import subprocess import sys from unittest import mock import pytest import pre_commit.constants as C from pre_commit import git from pre_commit.commands import hook_impl from pre_commit.envcontext import envcontext from pre_commit.util import cmd_output from pre_commit.util import make_executable from testing.fixtures import git_dir from testing.fixtures import sample_local_config from testing.fixtures import write_config from testing.util import cwd from testing.util import git_commit def test_validate_config_file_exists(tmpdir): cfg = tmpdir.join(C.CONFIG_FILE).ensure() hook_impl._validate_config(0, cfg, True) def test_validate_config_missing(capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: hook_impl._validate_config(123, 'DNE.yaml', False) ret, = excinfo.value.args assert ret == 1 assert capsys.readouterr().out == ( 'No DNE.yaml file was found\n' '- To temporarily silence this, run ' '`PRE_COMMIT_ALLOW_NO_CONFIG=1 git ...`\n' '- To permanently silence this, install pre-commit with the ' '--allow-missing-config option\n' '- To uninstall pre-commit run `pre-commit uninstall`\n' ) def test_validate_config_skip_missing_config(capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: hook_impl._validate_config(123, 'DNE.yaml', True) ret, = excinfo.value.args assert ret == 123 expected = '`DNE.yaml` config file not found. Skipping `pre-commit`.\n' assert capsys.readouterr().out == expected def test_validate_config_skip_via_env_variable(capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: with envcontext((('PRE_COMMIT_ALLOW_NO_CONFIG', '1'),)): hook_impl._validate_config(0, 'DNE.yaml', False) ret, = excinfo.value.args assert ret == 0 expected = '`DNE.yaml` config file not found. Skipping `pre-commit`.\n' assert capsys.readouterr().out == expected def test_run_legacy_does_not_exist(tmpdir): retv, stdin = hook_impl._run_legacy('pre-commit', tmpdir, ()) assert (retv, stdin) == (0, b'') def test_run_legacy_executes_legacy_script(tmpdir, capfd): hook = tmpdir.join('pre-commit.legacy') hook.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\necho hi "$@"\nexit 1\n') make_executable(hook) retv, stdin = hook_impl._run_legacy('pre-commit', tmpdir, ('arg1', 'arg2')) assert capfd.readouterr().out.strip() == 'hi arg1 arg2' assert (retv, stdin) == (1, b'') def test_run_legacy_pre_push_returns_stdin(tmpdir): with mock.patch.object(sys.stdin.buffer, 'read', return_value=b'stdin'): retv, stdin = hook_impl._run_legacy('pre-push', tmpdir, ()) assert (retv, stdin) == (0, b'stdin') def test_run_legacy_recursive(tmpdir): hook = tmpdir.join('pre-commit.legacy').ensure() make_executable(hook) # simulate a call being recursive def call(*_, **__): return hook_impl._run_legacy('pre-commit', tmpdir, ()) with mock.patch.object(subprocess, 'run', call): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): call() @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('hook_type', 'args'), ( ('pre-commit', []), ('pre-merge-commit', []), ('pre-push', ['branch_name', 'remote_name']), ('commit-msg', ['.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG']), ('post-commit', []), ('post-merge', ['1']), ('post-checkout', ['old_head', 'new_head', '1']), ('post-rewrite', ['amend']), # multiple choices for commit-editmsg ('prepare-commit-msg', ['.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG']), ('prepare-commit-msg', ['.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG', 'message']), ('prepare-commit-msg', ['.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG', 'commit', 'deadbeef']), ), ) def test_check_args_length_ok(hook_type, args): hook_impl._check_args_length(hook_type, args) def test_check_args_length_error_too_many_plural(): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: hook_impl._check_args_length('pre-commit', ['run', '--all-files']) msg, = excinfo.value.args assert msg == ( 'hook-impl for pre-commit expected 0 arguments but got 2: ' "['run', '--all-files']" ) def test_check_args_length_error_too_many_singular(): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: hook_impl._check_args_length('commit-msg', []) msg, = excinfo.value.args assert msg == 'hook-impl for commit-msg expected 1 argument but got 0: []' def test_check_args_length_prepare_commit_msg_error(): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: hook_impl._check_args_length('prepare-commit-msg', []) msg, = excinfo.value.args assert msg == ( 'hook-impl for