import logging import cfgv import pytest import pre_commit.constants as C from pre_commit.clientlib import check_type_tag from pre_commit.clientlib import CONFIG_HOOK_DICT from pre_commit.clientlib import CONFIG_REPO_DICT from pre_commit.clientlib import CONFIG_SCHEMA from pre_commit.clientlib import DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_VERSION from pre_commit.clientlib import MANIFEST_SCHEMA from pre_commit.clientlib import MigrateShaToRev from pre_commit.clientlib import validate_config_main from pre_commit.clientlib import validate_manifest_main from testing.fixtures import sample_local_config def is_valid_according_to_schema(obj, obj_schema): try: cfgv.validate(obj, obj_schema) return True except cfgv.ValidationError: return False @pytest.mark.parametrize('value', ('definitely-not-a-tag', 'fiel')) def test_check_type_tag_failures(value): with pytest.raises(cfgv.ValidationError): check_type_tag(value) def test_check_type_tag_success(): check_type_tag('file') @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('config_obj', 'expected'), ( ( { 'repos': [{ 'repo': '', 'rev': 'cd74dc150c142c3be70b24eaf0b02cae9d235f37', 'hooks': [{'id': 'pyflakes', 'files': '\\.py$'}], }], }, True, ), ( { 'repos': [{ 'repo': '', 'rev': 'cd74dc150c142c3be70b24eaf0b02cae9d235f37', 'hooks': [ { 'id': 'pyflakes', 'files': '\\.py$', 'args': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], }, ], }], }, True, ), ( { 'repos': [{ 'repo': '', 'rev': 'cd74dc150c142c3be70b24eaf0b02cae9d235f37', 'hooks': [ { 'id': 'pyflakes', 'files': '\\.py$', # Exclude pattern must be a string 'exclude': 0, 'args': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], }, ], }], }, False, ), ), ) def test_config_valid(config_obj, expected): ret = is_valid_according_to_schema(config_obj, CONFIG_SCHEMA) assert ret is expected def test_local_hooks_with_rev_fails(): config_obj = {'repos': [dict(sample_local_config(), rev='foo')]} with pytest.raises(cfgv.ValidationError): cfgv.validate(config_obj, CONFIG_SCHEMA) def test_config_with_local_hooks_definition_passes(): config_obj = {'repos': [sample_local_config()]} cfgv.validate(config_obj, CONFIG_SCHEMA) def test_config_schema_does_not_contain_defaults(): """Due to the way our merging works, if this schema has any defaults they will clobber potentially useful values in the backing manifest. #227 """ for item in CONFIG_HOOK_DICT.items: assert not isinstance(item, cfgv.Optional) def test_validate_manifest_main_ok(): assert not validate_manifest_main(('.pre-commit-hooks.yaml',)) def test_validate_config_main_ok(): assert not validate_config_main(('.pre-commit-config.yaml',)) def test_validate_config_old_list_format_ok(tmpdir, cap_out): f = tmpdir.join('cfg.yaml') f.write('- {repo: meta, hooks: [{id: identity}]}') assert not validate_config_main((f.strpath,)) start = '[WARNING] normalizing pre-commit configuration to a top-level map' assert cap_out.get().startswith(start) def test_validate_warn_on_unknown_keys_at_repo_level(tmpdir, caplog): f = tmpdir.join('cfg.yaml') f.write( 'repos:\n' '- repo:\n' ' rev: 3.7.7\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: flake8\n' ' args: [--some-args]\n', ) ret_val = validate_config_main((f.strpath,)) assert not ret_val assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( 'pre_commit', logging.WARNING, 'Unexpected key(s) present on ' 'args', ), ] def test_validate_warn_on_unknown_keys_at_top_level(tmpdir, caplog): f = tmpdir.join('cfg.yaml') f.write( 'repos:\n' '- repo:\n' ' rev: 3.7.7\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: flake8\n' 'foo:\n' ' id: 1.0.0\n', ) ret_val = validate_config_main((f.strpath,)) assert not ret_val assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( 'pre_commit', logging.WARNING, 'Unexpected key(s) present at root: foo', ), ] def test_validate_optional_sensible_regex(caplog): config_obj = { 'id': 'flake8', 'files': 