import shlex from unittest import mock import pytest import yaml import pre_commit.constants as C from pre_commit import git from pre_commit import util from pre_commit.commands.autoupdate import _check_hooks_still_exist_at_rev from pre_commit.commands.autoupdate import autoupdate from pre_commit.commands.autoupdate import RepositoryCannotBeUpdatedError from pre_commit.commands.autoupdate import RevInfo from pre_commit.util import cmd_output from testing.auto_namedtuple import auto_namedtuple from testing.fixtures import add_config_to_repo from testing.fixtures import make_config_from_repo from testing.fixtures import make_repo from testing.fixtures import modify_manifest from testing.fixtures import read_config from testing.fixtures import sample_local_config from testing.fixtures import write_config from testing.util import git_commit @pytest.fixture def up_to_date(tempdir_factory): yield make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'python_hooks_repo') @pytest.fixture def out_of_date(tempdir_factory): path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'python_hooks_repo') original_rev = git.head_rev(path) git_commit(cwd=path) head_rev = git.head_rev(path) yield auto_namedtuple( path=path, original_rev=original_rev, head_rev=head_rev, ) @pytest.fixture def tagged(out_of_date): cmd_output('git', 'tag', 'v1.2.3', cwd=out_of_date.path) yield out_of_date @pytest.fixture def hook_disappearing(tempdir_factory): path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'python_hooks_repo') original_rev = git.head_rev(path) with modify_manifest(path) as manifest: manifest[0]['id'] = 'bar' yield auto_namedtuple(path=path, original_rev=original_rev) def test_rev_info_from_config(): info = RevInfo.from_config({'repo': 'repo/path', 'rev': 'v1.2.3'}) assert info == RevInfo('repo/path', 'v1.2.3', None) def test_rev_info_update_up_to_date_repo(up_to_date): config = make_config_from_repo(up_to_date) info = RevInfo.from_config(config) new_info = info.update(tags_only=False, freeze=False) assert info == new_info def test_rev_info_update_out_of_date_repo(out_of_date): config = make_config_from_repo( out_of_date.path, rev=out_of_date.original_rev, ) info = RevInfo.from_config(config) new_info = info.update(tags_only=False, freeze=False) assert new_info.rev == out_of_date.head_rev def test_rev_info_update_non_master_default_branch(out_of_date): # change the default branch to be not-master cmd_output('git', '-C', out_of_date.path, 'branch', '-m', 'dev') test_rev_info_update_out_of_date_repo(out_of_date) def test_rev_info_update_tags_even_if_not_tags_only(tagged): config = make_config_from_repo(tagged.path, rev=tagged.original_rev) info = RevInfo.from_config(config) new_info = info.update(tags_only=False, freeze=False) assert new_info.rev == 'v1.2.3' def test_rev_info_update_tags_only_does_not_pick_tip(tagged): git_commit(cwd=tagged.path) config = make_config_from_repo(tagged.path, rev=tagged.original_rev) info = RevInfo.from_config(config) new_info = info.update(tags_only=True, freeze=False) assert new_info.rev == 'v1.2.3' def test_rev_info_update_freeze_tag(tagged): git_commit(cwd=tagged.path) config = make_config_from_repo(tagged.path, rev=tagged.original_rev) info = RevInfo.from_config(config) new_info = info.update(tags_only=True, freeze=True) assert new_info.rev == tagged.head_rev assert new_info.frozen == 'v1.2.3' def test_rev_info_update_does_not_freeze_if_already_sha(out_of_date): config = make_config_from_repo( out_of_date.path, rev=out_of_date.original_rev, ) info = RevInfo.from_config(config) new_info = info.update(tags_only=True, freeze=True) assert new_info.rev == out_of_date.head_rev assert new_info.frozen is None def test_autoupdate_up_to_date_repo(up_to_date, tmpdir, store): contents = ( f'repos:\n' f'- repo: {up_to_date}\n' f' rev: {git.head_rev(up_to_date)}\n' f' hooks:\n' f' - id: foo\n' ) cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) cfg.write(contents) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 assert == contents def test_autoupdate_old_revision_broken(tempdir_factory, in_tmpdir, store): """In $FUTURE_VERSION, hooks.yaml will no longer be supported. This asserts that when that day comes, pre-commit will be able to autoupdate despite not being able to read hooks.yaml in that repository. """ path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'python_hooks_repo') config = make_config_from_repo(path, check=False) cmd_output('git', 'mv', C.MANIFEST_FILE, 'nope.yaml', cwd=path) git_commit(cwd=path) # Assume this is the revision the user's old repository was at rev = git.head_rev(path) cmd_output('git', 'mv', 'nope.yaml', C.MANIFEST_FILE, cwd=path) git_commit(cwd=path) update_rev = git.head_rev(path) config['rev'] = rev