import os from unittest import mock import pytest from pre_commit.envcontext import envcontext from pre_commit.envcontext import UNSET from pre_commit.envcontext import Var def _test(*, before, patch, expected): env = before.copy() with envcontext(patch, _env=env): assert env == expected assert env == before def test_trivial(): _test(before={}, patch={}, expected={}) def test_noop(): _test(before={'foo': 'bar'}, patch=(), expected={'foo': 'bar'}) def test_adds(): _test(before={}, patch=[('foo', 'bar')], expected={'foo': 'bar'}) def test_overrides(): _test( before={'foo': 'baz'}, patch=[('foo', 'bar')], expected={'foo': 'bar'}, ) def test_unset_but_nothing_to_unset(): _test(before={}, patch=[('foo', UNSET)], expected={}) def test_unset_things_to_remove(): _test( before={'PYTHONHOME': ''}, patch=[('PYTHONHOME', UNSET)], expected={}, ) def test_templated_environment_variable_missing(): _test( before={}, patch=[('PATH', ('~/bin:', Var('PATH')))], expected={'PATH': '~/bin:'}, ) def test_templated_environment_variable_defaults(): _test( before={}, patch=[('PATH', ('~/bin:', Var('PATH', default='/bin')))], expected={'PATH': '~/bin:/bin'}, ) def test_templated_environment_variable_there(): _test( before={'PATH': '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin'}, patch=[('PATH', ('~/bin:', Var('PATH')))], expected={'PATH': '~/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin'}, ) def test_templated_environ_sources_from_previous(): _test( before={'foo': 'bar'}, patch=( ('foo', 'baz'), ('herp', ('foo: ', Var('foo'))), ), expected={'foo': 'baz', 'herp': 'foo: bar'}, ) def test_exception_safety(): class MyError(RuntimeError): pass env = {'hello': 'world'} with pytest.raises(MyError): with envcontext((('foo', 'bar'),), _env=env): raise MyError() assert env == {'hello': 'world'} def test_integration_os_environ(): with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'FOO': 'bar'}, clear=True): assert os.environ == {'FOO': 'bar'} with envcontext((('HERP', 'derp'),)): assert os.environ == {'FOO': 'bar', 'HERP': 'derp'} assert os.environ == {'FOO': 'bar'}