from __future__ import annotations import os.path import stat import sys from unittest import mock import pytest import re_assert from pre_commit import error_handler from pre_commit.errors import FatalError from import Store from pre_commit.util import CalledProcessError from testing.util import cmd_output_mocked_pre_commit_home from testing.util import xfailif_windows @pytest.fixture def mocked_log_and_exit(): with mock.patch.object(error_handler, '_log_and_exit') as log_and_exit: yield log_and_exit def test_error_handler_no_exception(mocked_log_and_exit): with error_handler.error_handler(): pass assert mocked_log_and_exit.call_count == 0 def test_error_handler_fatal_error(mocked_log_and_exit): exc = FatalError('just a test') with error_handler.error_handler(): raise exc mocked_log_and_exit.assert_called_once_with( 'An error has occurred', 1, exc, # Tested below mock.ANY, ) pattern = re_assert.Matches( r'Traceback \(most recent call last\):\n' r' File "", line \d+, in error_handler\n' r' yield\n' r'( \^\^\^\^\^\n)?' r' File "", line \d+, ' r'in test_error_handler_fatal_error\n' r' raise exc\n' r'( \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\n)?' r'(pre_commit\.errors\.)?FatalError: just a test\n', ) pattern.assert_matches(mocked_log_and_exit.call_args[0][3]) def test_error_handler_uncaught_error(mocked_log_and_exit): exc = ValueError('another test') with error_handler.error_handler(): raise exc mocked_log_and_exit.assert_called_once_with( 'An unexpected error has occurred', 3, exc, # Tested below mock.ANY, ) pattern = re_assert.Matches( r'Traceback \(most recent call last\):\n' r' File "", line \d+, in error_handler\n' r' yield\n' r'( \^\^\^\^\^\n)?' r' File "", line \d+, ' r'in test_error_handler_uncaught_error\n' r' raise exc\n' r'( \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\n)?' r'ValueError: another test\n', ) pattern.assert_matches(mocked_log_and_exit.call_args[0][3]) def test_error_handler_keyboardinterrupt(mocked_log_and_exit): exc = KeyboardInterrupt() with error_handler.error_handler(): raise exc mocked_log_and_exit.assert_called_once_with( 'Interrupted (^C)', 130, exc, # Tested below mock.ANY, ) pattern = re_assert.Matches( r'Traceback \(most recent call last\):\n' r' File "", line \d+, in error_handler\n' r' yield\n' r'( \^\^\^\^\^\n)?' r' File "", line \d+, ' r'in test_error_handler_keyboardinterrupt\n' r' raise exc\n' r'( \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\n)?' r'KeyboardInterrupt\n', ) pattern.assert_matches(mocked_log_and_exit.call_args[0][3]) def test_log_and_exit(cap_out, mock_store_dir): tb = ( 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n' ' File "", line 2, in \n' 'pre_commit.errors.FatalError: hai\n' ) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: error_handler._log_and_exit('msg', 1, FatalError('hai'), tb) assert excinfo.value.code == 1 printed = cap_out.get() log_file = os.path.join(mock_store_dir, 'pre-commit.log') assert printed == f'msg: FatalError: hai\nCheck the log at {log_file}\n' assert os.path.exists(log_file) with open(log_file) as f: logged = pattern = re_assert.Matches( r'^### version information\n' r'\n' r'```\n' r'pre-commit version: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\n' r'git --version: git version .+\n' r'sys.version:\n' r'( .*\n)*' r'sys.executable: .*\n' r' .*\n' r'sys.platform: .*\n' r'```\n' r'\n' r'### error information\n' r'\n' r'```\n' r'msg: FatalError: hai\n' r'```\n' r'\n' r'```\n' r'Traceback \(most recent call last\):\n' r' File "", line 2, in \n' r'pre_commit\.errors\.FatalError: hai\n' r'```\n', ) pattern.assert_matches(logged) def test_error_handler_non_ascii_exception(mock_store_dir): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): with error_handler.error_handler(): raise ValueError('☃') def test_error_handler_non_utf8_exception(mock_store_dir): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): with error_handler.error_handler(): raise CalledProcessError(1, ('exe',), 0, b'error: \xa0\xe1', b'') def test_error_handler_non_stringable_exception(mock_store_dir): class C(Exception): def __str__(self): raise RuntimeError('not today!') with pytest.raises(SystemExit): with error_handler.error_handler(): raise C() def test_error_handler_no_tty(tempdir_factory): pre_commit_home = tempdir_factory.get() ret, out, _ = cmd_output_mocked_pre_commit_home( sys.executable, '-c', 'from pre_commit.error_handler import error_handler\n' 'with error_handler():\n' ' raise ValueError("\\u2603")\n', retcode=3, tempdir_factory=tempdir_factory, pre_commit_home=pre_commit_home, ) log_file = os.path.join(pre_commit_home, 'pre-commit.log') out_lines = out.splitlines() assert out_lines[-2] == 'An unexpected error has occurred: ValueError: ☃' assert out_lines[-1] == f'Check the log at {log_file}' @xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover def test_error_handler_read_only_filesystem(mock_store_dir, cap_out, capsys): # a better scenario would be if even the Store crash would be handled # but realistically we're only targetting systems where the Store has # already been set up Store() write = (stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH | stat.S_IWUSR) os.chmod(mock_store_dir, os.stat(mock_store_dir).st_mode & ~write) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): with error_handler.error_handler(): raise ValueError('ohai') output = cap_out.get() assert output.startswith( 'An unexpected error has occurred: ValueError: ohai\n' 'Failed to write to log at ', ) # our cap_out mock is imperfect so the rest of the output goes to capsys out, _ = capsys.readouterr() # the things that normally go to the log file will end up here assert '### version information' in out