write_config('.', config) with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: before = assert autoupdate(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: after = assert before != after assert update_rev in after def test_autoupdate_out_of_date_repo(out_of_date, tmpdir, store): fmt = ( 'repos:\n' '- repo: {}\n' ' rev: {}\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: foo\n' ) cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) cfg.write(fmt.format(out_of_date.path, out_of_date.original_rev)) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 assert == fmt.format(out_of_date.path, out_of_date.head_rev) def test_autoupdate_pure_yaml(out_of_date, tmpdir, store): with mock.patch.object(util, 'Dumper', yaml.SafeDumper): test_autoupdate_out_of_date_repo(out_of_date, tmpdir, store) def test_autoupdate_only_one_to_update(up_to_date, out_of_date, tmpdir, store): fmt = ( 'repos:\n' '- repo: {}\n' ' rev: {}\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: foo\n' '- repo: {}\n' ' rev: {}\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: foo\n' ) cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) before = fmt.format( up_to_date, git.head_rev(up_to_date), out_of_date.path, out_of_date.original_rev, ) cfg.write(before) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 assert == fmt.format( up_to_date, git.head_rev(up_to_date), out_of_date.path, out_of_date.head_rev, ) def test_autoupdate_out_of_date_repo_with_correct_repo_name( out_of_date, in_tmpdir, store, ): stale_config = make_config_from_repo( out_of_date.path, rev=out_of_date.original_rev, check=False, ) local_config = sample_local_config() config = {'repos': [stale_config, local_config]} write_config('.', config) with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: before = repo_name = f'file://{out_of_date.path}' ret = autoupdate( C.CONFIG_FILE, store, freeze=False, tags_only=False, repos=(repo_name,), ) with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: after = assert ret == 0 assert before != after assert out_of_date.head_rev in after assert 'local' in after def test_autoupdate_out_of_date_repo_with_wrong_repo_name( out_of_date, in_tmpdir, store, ): config = make_config_from_repo( out_of_date.path, rev=out_of_date.original_rev, check=False, ) write_config('.', config) with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: before = # It will not update it, because the name doesn't match ret = autoupdate( C.CONFIG_FILE, store, freeze=False, tags_only=False, repos=('dne',), ) with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: after = assert ret == 0 assert before == after def test_does_not_reformat(tmpdir, out_of_date, store): fmt = ( 'repos:\n' '- repo: {}\n' ' rev: {} # definitely the version I want!\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: foo\n' ' # These args are because reasons!\n' ' args: [foo, bar, baz]\n' ) cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) cfg.write(fmt.format(out_of_date.path, out_of_date.original_rev)) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 expected = fmt.format(out_of_date.path, out_of_date.head_rev) assert == expected def test_does_not_change_mixed_endlines_read(up_to_date, tmpdir, store): fmt = ( 'repos:\n' '- repo: {}\n' ' rev: {} # definitely the version I want!\r\n' ' hooks:\r\n' ' - id: foo\n' ' # These args are because reasons!\r\n' ' args: [foo, bar, baz]\r\n' ) cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) expected = fmt.format(up_to_date, git.head_rev(up_to_date)).encode() cfg.write_binary(expected) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 assert cfg.read_binary() == expected def test_does_not_change_mixed_endlines_write(tmpdir, out_of_date, store): fmt = ( 'repos:\n' '- repo: {}\n' ' rev: {} # definitely the version I want!\r\n' ' hooks:\r\n' ' - id: foo\n' ' # These args are because reasons!\r\n' ' args: [foo, bar, baz]\r\n' ) cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) cfg.write_binary( fmt.format(out_of_date.path, out_of_date.original_rev).encode(), ) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 expected = fmt.format(out_of_date.path, out_of_date.head_rev).encode() assert cfg.read_binary() == expected def test_loses_formatting_when_not_detectable(out_of_date, store, tmpdir): """A best-effort attempt is made at updating rev without rewriting formatting. When the original formatting cannot be detected, this is abandoned. """ config = ( 'repos: [\n' ' {{\n' ' repo: {}, rev: {},\n' ' hooks: [\n' ' # A comment!