from __future__ import annotations import contextlib import os from typing import Generator from typing import Sequence from pre_commit.envcontext import envcontext from pre_commit.envcontext import PatchesT from pre_commit.envcontext import Var from pre_commit.hook import Hook from pre_commit.languages import helpers from pre_commit.parse_shebang import find_executable from pre_commit.prefix import Prefix from pre_commit.util import clean_path_on_failure ENVIRONMENT_DIR = 'coursier' get_default_version = helpers.basic_get_default_version health_check = helpers.basic_health_check def install_environment( prefix: Prefix, version: str, additional_dependencies: Sequence[str], ) -> None: # pragma: win32 no cover helpers.assert_version_default('coursier', version) helpers.assert_no_additional_deps('coursier', additional_dependencies) # Support both possible executable names (either "cs" or "coursier") executable = find_executable('cs') or find_executable('coursier') if executable is None: raise AssertionError( 'pre-commit requires system-installed "cs" or "coursier" ' 'executables in the application search path', ) envdir = prefix.path(helpers.environment_dir(ENVIRONMENT_DIR, version)) channel = prefix.path('.pre-commit-channel') with clean_path_on_failure(envdir): for app_descriptor in os.listdir(channel): _, app_file = os.path.split(app_descriptor) app, _ = os.path.splitext(app_file) helpers.run_setup_cmd( prefix, ( executable, 'install', '--default-channels=false', f'--channel={channel}', app, f'--dir={envdir}', ), ) def get_env_patch(target_dir: str) -> PatchesT: # pragma: win32 no cover return ( ('PATH', (target_dir, os.pathsep, Var('PATH'))), ) @contextlib.contextmanager def in_env( prefix: Prefix, ) -> Generator[None, None, None]: # pragma: win32 no cover target_dir = prefix.path( helpers.environment_dir(ENVIRONMENT_DIR, get_default_version()), ) with envcontext(get_env_patch(target_dir)): yield def run_hook( hook: Hook, file_args: Sequence[str], color: bool, ) -> tuple[int, bytes]: # pragma: win32 no cover with in_env(hook.prefix): return helpers.run_xargs(hook, hook.cmd, file_args, color=color)