'dir/*.py', } cfgv.validate(config_obj, CONFIG_HOOK_DICT) assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( 'pre_commit', logging.WARNING, "The 'files' field in hook 'flake8' is a regex, not a glob -- " "matching '/*' probably isn't what you want here", ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize('fn', (validate_config_main, validate_manifest_main)) def test_mains_not_ok(tmpdir, fn): not_yaml = tmpdir.join('f.notyaml') not_yaml.write('{') not_schema = tmpdir.join('notconfig.yaml') not_schema.write('{}') assert fn(('does-not-exist',)) assert fn((not_yaml.strpath,)) assert fn((not_schema.strpath,)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('manifest_obj', 'expected'), ( ( [{ 'id': 'a', 'name': 'b', 'entry': 'c', 'language': 'python', 'files': r'\.py$', }], True, ), ( [{ 'id': 'a', 'name': 'b', 'entry': 'c', 'language': 'python', 'language_version': 'python3.4', 'files': r'\.py$', }], True, ), ( # A regression in 0.13.5: always_run and files are permissible [{ 'id': 'a', 'name': 'b', 'entry': 'c', 'language': 'python', 'files': '', 'always_run': True, }], True, ), ), ) def test_valid_manifests(manifest_obj, expected): ret = is_valid_according_to_schema(manifest_obj, MANIFEST_SCHEMA) assert ret is expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'dct', ( {'repo': 'local'}, {'repo': 'meta'}, {'repo': 'wat', 'sha': 'wat'}, {'repo': 'wat', 'rev': 'wat'}, ), ) def test_migrate_sha_to_rev_ok(dct): MigrateShaToRev().check(dct) def test_migrate_sha_to_rev_dont_specify_both(): with pytest.raises(cfgv.ValidationError) as excinfo: MigrateShaToRev().check({'repo': 'a', 'sha': 'b', 'rev': 'c'}) msg, = excinfo.value.args assert msg == 'Cannot specify both sha and rev' @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'dct', ( {'repo': 'a'}, {'repo': 'meta', 'sha': 'a'}, {'repo': 'meta', 'rev': 'a'}, ), ) def test_migrate_sha_to_rev_conditional_check_failures(dct): with pytest.raises(cfgv.ValidationError): MigrateShaToRev().check(dct) def test_migrate_to_sha_apply_default(): dct = {'repo': 'a', 'sha': 'b'} MigrateShaToRev().apply_default(dct) assert dct == {'repo': 'a', 'rev': 'b'} def test_migrate_to_sha_ok(): dct = {'repo': 'a', 'rev': 'b'} MigrateShaToRev().apply_default(dct) assert dct == {'repo': 'a', 'rev': 'b'} @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'config_repo', ( # i-dont-exist isn't a valid hook {'repo': 'meta', 'hooks': [{'id': 'i-dont-exist'}]}, # invalid to set a language for a meta hook {'repo': 'meta', 'hooks': [{'id': 'identity', 'language': 'python'}]}, # name override must be string {'repo': 'meta', 'hooks': [{'id': 'identity', 'name': False}]}, ), ) def test_meta_hook_invalid(config_repo): with pytest.raises(cfgv.ValidationError): cfgv.validate(config_repo, CONFIG_REPO_DICT) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'mapping', ( # invalid language key {'pony': '1.0'}, # not a string for version {'python': 3}, ), ) def test_default_language_version_invalid(mapping): with pytest.raises(cfgv.ValidationError): cfgv.validate(mapping, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_VERSION) def test_minimum_pre_commit_version_failing(): with pytest.raises(cfgv.ValidationError) as excinfo: cfg = {'repos': [], 'minimum_pre_commit_version': '999'} cfgv.validate(cfg, CONFIG_SCHEMA) assert str(excinfo.value) == ( f'\n' f'==> At Config()\n' f'==> At key: minimum_pre_commit_version\n' f'=====> pre-commit version 999 is required but version {C.VERSION} ' f'is installed. Perhaps run `pip install --upgrade pre-commit`.' ) def test_minimum_pre_commit_version_passing(): cfg = {'repos': [], 'minimum_pre_commit_version': '0'} cfgv.validate(cfg, CONFIG_SCHEMA) @pytest.mark.parametrize('schema', (CONFIG_SCHEMA, CONFIG_REPO_DICT)) def test_warn_additional(schema): allowed_keys = {item.key for item in schema.items if hasattr(item, 'key')} warn_additional, = [ x for x in schema.items if isinstance(x, cfgv.WarnAdditionalKeys) ] assert allowed_keys == set(warn_additional.keys)