\n' ' {{id: foo}},\n' ' ],\n' ' }}\n' ']\n'.format( shlex.quote(out_of_date.path), out_of_date.original_rev, ) ) cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) cfg.write(config) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 expected = ( f'repos:\n' f'- repo: {out_of_date.path}\n' f' rev: {out_of_date.head_rev}\n' f' hooks:\n' f' - id: foo\n' ) assert == expected def test_autoupdate_tagged_repo(tagged, in_tmpdir, store): config = make_config_from_repo(tagged.path, rev=tagged.original_rev) write_config('.', config) assert autoupdate(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: assert 'v1.2.3' in def test_autoupdate_freeze(tagged, in_tmpdir, store): config = make_config_from_repo(tagged.path, rev=tagged.original_rev) write_config('.', config) assert autoupdate(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, freeze=True, tags_only=False) == 0 with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: expected = f'rev: {tagged.head_rev} # frozen: v1.2.3' assert expected in # if we un-freeze it should remove the frozen comment assert autoupdate(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: assert 'rev: v1.2.3\n' in def test_autoupdate_tags_only(tagged, in_tmpdir, store): # add some commits after the tag git_commit(cwd=tagged.path) config = make_config_from_repo(tagged.path, rev=tagged.original_rev) write_config('.', config) assert autoupdate(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, freeze=False, tags_only=True) == 0 with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: assert 'v1.2.3' in def test_autoupdate_latest_no_config(out_of_date, in_tmpdir, store): config = make_config_from_repo( out_of_date.path, rev=out_of_date.original_rev, ) write_config('.', config) cmd_output('git', 'rm', '-r', ':/', cwd=out_of_date.path) git_commit(cwd=out_of_date.path) assert autoupdate(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 1 with open(C.CONFIG_FILE) as f: assert out_of_date.original_rev in def test_hook_disppearing_repo_raises(hook_disappearing, store): config = make_config_from_repo( hook_disappearing.path, rev=hook_disappearing.original_rev, hooks=[{'id': 'foo'}], ) info = RevInfo.from_config(config).update(tags_only=False, freeze=False) with pytest.raises(RepositoryCannotBeUpdatedError): _check_hooks_still_exist_at_rev(config, info, store) def test_autoupdate_hook_disappearing_repo(hook_disappearing, tmpdir, store): contents = ( f'repos:\n' f'- repo: {hook_disappearing.path}\n' f' rev: {hook_disappearing.original_rev}\n' f' hooks:\n' f' - id: foo\n' ) cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) cfg.write(contents) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 1 assert == contents def test_autoupdate_local_hooks(in_git_dir, store): config = sample_local_config() add_config_to_repo('.', config) assert autoupdate(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 new_config_written = read_config('.') assert len(new_config_written['repos']) == 1 assert new_config_written['repos'][0] == config def test_autoupdate_local_hooks_with_out_of_date_repo( out_of_date, in_tmpdir, store, ): stale_config = make_config_from_repo( out_of_date.path, rev=out_of_date.original_rev, check=False, ) local_config = sample_local_config() config = {'repos': [local_config, stale_config]} write_config('.', config) assert autoupdate(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 new_config_written = read_config('.') assert len(new_config_written['repos']) == 2 assert new_config_written['repos'][0] == local_config def test_autoupdate_meta_hooks(tmpdir, store): cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) cfg.write( 'repos:\n' '- repo: meta\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: check-useless-excludes\n', ) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=True) == 0 assert == ( 'repos:\n' '- repo: meta\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: check-useless-excludes\n' ) def test_updates_old_format_to_new_format(tmpdir, capsys, store): cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) cfg.write( '- repo: local\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: foo\n' ' name: foo\n' ' entry: ./bin/\n' ' language: script\n', ) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=True) == 0 contents = assert contents == ( 'repos:\n' '- repo: local\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: foo\n' ' name: foo\n' ' entry: ./bin/\n' ' language: script\n' ) out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert out == 'Configuration has been migrated.\n' def test_maintains_rev_quoting_style(tmpdir, out_of_date, store): fmt = ( 'repos:\n' '- repo: {path}\n' ' rev: "{rev}"\n' ' hooks:\n' ' - id: foo\n' '- repo: {path}\n' " rev: '{rev}'\n" ' hooks:\n' ' - id: foo\n' ) cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE) cfg.write(fmt.format(path=out_of_date.path, rev=out_of_date.original_rev)) assert autoupdate(str(cfg), store, freeze=False, tags_only=False) == 0 expected = fmt.format(path=out_of_date.path, rev=out_of_date.head_rev) assert == expected