from __future__ import annotations import argparse import io import tokenize from tokenize import tokenize as tokenize_tokenize from typing import Sequence NON_CODE_TOKENS = frozenset(( tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.ENDMARKER, tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL, tokenize.ENCODING, )) def check_docstring_first(src: bytes, filename: str = '') -> int: """Returns nonzero if the source has what looks like a docstring that is not at the beginning of the source. A string will be considered a docstring if it is a STRING token with a col offset of 0. """ found_docstring_line = None found_code_line = None tok_gen = tokenize_tokenize(io.BytesIO(src).readline) for tok_type, _, (sline, scol), _, _ in tok_gen: # Looks like a docstring! if tok_type == tokenize.STRING and scol == 0: if found_docstring_line is not None: print( f'{filename}:{sline}: Multiple module docstrings ' f'(first docstring on line {found_docstring_line}).', ) return 1 elif found_code_line is not None: print( f'{filename}:{sline}: Module docstring appears after code ' f'(code seen on line {found_code_line}).', ) return 1 else: found_docstring_line = sline elif tok_type not in NON_CODE_TOKENS and found_code_line is None: found_code_line = sline return 0 def main(argv: Sequence[str] | None = None) -> int: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('filenames', nargs='*') args = parser.parse_args(argv) retv = 0 for filename in args.filenames: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: contents = retv |= check_docstring_first(contents, filename=filename) return retv