Changes in version 1.8: The new options '--in-slots' and '--out-slots', setting the number of input and output packets buffered during streamed decompression, have been added. Increasing the number of packets may increase decompression speed, but requires more memory. The default number of input packets buffered per worker thread when decompressing from non-seekable input has been increased from 2 to 4. The default number of output packets buffered per worker thread when decompressing to non-seekable output has been increased from 32 to 64. Detection of forbidden combinations of characters in trailing data has been improved. Errors are now also checked when closing the input file. The descriptions of '-0..-9', '-m' and '-s' in the manual have been improved. The configure script now accepts the option '--with-mingw' to enable the compilation of plzip under MS Windows (with the MinGW compiler). Use with care. The Windows I/O functions used are not guaranteed to be thread safe. (Code based on a patch by Hannes Domani). The configure script now accepts appending options to CXXFLAGS using the syntax 'CXXFLAGS+=OPTIONS'. It has been documented in INSTALL the use of CXXFLAGS+='-D __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO' when compiling on MinGW.