import contextlib import os import shlex import shutil from typing import Generator from typing import Sequence from typing import Tuple from pre_commit.envcontext import envcontext from pre_commit.envcontext import PatchesT from pre_commit.hook import Hook from pre_commit.languages import helpers from pre_commit.prefix import Prefix from pre_commit.util import clean_path_on_failure from pre_commit.util import cmd_output_b ENVIRONMENT_DIR = 'renv' get_default_version = helpers.basic_get_default_version healthy = helpers.basic_healthy def get_env_patch(venv: str) -> PatchesT: return ( ('R_PROFILE_USER', os.path.join(venv, 'activate.R')), ) @contextlib.contextmanager def in_env( prefix: Prefix, language_version: str, ) -> Generator[None, None, None]: envdir = _get_env_dir(prefix, language_version) with envcontext(get_env_patch(envdir)): yield def _get_env_dir(prefix: Prefix, version: str) -> str: return prefix.path(helpers.environment_dir(ENVIRONMENT_DIR, version)) def _prefix_if_file_entry( entry: Sequence[str], prefix: Prefix, ) -> Sequence[str]: if entry[1] == '-e': return entry[1:] else: return (prefix.path(entry[1]),) def _entry_validate(entry: Sequence[str]) -> None: """ Allowed entries: # Rscript -e expr # Rscript path/to/file """ if entry[0] != 'Rscript': raise ValueError('entry must start with `Rscript`.') if entry[1] == '-e': if len(entry) > 3: raise ValueError('You can supply at most one expression.') elif len(entry) > 2: raise ValueError( 'The only valid syntax is `Rscript -e {expr}`', 'or `Rscript path/to/hook/script`', ) def _cmd_from_hook(hook: Hook) -> Tuple[str, ...]: opts = ('--no-save', '--no-restore', '--no-site-file', '--no-environ') entry = shlex.split(hook.entry) _entry_validate(entry) return ( *entry[:1], *opts, *_prefix_if_file_entry(entry, hook.prefix), *hook.args, ) def install_environment( prefix: Prefix, version: str, additional_dependencies: Sequence[str], ) -> None: env_dir = _get_env_dir(prefix, version) with clean_path_on_failure(env_dir): os.makedirs(env_dir, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(prefix.path('renv.lock'), env_dir) cmd_output_b( 'Rscript', '--vanilla', '-e', f"""\ prefix_dir <- {prefix.prefix_dir!r} missing_pkgs <- setdiff( "renv", unname(installed.packages()[, "Package"]) ) options( repos = c(CRAN = ""), renv.consent = TRUE ) install.packages(missing_pkgs) renv::activate() renv::restore() activate_statement <- paste0( 'renv::activate("', file.path(getwd()), '"); ' ) writeLines(activate_statement, 'activate.R') is_package <- tryCatch({{ content_desc <- read.dcf(file.path(prefix_dir, 'DESCRIPTION')) suppressWarnings(unname(content_desc[,'Type']) == "Package") }}, error = function(...) FALSE ) if (is_package) {{ renv::install(prefix_dir) }} """, cwd=env_dir, ) if additional_dependencies: cmd_output_b( 'Rscript', '-e', 'renv::install(commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))', *additional_dependencies, cwd=env_dir, ) def run_hook( hook: Hook, file_args: Sequence[str], color: bool, ) -> Tuple[int, bytes]: with in_env(hook.prefix, hook.language_version): return helpers.run_xargs( hook, _cmd_from_hook(hook), file_args, color=color, )