import pytest import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extras from pgcli.main import format_output, OutputSettings from pgcli.pgexecute import register_json_typecasters from os import getenv POSTGRES_USER = getenv("PGUSER", "postgres") POSTGRES_HOST = getenv("PGHOST", "localhost") POSTGRES_PORT = getenv("PGPORT", 5432) POSTGRES_PASSWORD = getenv("PGPASSWORD", "postgres") def db_connection(dbname=None): conn = psycopg2.connect( user=POSTGRES_USER, host=POSTGRES_HOST, password=POSTGRES_PASSWORD, port=POSTGRES_PORT, database=dbname, ) conn.autocommit = True return conn try: conn = db_connection() CAN_CONNECT_TO_DB = True SERVER_VERSION = conn.server_version json_types = register_json_typecasters(conn, lambda x: x) JSON_AVAILABLE = "json" in json_types JSONB_AVAILABLE = "jsonb" in json_types except: CAN_CONNECT_TO_DB = JSON_AVAILABLE = JSONB_AVAILABLE = False SERVER_VERSION = 0 dbtest = pytest.mark.skipif( not CAN_CONNECT_TO_DB, reason="Need a postgres instance at localhost accessible by user 'postgres'", ) requires_json = pytest.mark.skipif( not JSON_AVAILABLE, reason="Postgres server unavailable or json type not defined" ) requires_jsonb = pytest.mark.skipif( not JSONB_AVAILABLE, reason="Postgres server unavailable or jsonb type not defined" ) def create_db(dbname): with db_connection().cursor() as cur: try: cur.execute("""CREATE DATABASE _test_db""") except: pass def drop_tables(conn): with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute( """ DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA public; DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS schema1 CASCADE; DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS schema2 CASCADE""" ) def run( executor, sql, join=False, expanded=False, pgspecial=None, exception_formatter=None ): "Return string output for the sql to be run" results =, pgspecial, exception_formatter) formatted = [] settings = OutputSettings( table_format="psql", dcmlfmt="d", floatfmt="g", expanded=expanded ) for title, rows, headers, status, sql, success, is_special in results: formatted.extend(format_output(title, rows, headers, status, settings)) if join: formatted = "\n".join(formatted) return formatted def completions_to_set(completions): return { (completion.display_text, completion.display_meta_text) for completion in completions }