", text)) == expected_length @dbtest def test_i_works(tmpdir, executor): sqlfile = tmpdir.join("test.sql") sqlfile.write("SELECT NOW()") rcfile = str(tmpdir.join("rcfile")) cli = PGCli(pgexecute=executor, pgclirc_file=rcfile) statement = r"\i {0}".format(sqlfile) run(executor, statement, pgspecial=cli.pgspecial) @dbtest def test_echo_works(executor): cli = PGCli(pgexecute=executor) statement = r"\echo asdf" result = run(executor, statement, pgspecial=cli.pgspecial) assert result == ["asdf"] @dbtest def test_qecho_works(executor): cli = PGCli(pgexecute=executor) statement = r"\qecho asdf" result = run(executor, statement, pgspecial=cli.pgspecial) assert result == ["asdf"] @dbtest def test_watch_works(executor): cli = PGCli(pgexecute=executor) def run_with_watch( query, target_call_count=1, expected_output="", expected_timing=None ): """ :param query: Input to the CLI :param target_call_count: Number of times the user lets the command run before Ctrl-C :param expected_output: Substring expected to be found for each executed query :param expected_timing: value `time.sleep` expected to be called with on every invocation """ with mock.patch.object(cli, "echo_via_pager") as mock_echo, mock.patch( "pgcli.main.sleep" ) as mock_sleep: mock_sleep.side_effect = [None] * (target_call_count - 1) + [ KeyboardInterrupt ] cli.handle_watch_command(query) # Validate that sleep was called with the right timing for i in range(target_call_count - 1): assert mock_sleep.call_args_list[i][0][0] == expected_timing # Validate that the output of the query was expected assert mock_echo.call_count == target_call_count for i in range(target_call_count): assert expected_output in mock_echo.call_args_list[i][0][0] # With no history, it errors. with mock.patch("") as mock_secho: cli.handle_watch_command(r"\watch 2") mock_secho.assert_called() assert ( r"\watch cannot be used with an empty query" in mock_secho.call_args_list[0][0][0] ) # Usage 1: Run a query and then re-run it with \watch across two prompts. run_with_watch("SELECT 111", expected_output="111") run_with_watch( "\\watch 10", target_call_count=2, expected_output="111", expected_timing=10 ) # Usage 2: Run a query and \watch via the same prompt. run_with_watch( "SELECT 222; \\watch 4", target_call_count=3, expected_output="222", expected_timing=4, ) # Usage 3: Re-run the last watched command with a new timing run_with_watch( "\\watch 5", target_call_count=4, expected_output="222", expected_timing=5 ) def test_missing_rc_dir(tmpdir): rcfile = str(tmpdir.join("subdir").join("rcfile")) PGCli(pgclirc_file=rcfile) assert os.path.exists(rcfile) def test_quoted_db_uri(tmpdir): with mock.patch.object(PGCli, "connect") as mock_connect: cli = PGCli(pgclirc_file=str(tmpdir.join("rcfile"))) cli.connect_uri("postgres://") mock_connect.assert_called_with( database="testdb[", host="", user="bar^", passwd="]foo" ) def test_pg_service_file(tmpdir): with mock.patch.object(PGCli, "connect") as mock_connect: cli = PGCli(pgclirc_file=str(tmpdir.join("rcfile"))) with open(tmpdir.join(".pg_service.conf").strpath, "w") as service_conf: service_conf.write( """File begins with a comment that is not a comment # or maybe a comment after all because psql is crazy [myservice] host=a_host user=a_user port=5433 password=much_secure dbname=a_dbname [my_other_service] host=b_host user=b_user port=5435 dbname=b_dbname """ ) os.environ["PGSERVICEFILE"] = tmpdir.join(".pg_service.conf").strpath cli.connect_service("myservice", "another_user") mock_connect.assert_called_with( database="a_dbname", host="a_host", user="another_user", port="5433", passwd="much_secure", ) with mock.patch.object(PGExecute, "__init__") as mock_pgexecute: mock_pgexecute.return_value = None cli = PGCli(pgclirc_file=str(tmpdir.join("rcfile"))) os.environ["PGPASSWORD"] = "very_secure" cli.connect_service("my_other_service", None) mock_pgexecute.assert_called_with( "b_dbname", "b_user", "very_secure", "b_host", "5435", "", application_name="pgcli", ) del os.environ["PGPASSWORD"] del os.environ["PGSERVICEFILE"] def test_ssl_db_uri(tmpdir): with mock.patch.object(PGCli, "connect") as mock_connect: cli = PGCli(pgclirc_file=str(tmpdir.join("rcfile"))) cli.connect_uri( "postgres://" "sslmode=verify-full&sslcert=m%79.pem&sslkey=my-key.pem&sslrootcert=c%61.pem" ) mock_connect.assert_called_with( database="testdb[", host="", user="bar^", passwd="]foo", sslmode="verify-full", sslcert="my.pem", sslkey="my-key.pem", sslrootcert="ca.pem", ) def test_port_db_uri(tmpdir): with mock.patch.object(PGCli, "connect") as mock_connect: cli = PGCli(pgclirc_file=str(tmpdir.join("rcfile"))) cli.connect_uri("postgres://") mock_connect.assert_called_with( database="testdb", host="", user="bar", passwd="foo", port="2543" ) def test_multihost_db_uri(tmpdir): with mock.patch.object(PGCli, "connect") as mock_connect: cli = PGCli(pgclirc_file=str(tmpdir.join("rcfile"))) cli.connect_uri( "postgres://,," ) mock_connect.assert_called_with( database="testdb", host=",,", user="bar", passwd="foo", port="2543,2543,2543", ) def test_application_name_db_uri(tmpdir): with mock.patch.object(PGExecute, "__init__") as mock_pgexecute: mock_pgexecute.return_value = None cli = PGCli(pgclirc_file=str(tmpdir.join("rcfile"))) cli.connect_uri("postgres://") mock_pgexecute.assert_called_with( "bar", "bar", "", "", "", "", application_name="cow" )