"""Check that executable text files have a shebang.""" import argparse import shlex import sys from typing import Generator from typing import List from typing import NamedTuple from typing import Optional from typing import Sequence from typing import Set from pre_commit_hooks.util import cmd_output from pre_commit_hooks.util import zsplit EXECUTABLE_VALUES = frozenset(('1', '3', '5', '7')) def check_executables(paths: List[str]) -> int: if sys.platform == 'win32': # pragma: win32 cover return _check_git_filemode(paths) else: # pragma: win32 no cover retv = 0 for path in paths: if not has_shebang(path): _message(path) retv = 1 return retv class GitLsFile(NamedTuple): mode: str filename: str def git_ls_files(paths: Sequence[str]) -> Generator[GitLsFile, None, None]: outs = cmd_output('git', 'ls-files', '-z', '--stage', '--', *paths) for out in zsplit(outs): metadata, filename = out.split('\t') mode, _, _ = metadata.split() yield GitLsFile(mode, filename) def _check_git_filemode(paths: Sequence[str]) -> int: seen: Set[str] = set() for ls_file in git_ls_files(paths): is_executable = any(b in EXECUTABLE_VALUES for b in ls_file.mode[-3:]) if is_executable and not has_shebang(ls_file.filename): _message(ls_file.filename) seen.add(ls_file.filename) return int(bool(seen)) def has_shebang(path: str) -> int: with open(path, 'rb') as f: first_bytes = f.read(2) return first_bytes == b'#!' def _message(path: str) -> None: print( f'{path}: marked executable but has no (or invalid) shebang!\n' f" If it isn't supposed to be executable, try: " f'`chmod -x {shlex.quote(path)}`\n' f' If on Windows, you may also need to: ' f'`git add --chmod=-x {shlex.quote(path)}`\n' f' If it is supposed to be executable, double-check its shebang.', file=sys.stderr, ) def main(argv: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> int: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('filenames', nargs='*') args = parser.parse_args(argv) return check_executables(args.filenames) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main())