from __future__ import annotations import contextlib import os.path import shutil from cfgv import apply_defaults from cfgv import validate import pre_commit.constants as C from pre_commit import git from pre_commit.clientlib import CONFIG_SCHEMA from pre_commit.clientlib import load_manifest from pre_commit.util import cmd_output from pre_commit.util import yaml_dump from pre_commit.util import yaml_load from testing.util import get_resource_path from testing.util import git_commit def copy_tree_to_path(src_dir, dest_dir): """Copies all of the things inside src_dir to an already existing dest_dir. This looks eerily similar to shutil.copytree, but copytree has no option for not creating dest_dir. """ names = os.listdir(src_dir) for name in names: srcname = os.path.join(src_dir, name) destname = os.path.join(dest_dir, name) if os.path.isdir(srcname): shutil.copytree(srcname, destname) else: shutil.copy(srcname, destname) def git_dir(tempdir_factory): path = tempdir_factory.get() cmd_output('git', '-c', 'init.defaultBranch=master', 'init', path) return path def make_repo(tempdir_factory, repo_source): path = git_dir(tempdir_factory) copy_tree_to_path(get_resource_path(repo_source), path) cmd_output('git', 'add', '.', cwd=path) git_commit(msg=make_repo.__name__, cwd=path) return path @contextlib.contextmanager def modify_manifest(path, commit=True): """Modify the manifest yielded by this context to write to .pre-commit-hooks.yaml. """ manifest_path = os.path.join(path, C.MANIFEST_FILE) with open(manifest_path) as f: manifest = yaml_load( yield manifest with open(manifest_path, 'w') as manifest_file: manifest_file.write(yaml_dump(manifest)) if commit: git_commit(msg=modify_manifest.__name__, cwd=path) @contextlib.contextmanager def modify_config(path='.', commit=True): """Modify the config yielded by this context to write to .pre-commit-config.yaml """ config_path = os.path.join(path, C.CONFIG_FILE) with open(config_path) as f: config = yaml_load( yield config with open(config_path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as config_file: config_file.write(yaml_dump(config)) if commit: git_commit(msg=modify_config.__name__, cwd=path) def sample_local_config(): return { 'repo': 'local', 'hooks': [{ 'id': 'do_not_commit', 'name': 'Block if "DO NOT COMMIT" is found', 'entry': 'DO NOT COMMIT', 'language': 'pygrep', }], } def sample_meta_config(): return {'repo': 'meta', 'hooks': [{'id': 'check-useless-excludes'}]} def make_config_from_repo(repo_path, rev=None, hooks=None, check=True): manifest = load_manifest(os.path.join(repo_path, C.MANIFEST_FILE)) config = { 'repo': f'file://{repo_path}', 'rev': rev or git.head_rev(repo_path), 'hooks': hooks or [{'id': hook['id']} for hook in manifest], } if check: wrapped = validate({'repos': [config]}, CONFIG_SCHEMA) wrapped = apply_defaults(wrapped, CONFIG_SCHEMA) config, = wrapped['repos'] return config else: return config def read_config(directory, config_file=C.CONFIG_FILE): config_path = os.path.join(directory, config_file) with open(config_path) as f: config = yaml_load( return config def write_config(directory, config, config_file=C.CONFIG_FILE): if type(config) is not list and 'repos' not in config: assert isinstance(config, dict), config config = {'repos': [config]} with open(os.path.join(directory, config_file), 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(yaml_dump(config)) def add_config_to_repo(git_path, config, config_file=C.CONFIG_FILE): write_config(git_path, config, config_file=config_file) cmd_output('git', 'add', config_file, cwd=git_path) git_commit(msg=add_config_to_repo.__name__, cwd=git_path) return git_path def remove_config_from_repo(git_path, config_file=C.CONFIG_FILE): cmd_output('git', 'rm', config_file, cwd=git_path) git_commit(msg=remove_config_from_repo.__name__, cwd=git_path) return git_path def make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, repo_source): path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, repo_source) config = make_config_from_repo(path) git_path = git_dir(tempdir_factory) return add_config_to_repo(git_path, config)