prepare-commit-msg expected 1, 2, or 3 arguments ' 'but got 0: []' ) def test_run_ns_pre_commit(): ns = hook_impl._run_ns('pre-commit', True, (), b'') assert ns is not None assert ns.hook_stage == 'commit' assert ns.color is True def test_run_ns_commit_msg(): ns = hook_impl._run_ns('commit-msg', False, ('.git/COMMIT_MSG',), b'') assert ns is not None assert ns.hook_stage == 'commit-msg' assert ns.color is False assert ns.commit_msg_filename == '.git/COMMIT_MSG' def test_run_ns_post_commit(): ns = hook_impl._run_ns('post-commit', True, (), b'') assert ns is not None assert ns.hook_stage == 'post-commit' assert ns.color is True def test_run_ns_post_merge(): ns = hook_impl._run_ns('post-merge', True, ('1',), b'') assert ns is not None assert ns.hook_stage == 'post-merge' assert ns.color is True assert ns.is_squash_merge == '1' def test_run_ns_post_rewrite(): ns = hook_impl._run_ns('post-rewrite', True, ('amend',), b'') assert ns is not None assert ns.hook_stage == 'post-rewrite' assert ns.color is True assert ns.rewrite_command == 'amend' def test_run_ns_post_checkout(): ns = hook_impl._run_ns('post-checkout', True, ('a', 'b', 'c'), b'') assert ns is not None assert ns.hook_stage == 'post-checkout' assert ns.color is True assert ns.from_ref == 'a' assert ns.to_ref == 'b' assert ns.checkout_type == 'c' @pytest.fixture def push_example(tempdir_factory): src = git_dir(tempdir_factory) git_commit(cwd=src) src_head = git.head_rev(src) clone = tempdir_factory.get() cmd_output('git', 'clone', src, clone) git_commit(cwd=clone) clone_head = git.head_rev(clone) return (src, src_head, clone, clone_head) def test_run_ns_pre_push_updating_branch(push_example): src, src_head, clone, clone_head = push_example with cwd(clone): args = ('origin', src) stdin = f'HEAD {clone_head} refs/heads/b {src_head}\n'.encode() ns = hook_impl._run_ns('pre-push', False, args, stdin) assert ns is not None assert ns.hook_stage == 'push' assert ns.color is False assert ns.remote_name == 'origin' assert ns.remote_url == src assert ns.from_ref == src_head assert ns.to_ref == clone_head assert ns.all_files is False def test_run_ns_pre_push_new_branch(push_example): src, src_head, clone, clone_head = push_example with cwd(clone): args = ('origin', src) stdin = f'HEAD {clone_head} refs/heads/b {hook_impl.Z40}\n'.encode() ns = hook_impl._run_ns('pre-push', False, args, stdin) assert ns is not None assert ns.from_ref == src_head assert ns.to_ref == clone_head def test_run_ns_pre_push_new_branch_existing_rev(push_example): src, src_head, clone, _ = push_example with cwd(clone): args = ('origin', src) stdin = f'HEAD {src_head} refs/heads/b2 {hook_impl.Z40}\n'.encode() ns = hook_impl._run_ns('pre-push', False, args, stdin) assert ns is None def test_pushing_orphan_branch(push_example): src, src_head, clone, _ = push_example cmd_output('git', 'checkout', '--orphan', 'b2', cwd=clone) git_commit(cwd=clone, msg='something else to get unique hash') clone_rev = git.head_rev(clone) with cwd(clone): args = ('origin', src) stdin = f'HEAD {clone_rev} refs/heads/b2 {hook_impl.Z40}\n'.encode() ns = hook_impl._run_ns('pre-push', False, args, stdin) assert ns is not None assert ns.all_files is True def test_run_ns_pre_push_deleting_branch(push_example): src, src_head, clone, _ = push_example with cwd(clone): args = ('origin', src) stdin = f'(delete) {hook_impl.Z40} refs/heads/b {src_head}'.encode() ns = hook_impl._run_ns('pre-push', False, args, stdin) assert ns is None def test_hook_impl_main_noop_pre_push(cap_out, store, push_example): src, src_head, clone, _ = push_example stdin = f'(delete) {hook_impl.Z40} refs/heads/b {src_head}'.encode() with mock.patch.object(sys.stdin.buffer, 'read', return_value=stdin): with cwd(clone): write_config('.', sample_local_config()) ret = hook_impl.hook_impl( store, config=C.CONFIG_FILE, color=False, hook_type='pre-push', hook_dir='.git/hooks', skip_on_missing_config=False, args=('origin', src), ) assert ret == 0 assert cap_out.get() == '' def test_hook_impl_main_runs_hooks(cap_out, tempdir_factory, store): with cwd(git_dir(tempdir_factory)): write_config('.', sample_local_config()) ret = hook_impl.hook_impl( store, config=C.CONFIG_FILE, color=False, hook_type='pre-commit', hook_dir='.git/hooks', skip_on_missing_config=False, args=(), ) assert ret == 0 expected = '''\ Block if "DO NOT COMMIT" is found....................(no files to check)Skipped ''' assert cap_out.get() == expected